Friday, October 3, 2008

Using Subdomains, Pros and Cons

By Ricardo d Argence

Most businesses don't like to use subdomains because they feel like they give them a disadvantage in many areas, such as having a prefix name before your website, being ignored by bots and index spiders in search engines and all in all, it just doesn't look right. So let's check our facts on subdomains.

A subdomain is substitute or second level of a domain. A regular domain looks as follows: A sub domain looks like this Subdomains do not have www on the front of them.

Subdomains have a good efficiency rating. Search engine spiders don't have a specific ranking system to tell the difference between a regular and a subdomain. If your site has the correct SEO keywords and is optimized, it doesn't matter if you have a subdomain or regular domain name.

Lets say that your site has a plethora of categories in it. In searching the Internet, it is possible to search each personal section and get a positive rank.

When referenced by a search engine, a subdomain would show up with its own indicator and directory. One stategy is to create subfolders on subdomains so that search engines such as google will read the folder as a unique site.

People worry about their subdomain getting banned if the main domain name is banned. If the main domain is banned, it will have an effect on the subdomain. You see this happen often in adult content sites that have violated certain agreements that they have signed with a provider that does not want a domain used for adult material.

Again, there is nothing wrong with using a subdomain. If you want to develop each subdomain as its own entity, then by all means, do so. If not, get yourself a main domain name and use that as a certified landing page.

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