Sunday, April 20, 2008

The Secret Behind Traffic Generation

By Gordon Sheppard

It's always been a mystery to me, how all the internet marketing experts continue to make those "magical figures" when it comes to both website traffic and the earnings from those sites. No matter what I read or tried, I couldn't get anything to work for me.

And then I wondered if these internet "gurus" would really reveal ALL their success formulas to other budding entrepreneurs! I came to the logical conclusion that they wouldn't! While they do provide several good techniques for generating traffic towards your website, they keep the good stuff to themselves - viz. the biggest traffic generation secret!

There are some very common drawbacks with most of the traffic generation tips offered by the most successful money-making tycoons on the internet!

Let's take the example of targeted traffic acquired through pay-per-click programs. In this kind of program, it is true that you get quality web traffic your way, but the disadvantage is that you are paying a very high price for that traffic - at times as much as $5 per click! In addition, there is absolutely no guarantee that this method would give you a certain minimum percentage of "conversion." I mean, what if your competitors started clicking on those "pay-per-click" ads?

Another often method that the "gurus" recommend is search engine optimisation. Although it is possible to carry this our by yourself for free, the time, effort and knowledge required to optimise a site fully is usually prohibitive.

An alternative to search engine optimisation is article writing and submission. Again, although you can do this yourself for free, the effort and creative ability required makes it hard. There is a danger that to get your articles written, you will end up spending money on a ghost writer - if you have the budget!

Surely, there must be a better way of traffic generation than these! As a matter of fact, there is!

Here is your best way to generate your web traffic; especially if you are just starting out. Make use of the customer lists of the "gurus"! Instead of trying to build your own mailing list from nothing, team up with those who already have big mailing lists. Be sure to offer a generous commission and you will find that many will take up your offer.

Initially, it can be a bit difficult to convince them, but use a "scatter gun" approach. Contact as many people as you can; it costs nothing to do that, and they in turn don't have to spend a penny to send an email to their list, promoting your products.

Cultivating joint venture partners was the one method that was never really offered by the "gurus" very often when they were selling their home study courses. However, I have found it to be the best free method for generating traffic to your site. It was the one big secret I needed to know and use. Now you can do the same too!

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