Saturday, April 19, 2008

Amazing E-zines That Grow Your Business

By Jason Pearson

Staying in touch with customers has never been simpler with the advent of email newsletters. Otherwise known as e-zines, they don't consume a lot of resources to create and can be sent as often as consumers will read them. They provide one more outlet for you to reach a highly targeted audience. Consider the following suggestions when revamping your current newsletter.

It will become more challenging as time passes to think of creative additions to your e-zine. Continue to update your format and content as needed. For example, tell readers about new products or services you offer. You can even share reviews of different features.

Use an e-zine as a way to build a stronger link with clients. If you have the space and a large enough readership, profile someone in each issue. This person could be a customer, an industry expert, or a star-performer in the office. Don't forget to include coupons or freebies in every issue as an added benefit to readers. Letting people feel like they are a part of a community will entice them to continue reading your newsletter.

E-zines can be a successful marketing tool, but only for those who distribute them effectively. Emailing your information to everyone under the sun will not get you more business. It will earn you a reputation for lazy marketing tactics.

Aside from building consumer loyalty, you can also prove yourself to be a leader in your industry with e-zines. Interviewing experts or adding technology updates can let your readers know that your business is innovative and provides dynamic solutions. Publishing this kind of information regularly takes work, but is well worth the enhancement of your company's status.

Their format varies from flashy graphics and well-designed ads to text only conversational style letters. Choose the right design based on the specific demographic you target. Aside from a clean, visually appealing design, avoid grammar errors and spelling mistakes. You may even want to enlist the services of an experienced writer.

The content of the writing, as well as the style, can win over or lose and audience quickly. Stick to short and snappy titles and sub titles. They will draw the reader in to at least skim the text.

Finally, make sure your work has been edited thoroughly for spelling, grammar and style. You may choose to take on this work yourself or to outsource various parts of your e-zine. Whether it is produced in-house or not, make sure that you deliver your readers useful and interesting content every time.

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