Monday, October 13, 2008

Yikes, Where Do I Start?

By Kieran Cranley

Starting an online business can be a scary and overwhelming task. There seems to be so much to learn and so many right ways and wrong ways to do things. Sometimes information overload gets so bad, you cant start.

What would you say to your driving instructor, if after your first lesson he told you to drive on your own to a destination that you have never been to which is several hundred miles away. You cant use maps, and would have $97 billed to your credit card every time you stopped and asked for directions or short cuts.

If anything goes wrong with the car, brakes, punctures overheating etc the it's your responsibility to find a garage and have it fixed and paid for. He also tells you to be careful that they don't rip you off cause of your lack of mechanical skills.

If you break speed limits or disobey any road regulations you could also get heavy fines, delays or maybe even have your car confiscated.

How confident would you as a learner be on completing this journey? I'd bet you would lose quiet a few hours sleep the night before. It's also a likely bet that you never even start the journey.

I know this might seem like a very far fetched scenario and it is when it comes to driving but in my opinion beginners on the internet face the equivalent in terms of stress and being overwhelmed. There are so many obstacles to overcome and just as you over come another larger obstacle appears.

Information overload and distractions is the main culprit behind failed online businesses. SEO, Link building, Article syndication, PPC (Pay Per Click), banner advertising, Hosting, Web 2.0.... It just goes on and on. Plus next month there will also be some new online magic pill to study.

You are left feeling that if you don't become a master of all these skills then you are doomed online. This in my opinion is the greatest cause of online failure. The truth is, you only need to master a subset or even one 2 good marketing techniques to give you the momentum you need to move to the next level online.

Think about the learning to drive scenario. How long before you become a confident driver that never worries about finding a destination or moving through busy traffic streets and motorways? How long before you are going into an electronics store to buy a GPS so you can navigate around areas you have never been before? How long before you are getting of a plane in a foreign country and renting out a car (Even if they drive on opposite sides of the road) ? I'd bet that time passed unknown to you. You didn't master driving over night but it you learned so fast it feels like it. You learned because you drove a little each day. You drove, you implemented what you learned.

Learning your online skills is exactly the same. You become skilled and can maneuver through and absorb information and concepts at lightening speed. It seems like this happened over night. It does not happen over night but the simple act of implementing what you learn (like driving) magically causes our minds and body to adopt and hone those skills even more and a quicker pace.

So the next time you feel that head of yours spinning after opening your inbox or reading some ebook. Smack your self in the forehead and say "one step at a time". Just stop thinking and start doing. Make sure that each and every day that you go to bed knowing that you took steps to move your business forward and didn't spend the day browsing the web and forums for the next quick internet marketing fix.

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