Thursday, October 9, 2008

How to attract thousands of free quality leads

By John Wallen

Is your internet business at a stall? No matter what you do, you get hardly any visitors and when you do, their just tire kickers, right? That can get down right frustrating when your not seeing results for all your time spent.

I know , I have been there and have used the same things you have with by networking ventures, and my results were the same as yours, minimal. Now that's not the success any of us were anticipating, but we kept on doing it, that's crazy!

I was faced with nothing but rejection from all those supposed leads my up line kept preaching to use. I have thick skin, but getting nothing but rejection doesn't create anything but animosity and many negative thoughts.

I was officially taped out of funds to keep on this path. With nothing to barely show for it, it was time to find a new way or just give up. My up line was still trying to convince me I wasn't being patient enough.

When you feel your on a negative roll, I always say get out and do something you enjoy. Get your mind away, cause it's easy to take yourself to seriously sometimes. I grabbed my gear and took off to the north woods for a few days.

When I got back , I read a message from a friend, the miracle message. The law of attraction was beginning to spin in my direction once again. This was the information anyone in business on the internet is looking for. It has helped me tremendously create a lot of success, and I it will for anyone in a internet business.

Have you ever wondered how some network marketers always make thousands every month? These professionals are always successful because the have mastered one secret that has allowed them to grow their business continually!

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