Friday, October 10, 2008

Web design and SEO

By Ben Fouche

Web design has become a very competitive business. Any person with basic knowledge of a computer can design a website. Many different software packages make it easy, even for the unexperienced to design a website. Anyone can now create or design a good looking website.However, to design a proper website that will be attractive to your client and also include the necessary functions such as database applications, search engine optimized pages, etc, is not always easy.

Web design is aimed to create web pages and websites in such a manner that it is suitable for interpretation and can easily be displayed by a web browser.Web design can be effectively used to attract clients or customers to your website and web pages.Web design can be seen as an art or skill when properly applied.Website design involves not only graphic design skills but also includes other Internet and IT technology skills.The ability to navigate easily through a website is definitely obtained by lots of experience and skill.

Web design is not only a skill but can also be a full-time profession. Web designers should therefore know their field. Many fly by night "web designers" cause a lot of damage to the web design industry. Potential customers are getting the wrong idea of web designers and see the whole industry in a negative light.Most websites are designed with static pages but also includes dynamic pages with interactive facilities. When a website is designed with dynamic pages, it allows the user or owner thereof to easily update these pages.

Information about certain topics get captured in the content of websites and get stored in database applisubjects and is a combination of skilled and professional applications like internet tools and other business skills like marketing and accounting knowledge. When websites are thought through and Well planned it can produce increased income for a organisation. Presentation of the website should be balanced with functionality, marketing skills and good navigation. engine optimization. This holds the key to success of most websites and e-marketing applications.

In most cases the first page or homepage of a website is is most important. However,other pagescan be designed to draw attention before your client sees your homepage. landing pages which are also called splash pages are used as the attraction in some cases. Attention of a clent get drawn by these pages and then get diverted to the main application or page wher the sale is converted. Web designers will design a home page or splash page in such a way that it will draw attention to specific areas, but also in a way that the rest of the website's pages can easily be reached. They structure and layout of splash pages is simple and meant to capture the attention of your client, the moment it opens.

URL's or the the web address refers or index each page on the world wide web, making it easy for us to find specific pages amongst the billions of other. various pages and formats like HTML, PHP, images , video, audio and other objects get linked or can be referred to by these url's or web addresses. Srearch engines and web directories also play a important role in finding information on the web. Designers of Websites should therefore know how these directories and search engines function to ensure good results when someone is searching for the content on yourwebsite.

Seo is probably the most important factor in web marketing today. Some great looking Websites can never be found on the internet because of lack in this area. Web masters and web developers make use of professionals when it comes to serious optimisation of certain keywords. Owners of Websites that are not properly optimised for search engines are a waste of time and money. Experts on SEO can easily be found on the internet, but be careful as there are alsy many fake sites and different levels of skill.

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