Saturday, April 19, 2008

Want To Have A Huge List? Here's How...

By Randy Swanston

Are you in the field of internet marketing and have implemented list building but still not making any money? Or Are you a beginner for List Building and don't know how to make profits from it? Here is the solution.

List building has always been a major part in an online business. Making a squeeze page and getting good visitors to it will not only get you profits but will also deepen your relationship with your customers and will strengthen your business.

Here are few secrets that will help you to develop a huge profitable list:

1. Affiliate Marketing- Affiliate marketing allows you to break out of the time-for-money trap. Affiliate program pays good residual commission and has very good conversion rates. These affiliate programs are very effective as they get you not only lists but also members (affiliates) to promote your product.

2: Never Buy Mass Email List - You could buy a list of millions of people, but how can you be sure that they are all interested in what you are selling? Having your own list of few members, you will realize how easy it is to get cash on demand from single mailing. You will see that it is not the list that counts, it is your relationship with the list and the loyalty to your id is what holds the value.

3. Customer is always right - There is always very much competition for all your products or service. Your product or service might be very much on top in sales. Not all your customers will mail you in favor of your product. Think from your customer's perspective. By just sending a reply mail to your irritated customers makes you professional from their point of view.

4. Efficient news letter - It is very much vital to have a good squeeze page. Just adding some features like Products image, your image with signature, anti-spam text and confidential guarantee will impress the visitors.

5: Promoting Articles to Drive In Traffic - Writing a good content and promoting is a very good way of getting sign-ups. Make sure you put the link only in the bio not in the content.

6. Pop-ups - Sometimes people might not find your squeeze page interesting so, adding a pop-up window will do all the work. Give away some last minute offers or just a sign-up form to subscribe for your news letter. Ask them not to leave the website as they might miss a useful service or product.

These are some of the major tips that will help you make a successful list and get you huge profits. To know more log on to ""

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