Thursday, October 9, 2008

Unique Article Wizard Articles Link Popularity Generator System

By Unique Article Wizard Affiliate

The Article Wizard is a Unique Articles Marketing System Blog Article. How do you get to the top of google? The answer to get to the top of the search engines question is you need to do two things. One thing to do is to optimize your on-page factors. There is plenty of information online about how to do that. It is not difficult. But, in itself, it is also not enough.

You can get lots of high quality, one-way, relevant links to your site from as many other sites as you possibly can. How do you get people to link to you? Have a fantastic product so that they just, spontaneously, want to tell others about your site. Pay them to link to you. Buy a text link, or offer an affiliate program.

Exchange links with them. Reciprocal links are clearly not worth as much as one-way links, and it is a lot of work to do this effectively. This can be time consuming. If you have time to do this it can be effective.

Provide them with fresh, unique content that adds value to their site in return for which they agree to post a link back to you. Loads of sites are constantly looking for fresh, unique content. They get this content by hunting through article directories, or by subscribing to a article submission service.

So, if you send out articles to such directories, your articles will end up both on the directories themselves, and on the niche sites that pick up and use our articles. And some of these are likely to be valuable "authority"-type sites. Of course it depends on the quality of your article who picks it up.

As you can see, this last method is the simplest and most powerful. It gives you hundreds or thousands of one way links, from niche, relevant sites, all for free. And you can write as many articles as you can.

All you need is some way to get a different, unique, article to each of those directories and ezine publishers. Which is, of course, what the Unique Article Wizard does effectively. Click Here to order the unique article wizard today.

But don't stop there. The main power behind this system comes when you use it regularly. Preferably once a week. Imagine getting 200 to 1800 new permanent one way links every week?

By the end of a year, you could easily have at least 15,000 or more relevant, quality, one-way links to your site! That is the power of this system. And that is why it beats every other traffic generation and SEO system on the market.

So, unless you don't have an online presence at all, isn't it time your harnessed this power for your own business? Click here now, get the early-bird discount, and get a fantastic bunch of bonuses. Click Here to get your unique article wizard and start heading for the top of google.

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