Thursday, October 9, 2008

Web 2.0 and Social Media Change Chiropractic Internet Marketing

By Dr. Matthew Loop

I'm baffled every time I see the old marketing techniques of chiropractors that were once learned from previous consultants. How is it they settle for the same old protocol and for the same old results time and time again? We all know that the economy is practically in the toilet, and that people aren't responding to the same marketing tricks anymore.

Eric Hoffer once said," In times of change, the learners will inherit the earth while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists!" In other words, if you don't move with the times, you'll get run over by the times. Don't let your chiropractic practice disappear into dust.

Everyone knows that Web 2.0 is totally taking the globe by storm right now, and what that simply refers to is social media sharing spaces like MySpace, YouTube, Facebook, Squidoo, Digg, Friendster, and countless other sites that have found tremendous success. Web 2.0 has single-handedly transformed how people communicate online, and that includes how new businesses are attracting new patients.

I know this is true, because I've experienced it in my own practice. I have been able, within the last several years, to attract 10-20 new patients a month, not to mention other sources of streaming income by successfully using Web 2.0. My competitors can't say the same. Since my success, I have felt compelled to teach other chiropractors how to utilize this same social media phenomenon. I have basically transformed chiropractic models for acquiring new patients. And if that weren't enough, I've also showed these businesses how to make residual income using these very same web programs.

There are guys out there who call themselves "Gurus" and try to sell their outdated marketing tactics for a high price, and young innocents fall for their deceit and receive absolutely no results. I, personally, can't stand to see young and experienced business people throw their honest time and money down the toilet on these useless "gurus", and that has only inspired me further to share what truly does work. If you're not using social media, plain and simple, you aren't up-to-date with the times.

I am the original, one and only Web 2.0 social media chiropractic marketing expert, as I've helped thousands of professionals lead richer, more fulfilling lives. This is because now they have more freedom and flexibility in their schedules thanks to my guidance and mentoring. I teach business owners (in many professions) to work smarter, not harder. Slaving away 40 hours at the office is for the birds.

Before I leave you, I want to share with you a strategy that you can implement today when branding yourself on social media websites. Tell your story in no little than 6 paragraphs. Make mention of your life and the obstacles you've had to overcome to get to where you are today. You may want to have a title of "Who is (Your Name)?" People want to get to know you and see that you're a real person like them. What drives you and why do you like to help people? People aren't on these networks to hear about your business and don't like to have advertisements thrust in their face.

Get at least 3 blogs going before you start inviting friends to your profile. This is more likely to keep people on your page as you're building your name and reputation. You'll get these kinds of insider tips and so much more on my 30 "Step-by-step video training series" at the website below. In no-time you'll be navigating Web 2.0 like a pro, and with my instruction, you'll be pulling-in multiple income streams with total ease. And the success won't stop coming!

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