Monday, October 6, 2008

Squidoo Marketing Tips For Lensmasters

By Jane Kozlinski

Internet marketers around the world are waking up to the fact that Squidoo is a powerful web 2.0 marketing system that lets them promote things and build their brands.

Getting active on Squidoo involves more than creating a web page by dragging widgets onto a page and personalizing them. In fact, you need to spend some time to hook your lens up to other pages and groups, and then build a few links from external websites.

To get you started, here are 3 quick ways to use Squidoo to increase your traffic and website income:

1. Be active on the Squidoo forums. The forums let you meet and chat with other Squidoo lensmasters, and by being nice and helpful, you can build up a network of other users who help you build your rankings for your lenses, and even bookmark your pages on other social bookmarking sites. You can even befriend advanced forum members called Squid Angels, and have them bless your web pages, and get yourself higher rankings and more traffic.

2. Squidoo also has groups - so join some, and create some. When you get involved in a group, your link can get listed their, and since the search engines love these group pages, you will get another link listed in search results, and this can lead to better lens ranking and more traffic.

3. Be active on other related Squidoo lenses - read their lens content, and post relevant useful comments with a link back to your lens. Don't just leave a "visit my lens" spam comment - be useful first, and then you can link back to your lens. If you feel the need to provide advice to the lensmaster, you might want to do that in private, rather than leave it where it might be misinterpreted.

Squidoo also has buttons that let you bookmark a lens using the popular web 2.0 bookmarking sites, like Digg, Twitter, Myspace and Stumbleupon. Try bookmarking related lenses at Squidoo, and then leave a positive comment on the lens you bookmarked, letting them know you like the lens and that you bookmarked it for them. They will very often do the same for your lenses.

Learning the need to work with others on Squidoo is a good lesson in life, since it is the exact way things work in the offline world. If you do something kind for someone, they will almost always do something kind for you, so don't be afraid to start the ball rolling, and see how far you can take your Squidoo lenses and the income they produce for you.

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