Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Be Careful with Unlimited Bandwidth Web Hosting Providers

By Ricardo d Argence

If you have a website, one of the most important things you need to know about is bandwidth. Basically, bandwidth is the amount of data you can transfer at one time.

The less bandwidth there is, the slower the pages take to load, regardless of the amount of visitors to the site. With more visitors, each visitor is going to have to wait his or her turn if you don't have enough bandwidth to accommodate everyone. When selecting a hosting plan, you have to consider the bandwidth you will need.

Be cautious if the company offers you unlimited bandwidth or monthly transfer. It is not true if they tell you they have unlimited bandwidth. Unlimited Bandwidth doesn't exist.

I've never seen any broadband company offering an internet connection as unlimited megabytes per second. So, how could a web hosting company, which normally doesn't even own its own access lines, claims to customers that it will give them unlimited bandwidth?

With high bandwidth site that have unlimited plans, most of the time they will be disconnected. When they are disconnected, no refunds are given. Typically, the web hosting company states that the website has violated the acceptable use policy or else their terms of service.

When researching what source you will use to serve your website always read the terms of service for any hidden policies. More information about the so-called Unlimited disclaimer can be found in the fine text.

If you look first for web hosting services (those who state clearly bandwidth offered), you must attempt your best estimate and carefully monitor your usage for the first few months. When estimating, remember these factors. How many users will access your web site? How many pages to be access? How big are the graphic and HTML files?

Large multimedia files, computer programs, and file downloads require more bandwidth. Flash web sites use tons of bandwidth. Virtual Reality and full length three dimensional presentations require the most bandwidth of all.

Though it is not accurate, but still gives you something to work with until your site has been online for a while and actual traffic statistics have been generated. Don't fall for the unlimited bandwidth trap that some companies throw at you.

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Affiliate Marketing Success

By Gilbert Hernandez

The most important thing to do to become a successful affiliate marketer is to make the decision to do it. Next is to decide which method you are going to use to market your affiliate product. Then you must stick with it for long enough to know what you are doing and why it is working or not and expand from there.

One of the best places to begin your successful affiliate marketing career is article marketing. It is affordable and is a proven method of success. The idea is to get tons of backlinks to your site and to get your name out there and establish you as an expert in the niche you are choosing to go into.

Article directories, ezines and blogs are constantly looking for content and gladly print your article as long as it pertains to the subject matter they talk about. Since you provide them with free content they reciprocate by giving you a free link back to your site and some recognition as an expert in your field. The more links pointing to your site and the more places your name shows up on the internet means more vistors to your site and more sales of your affiliate product.

Submitting your article to the thousands of directories can take months. There are services that take care of this task for you. They charge a fee but it can be worth it if you find the right one.

There is a drawback to putting up the same article on all these sites. The search engines will penalize sites that have duplicate content. There is a service available that takes care of this and it also submits your site to the article directories. It is a valuable resource if you can afford it.

Another form of marketing to look into is PPC or pay per click. This involves you writing an advertisement and having it displayed by a company such as Google AdWords. Everytime someone clicks on the ad you get a visitor to your site. The fee you pay can be very small and profitable if done properly, or very expensive and detrimental to your profits if done carelessly.

This works by you writing an advertisement for you product, choosing specific keywords for it, and bidding on a price to pay for each person who clicks on that advertisement and visits your site. If you bid too much your budget gets used up way too fast. If you bid too little no one will ever see your ad.

You can also be a successful affiliate marketer by using your blog. You simply write a review of the product you are promoting on your blog and send traffic there. You can use sites like Squdoo to send traffic to your site and also create backlinks to your site. Also you can put comments on the blogs of other bloggers and leave a link there to your site.

Remember that there are many paths to becoming a successful affiliate marketer and it is a good idea to explore them all, but don't forget that it is a must to get good at one first then expand your horizons. You will be glad when you see money coming in from your efforts and even happier when you learn something new, implement it and become a super successful affiliate marketer!

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Mortal Skulls Motorcycle Club Introduces Skull Gear Apparel, Inc.

By LJ James


The Mortal Skulls Motorcycle Club based out of Long Island NY have started their own Motorcycle Gear and Apparel Business aptly named Skull Gear Apparel, Inc.

Not only will they be selling the Mortal Skulls Motorcycle Club's line of MC Support Gear, it will also include a full line of Skull Gear Apparel, Inc. Mens and Womens Clothing.

The most anticipated item at this year's launch for Skull Gear Apparel is the Infamous "Back the F#%K Off" sweat shirt that every biker loves to wear when on the road!!!

Skull Gear is working on some new products for 2009 including, Biker Jewelry, Sunglasses, Skull Figurines and more!

The idea behind Skull Gear Apparel was really a no brainier. There are so many Motorcycle Apparel Businesses being run by those who don't know the first thing about Motorcycle Clubs, The Members of the Mortal Skulls Motorcycle Club asked a great question "Who knows more about what Bikers want and love, Stuffy Corporate types or Real Bikers?"

You will find Skull Gear Apparel, Inc. at Large Motorcycle events near you this year! Or Online at http://www.MortalSkulls.com and http://www.SkullGearApparel.net for new merchandise and to order on-line!!!

When the Riding Season is Here! You need Skull Gear! Your Bro L.J. James

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Your Profits Will Explode with Unique Article Wizard Traffic

By Sonja Schuyler

Whether you are selling a product, promoting affiliate programs, or displaying Adsense or other advertising, the one thing you need is TRAFFIC - and loads of it.

Well, I tried everything. I submitted my site to several search engines. I bought classified ads. I went onto forums. I bought dozens of "traffic courses". I spent a considerable amount of money and I still did not get the traffic I was looking for.

Then I discovered Unique Article Wizard. It is so simple and easy. I write an article promoting my business, submit it, and watch the results. Customers driven straight to my site that literally exploded my profits almost overnight. Sound too good to be true! Well let me tell you it is not. Please visit the Unique Article Wizard Website

Your articles will be on as many websites as possible. Well over 3,000 directories ,websites and blogs with many more being added all the time. Wow!This is what you get with Unique Article Wizard.

Create genuine backlinks to your site. Correctly formatted links that send traffic to your website. Hundreds of links that turn into thousands and tens of thousands over time. The search engines will love you. You also get unlimited submissions for as many domains as you wish. Your credibility will increase. Your site will climb to the top of the search engines. Please visit the Unique Article Wizard Website

Programs similar to this can be very expensive. If this is going to be a long term strategy for you, I don't know why it wouldn't, you need a service that is cheap. Again, I found this with Unique Article Wizard. I plan on using it forever and you will too when you see what it can do for your business.

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Why Investing In Video Marketing Is Important

By Terry Stanfield

Video marketing is an important factor for any business online. It can help you grow your business and achieve the results you are hoping for in your market. Six of the reasons you should consider the use of video marketing efforts includes showing up on the search engines, better site ranking, saving time, cost effective, and much more.

Any business suffering on the Internet today should take advantage of the benefits of video marketing. Listed below are six reasons why your business should consider video marketing on the Internet.

1. Businesses often fail today because their company doesn't come up under search engine result pages. A solution to listing on the search engines so you can be found by the customers is video ad marketing.

2. When your online business ranks higher in the search engine results it gives you an advantage over the competition. Taking advantage of using video ad marketing will help you achieve the highest ranking with the search engines as possible.

3. When you manage your search engine marketing it can take hours and hours of work. The best solution to freeing up needed time so you can use it toward more important goals of the company is by investing in video marketing.

4. The higher an online business's website ranking is on the World Wide Web, the more credible the site is to the consumers. Video marketing can help your business achieve the best ranking possible by driving more traffic to your online website.

5. A video marketing investment is the most cost effective thing you can do for your online business because of the value. Once you see the success factors associated with video marketing you will realize it is money well spent.

6. Many businesses are removed from search engines due to not properly following the guidelines set forth for their online marketing efforts. The right video marketing requires following search engine guidelines with the use of the right tools and resources so you will not be blacklisted.

There are many reasons to consider investing in video marketing if your business needs improvement with the current efforts online. It is money well spent if your business is currently suffering and there should be no hesitation. The primary ways your business will benefit with video marketing includes better value, increase website traffic, search engine listings, saving time, and much more.

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Losing Money is Easy With a Home Business

By Philo Thropy

When you start out working at home with a Home Based Business Opportunity there are many myths and misconceptions out there. Many times these myths and misconceptions can influence you to decide against working at home. They also can be harmful because they can lead you to believe that working at home is something that it is not.

Actually, starting your own business is one of the most surefire ways that you can make a good income from home these days. When people think about being an entrepreneur, they often run in the other direction. It's easier than ever if you follow your passion.

You want a Home Business that is heavily invested in income producing techniques and that will constantly stuff your wallet. A Home Business that is the simplest way to start your own business online and that does not cost you an arm and a leg.

Starting a home business requires good strategy, consistent effort, and patience. The key steps for beginning are research the market you hope to reach. Analyze what you have to offer.

Technology has urged major changes in American commerce. The usability and security of the Internet has made it possible for more consumers to take the plunge and start a home-based business. An Internet business requires little investment of time or money to start.

You must apply credibility with your online home based businesses with the creation of a website. Your website will be a key element to the success of your business, so make sure that it is attractive and chock full of high quality content.

You've probably thought about starting a home based business before. Starting a home based business can be a little tough in the beginning stages, but becomes easier as you start to understand what exactly is needed in order to begin a successful journey as a business owner.

Social networking has become a phenomenon online today. You are probably familiar with My Space, and possibly even Facebook and others. You may be less familiar with others. You will find this to be a fantastic place to develop friendships along with helpful business contacts.

One great and free way that you can do this is to use article marketing. Anyone who has a home business online must be using article marketing. Article marketing can be done by writing your own articles or hiring someone to do it.

Your work area must be functional and completely separated from the rest of your home. Treat your home-office as if it were miles away from the rest of the house. You should be able to perform all your business responsibilities without interruptions by other residents in your home and without disrupting the other residents in your home.

While many computer lovers attempt to turn their passion for computers into a business by boarding or giving lessons, a less obvious approach may be more rewarding. The personal development industry is attractive to people who work with computers, probably because of the similarities in horse training and self growth.

When considering a home-based business, you must keep in mind ALL the benefits, not just the financial rewards. In addition to the benefits your family will experience, you will also reap some hidden benefits. You'll feel the pride of ownership, the empowerment of being in control of your own destiny, a tremendous boost in self-confidence and a feeling of accomplishment that's simply indescribable.

Conversely, if you treat your marketing business like a real business, what do you think will happen to your affiliate business? Of course that you will develop and build a strong affiliate business as time goes on. This is because you are putting real effort into building it.

With the Internet being so accessible and vast, finding a legitimate home business by doing your due diligence is easily within your reach. Get online today, right now, and start creating the life you've dreamed of having for yourself and for your family.

Online business, like any other endeavor, requires consistency for success. You may work at your own pace, but you do need to take your business seriously for others to take you seriously. You need to make sure that the goods and services that your company provides are of the best possible quality to keep your customers happy.

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Is an Exclusive MLM Lead truly an Exclusive Lead?

By David Lawrence

Does an Exclusive MLM Lead mean that you are truly the only person receiving that lead? The hopeful answer is: Sometimes! The reality is: Probably Not. Lets take a look at the many definitions or common categories that an Exclusive Lead can fall into:

Often times Exclusive means that you are only person in your particular company to receive that lead, but you still share the lead with several other people from competing companies. Other times Exclusive means that your leads are exclusive for a short amount of time such as 3-7 days. After this timeframe, the Leads are sold several more times, often averaging 5-7 times.

Often times Exclusive means that you are only person in your particular company to receive that lead, but you still share the lead with several other people from competing companies. Other times Exclusive means that your leads are exclusive for a short amount of time such as 3-7 days. After this timeframe, the Leads are sold several more times, often averaging 5-7 times.

Many times people fill out multiple responsive forms so they can compare different opportunities. You might have 3 different people thinking they have just purchased an exclusive lead only to find out later that the same person filled out 3 separate forms which went to 3 different people. Did you compare different opportunities before you decided your current company was the right fit for you?

Just because you are not the only person contacting a lead, does not mean you will not have success. What it really boils down to is sorting through your mlm lead list looking for the right people for your opportunity.

Not every opportunity is right for everyone. You might have just the opportunity they are looking for and you only spent .20 cents on the same lead that cost someone else who called them a week before you $4.00 or more.

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Making A Trademark For A Home Business Opportunity Online

By Myles Krueger

It is always important to protect yourself and your assets as a business owner of a home business opportunity online. One of the first ways to do this is by getting a trademark approved by the US government in order to protect your company name. This will be important down the road as you get bigger.

In order for you to trademark something you will have to do so with the United States Patent and Trademark Office. They provide a form online called the Trademark Electronic Application System or the TEAS that you can fill out mostly online in order to get a trademark.

Usually this is going to cost around $325 to file the form online, but it will vary based on what you have to accomplish for your trademark. If this is going to be the first time you create intellectual property or a trademark then I suggest that you don't do it yourself and get help. There is a 24 hour customer service number for the USTPO that they provide to help you with the form.

They can only take you so far so I suggest that you get a trademark lawyer that can do the rest for you. There are plenty of trademark lawyers out there that will help you through this whole process and develop a brand that is very unique from other brands that are out there. They can also help with your thought process to make sure that you are filling it out right.

The last thing you want to have to go through is re-applying after you have filled out the form once. It is possible to get declined the getting a response can take months so you don't want to have to go through all that time while your company name is unprotected. Often you can run into this problem because your name is too general or it infringes upon another companies trademark somehow.

If you are an American citizen you can turn in an application, but the same can be said for a non citizen also. You will probably have to get an EIN number in order to turn one in, but there are no worries. If you are out of the country you can always have a domestic representative like a lawyer help you by filling out the form for you.

With how complicated this can be make sure that you keep your name somewhat arbitrary because you never know how your company may change in the next decade or so and your company name might not end up applying to whatever it is that you are now doing. This will save you a lot of hassle of having to go through this process again and develop a whole new brand.

Now that you have figured out a trademark and have it approve take some time to enjoy it because you have possibly your first piece of intellectual property. This will be a lifesaver down the road as you face stiff competition and get bigger.

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Top Industry Knowledge With Team Cutting Edge

By Matt Willis

Gaining top industry knowledge is a crucial investment for a budding company. It is a primary move, and it is a must that you, as that dynamic company on the rise, would find the best mentors on the Internet.

Team Cutting Edge welcomes you, our possible trainees, who seek Internet Marketing mentors. We are excited to teach you the best of what we know, and even how to make the most out of these.

We at Team Cutting Edge started on the Internet Marketing niche in 2006, and since then, we've risen to the top spots in Google with our most updated websites.

We formed Team Cutting Edge to provide a dedicated team to help you and your company learn and apply the secrets that got us successful. We aim to share, and we would be greatly encouraged when you succeed as well.

Finding the best mentors as you start your Internet Marketing business may be the hardest thing you've had to do, but now, the search is over: you have come to the right place.

We're here to help your business soar! Sign up at Team Cutting Edge today!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Exploring Different types of Residual Income

By joe cotroneo

There are numerous types of incomes. The two most popular forms of income include that of linear and residual. Most of us are familiar with linear income. This is the income that we receive from the means of a fee for a service and/or product that is provided, a salary that we receive from an employer, and a particular wage that we are paid from performing a certain job or duties. Once we acquire the pay from our linear income, we can expect to receive no more compensation for that particular job. However, residual income is slightly different. With this particular type of income, we can continue to generate money even after we have provided the goods and/or services.

The benefits associated with residual income are easy to understand for many business owners. Keep in mind that one of the most fascinating benefits of residual income is that it persists in providing income on a continual basis. Residual income allows a business owner the time to purse other interests or projects, while actively making money. This means that you can thoroughly enjoy indulgence of compensation even after successfully completing the project when involved yourself in projects that present residual payments. A residual project keeps on paying, repeatedly.

There are a number of different types of residual income. These are many possibilities when it comes to aquiring a residual income.

You can have successful compensation for many years with residual income ideas such as writing a book, writing music and artwork as well as creating just about any type of computer software and other types of residual income projects. Although there are many individuals who may experience complexity in generating these types of media, nonetheless success will come in hardly any time at all, especially when you create an unusually well received piece of work while creating residual income.

Interest on savings and investments is also residual income. If you know how to invest, you could collect a good deal of interest over time.

Sales commissions, like those earned by insurance agents, realtors, and other professionals, count as residual income. Generally, these are commensurate with the amount of the sale. Most commissions are a percentage of the sale total, however, some correlate directly with the number of sales, instead.

Today many individuals create their own business, whether it is an online business, a real store or a home business. The profits made from such business experiences are that of residual income. When you offer services or goods that require maintenance monthly, yearly or by subscription this is especially true.

Many individuals have a large amount of land in which numerous natural resources are available. If you are one of these individuals, it is important to know that certain companies will pay you a residual income if you allow them access to the resources that are contained on your property. Normally, you will receive a payment initially, and be offered a consistent income based on the sales of the resources. This is a great method to create a residual income.

Affiliate marketing manufacturers provide an array of services and goods that create continual earnings long after the sale is successfully complete. They also allow for generation more income by making referrals to other interested parities. Many successful business owners enjoy the percentage benefits in the sales of their referrals as well.

There are numerous methods and techniques for creating your own residual income. You must keep in mind however, the knowledge that a residual income may not be sufficient to live off. When you are interested in these types of residual income, you will need to research many settings while becoming active and involved with more than just one method or technique of residual income. Once you match the income of both residual and linear, you may find yourself leaning towards making more money by using these methods or techniques of income.

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Can Your Business Survive Without Proper SEO?

By Rick london

Seeing our m.d. , we feel safer seeing that diploma on the wall. It doesn't hurt to know some of his/or her living, breathing walking patience, many of whom have reached to ripe old ages. It simply makes us feel better than ol' doc knows what he/she is doing.

When it is time to buy a vehicle, we do a little more than kick the tires. We test drive it, and often take it to our own mechanic to check the entire car or truck.

But way too often, we hire an S.E.M. (Search Engine Manager), the person who does our SEO (Search Engine Optimization) simply because we saw an attractive website that maybe had some nice testimonials on it. Did you know that the majority of people who call themselves SEM's read an E-book or two and figured they learned all they needed to know and are off to the races, charging hundreds and even thousands of dollars to tweak a few keywords or phrases and maybe get a few articles placed for you?

Next time, before hiring, ask the SEM how many websites he's moved to rank top on Google with a longtail keyword or phrase. 99% of them out there never have. Try it next time you intend to hire someone to facilitate your web marketing. What is his/her own Google Ranking. What does Alexa.com think about the site. Is it at least in the top one million? Not many place there out of the billion or so sites on the net. Mine does. And it is the number one ranking Google cartoon site for "offbeat cartoon". Check it and see. Londons Times Cartoons by Rick London.

I became an SEM purely by accident and at a very late age. I don't even pretend to know it all, or even bet the best, but I do know how it works. I started my cartoon website in 1997. It had no ranking with anyone, and Google didn't even exist then. Yahoo wouldn't even index it because I could not afford my own domain and had to have it sub-hosted. It was a very pretty site but a ?floating island?. Nobody could find us, and I had no idea what to do.

I looked on the Internet and found Internet Marketing? and called the guy. Surely he would know what to do. Maybe I could afford to pay him even on my thin budget. He came out, looked at the computer, changed up a few keywords, and my web design, created some banners, charged me a few hundred dollars and left. This would be the ?shape of things to come?. I would run into many SEM's (Search Engine Managers), who would charge me a fortune, never to be seen again.

Finally, I decided to go back to college at age 46 and learn business information management. I shopped around to see who had the very best classes (online) in this type of technology and found the best. I was surprised when they accepted me. I was later even given a scholarship. I was actually learning some new valuable skills, which made me very happy, but with mixed emotions of the dozens of so called search engine managers? who took me to the cleaners. I could only look back and say Never again.

My cartoon site has been the number 1 ranked Google for the past three years under the key phrase "offbeat cartoons". Before my education, it was not even ranked. It ranks in Alexa at about 800,000 and that number can be volatile. But on Google, it remains at number 1.

It all happened accidentally, because I decided to learn how to do it. Next time you hire an Internet marketer, you might ask him/or her ?How many search engines have you marketed that has made it to the very top of Google?? Or even better yet, ?How many have you marketed that not only got to the top, but stayed there for awhile?? If they are honest with you, they will have to tell you not many if any. Ask them how their own site ranks. That too can be a ?deal-killer? question. Did you know that the majority of SEM's have no college training and simply take information from outdated E-books written by so-called gurus,and hang out a shingle. Chances are, you may just know more than they do after a day of researching SEO on Google.

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PPC Advertising Basics

By Brian Basch

Pay per click advertising, or PPC advertising, is one of the best ways to guide visitors to your site. Every day, many service providers and other businesses use PPC campaigns to reach their target audience effectively and inexpensively. Used correctly, PPC methods can be the key to more sales and improved business.

There is an ideal list of key words or phrases that relates to your product or service when starting with your PPC advertising campaigns. You just need to find it. A quality keyword strategy is what you need to make sure you get the right audience and gain a sale. So it is important to do more than optimizing these words and this is the most tricky part of PPC advertising. Reaching the customers who will buy from you needs proper targeting that will allow you to rule out people who are not interested in your products.

Keywords can trap you in a bidding war if you're not careful and the most expensive words come with the promise of high rankings on the search page. High ranking ads get much of the traffic, particularly the highest ranked three on each page. But if the person clicking on your ad decides they don't want your product, you've paid a high price for someone to look at your site. This is way targeting your keywords is the best tactic.

The keyword's popularity decides the price you'll pay for your ads and prices can vary from one search engine to another. Costs start as low as a cent per click and get up as high as a dollar and over. That's why PPC campaigners monitor their ads, so that they can get the most out of their investment. There are tools available to help you understand what's working and what's not, this way you can tell what keywords are working by measuring clicks and sales. It's best to replace words that aren't working for you.

You need to write your advertising correctly, making sure it's a genuine offer that has something in common with the keywords or phrases. A well-designed site that has a high quality scoring with Google is likely to get the best placement. You could choose to run the advertising for a certain period of time but some sites will allow you to run it every now and then and target times or specific days.

Consider you ads carefully, as failure to achieve a high placement, or failing to make your webpage attractive to visitors, are common reasons for failed PPC ad campaigns. So, be very certain that your landing page and your ad go well together. Ads should be relevant to the keywords you're using, as well as eye-catching.

It's a good idea to test your ads by seeing how high they place on the search engine's page. Often just one word stands between you and the sort of sales you want. You can test this by using variations on keywords. Google alternates ads for its clients so they can test the success of different variations.

For small to middle sized business owners, PPC advertising is a great way to spread the word and make money. A good plan and an organized campaign are the road to success. Do things right, and you'll be able to target your ideal customer, and get many more sales.

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Internet Web Marketing

By joseph cotroneo

Get Rich Quick! That is the mantra that attracts so many people to the Internet in search of the quick buck or ready-made fortune. They come with hopes and dreams, get taken by scams and schemes and wind up disillusioned having lost money and time on schemes that only make the person offering the money. They can spend a great deal of time and money pursuing one get rich scam after another.

They string people along using the age old carrot hanging just out of reach method. First, they sell a system that is "guaranteed" to make you a fortune. A few weeks later, they will introduce the next big thing. The system you just purchased is no more; the new system is what you need to make a fortune. And it goes on and on - that carrot hanging just out of reach in front of you.

Many people don't realize this right away. Instead they keep following along, looking for the dream deal that one thing that will make them rich overnight. These scammers appeal to the emotional need in everyone to be successful. They dazzle them with glitz and glitter selling the idea that going into business on the web is so much easier than starting a real business. They know that people make decisions with their heart and emotions most times and not with their heads.

Sure, everyone wants to have a life that is better, no matter where you are from. We want to accomplish a lot and feel great about what we have done. These emotions are very strong and the people who sell these programs are well aware of this.

A good car sales man or woman for example will play on imagery to sell you a new car, he may for example suggest that this car would look wonderful in your driveway - and that you look great in it. This of course appeals to your ego and because of this it is very easy to get caught up in the emotion and pay more for a car than you originally intended.

Internet web marketing is no different; its goal is to target a hungry market of individuals who have desperate needs, the more desperate or egotistical the better the opportunity to make money from that market. For example golfer's always want to drive the ball further down the fairway as this signifies great strength, so a savvy marketer appeals to that key desire.

Understanding how and why these marketing schemes work so well is the first step to walking away from them. It puts the control back in your hands when you realize that like the car salesperson, they are just trying to "sell you something".

Once you realize that you've been had, your first instinct is to get angry. Shelve that. When you get an email promising you wealth and fortune, cars, trips and vacations all paid for, take a good look at it. Study the email to see what it is really about. Use it as an outline of how you would promote your own product that is similar to what the other guy is selling. This is a guide you can use, and if you can figure out what buttons it pushed and how it pulled on your emotions, you will understand a bit more about the sales market.

The bottom line is that you can apply many techniques for internet web marketing but understanding yourself and what drives your emotions will help your tap into others. Then you can create good landing pages pre-selling products, write good e-mail copy, because you should be capturing peoples e-mail addresses and first names on a list.

Once you have some names, make sure that you follow up with content that is excellent. Make sure you relate to the needs of your market and then provide them with what they need.

The advantages of internet web marketing are many. You do not have a big overhead, when you build your business you can do it anywhere in the world. Even while you are sleeping money can be coming in. However be pragmatic and understand you're skills and develop a solid plan that will work for you - and you will succeed.

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Follow me on Twitter and learn about Internet Marketing Online

By Todd Schuyler Twitter Scam Review

Hi, My name is Todd Schuyler. I get asked often about Internet Marketing and how to do it. I have joined Twitter and want to invite you all to join as well. Just go to http://twitter.com/toddschuyler and sign up as my follower.

It's completely free and fun! I have built some followers recently and I follow some of the top internet marketers around. I want to learn how and what they do to be successful! And now we can because of Twitter. It is truly a revolutionary marketing tool.

Twitter is so cool how it works. You just type in what your doing at the moment. People can follow up with their friends from around the world. I lining up with the top marketers from around the world. Imagine how powerful this system is to your business and it's completely free.

You can join Twitter for free. Yes it is completely free. They have a list of your email contacts already in the system. It is so easy to invite them to join you on Twitter. How does it help your marketing business you might ask?

Here is an example. I posted a quick message tonight about how I was finishing up writing an article with my http://www.uniquearticlewizard.ws marketing system. You know what. Others will benefit from this marketing system. It really is awesome. You sure get your moneys worth. Now everyone who is following me on Twitter just learned about one of my marketing systems. We all benefit.

A word of advice. Don't sign up and go in like a blaze of glory shooting off all your products. Keep it real and if your're eating dinner at the computer put it on Twitter. The number one thing is relax and have fun. Internet marketing is enjoyable if done the right way. Join Twitter and follow me.

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Blogging for money and cash online Home Business Opportunity Blog

By Internet Marketing With Blogs Review

Internet Marketing Tips Products Review Blogs. I'd like to thank you for visiting my Blogging for money and cash online blogger and wordpress tips blogs. What exactly is blogging for cash or profits. Click Here to find blogging for cash information products. You can sign up for a free marketing newsletter too.

First of all blogs are websites which have niches content or more specifically are geared around one main topic. An example would be if a blog site is about dogs you could discuss puppies,dog food,anything dog related. You would not want to put article blogs about cats on your dog blog site. Google is good at recognizing this and they give higher rankings to blog sites about one main topic.

Blogs generally started out years ago as a hobby. They were fun places to put your personal opinions online so others could respond and so on. Many blogs still are operated this way which is not a problem at all. Now blogs can be more than a hobby it can be financially rewarding.

Google adsense ads can be inserted on on your blog sites for free. When you get clicks you can get paid. The more traffic you generate the more revenue you can earn. It is very simple to use google adsense. Blog sites are very easy to set up and only take minutes. I recommend blogger and wordpress for your blog sites.

One overlooked factor with blogs is link or banner advertising. You can put them on your blog sites and be paid very well if you generate sales. I could go on and on with other blog income possibilities such as widgets,youtube videos,social marketing,etc.

Here is what most successful bloggers do. They have a plan and execute that plan. Their blogs are set up properly and the internet machinery kicks in. They start generating residuals and income even while they sleep. Here is the most important blogging for cash tip. Give the bloggers valuable content. Give your bloggers articles of value. They will come back and invite others if your blog site offers information that is informative or educational.

Here is another important key to blogging for cash online. You need the right blog templates,blog software products, blog promotional tools, ect to succeed. Click Here to go to the best store online for blogging software products. Pretty much everything you need to succeed with blogs is here. The prices are pretty affordable too. Don't break the bank with Blogging Blog Online. Make Money With Blogs Today!

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Get Off The Couch Home Business Potato

By Aspen Girl

Dreaming of having a home business is fine, but do you have something that people will spend money to buy? One look at aspiring businessmen joining the reality TV show 'American Inventor' will tell you that good intentions aren't always enough to build a business.

Choose your home-based business wisely. It is easier and you will have a quicker return on your efforts if you research and choose a company that already has a business plan in place. Look for a company that has already been in business for several years and one that offers a product that most people will want.

Make a clear assessment on the resources that you have. Identify one by one what resources you actually possess. Your human, technical and management resources should be clearly identified because you want to be sure as to where these resources are going to be allotted.

The bare truth about work at home businesses is that many people that try to accomplish it actually fail within the first 3 months. This is because they do not put enough dedication into the business. The fact is many people cannot separate pleasure time with work time, when they are running a business from home.

Most home business opportunities floating around on the internet today require you to recruit a ton of other people just like you who either need or want to make a lot of money. Often you must recruit simply an unreachable number of people in order to succeed.

You need a Home Business that deploys state of the art marketing techniques that many experts do not know about and those who do hardly ever implement. You want to work with a Home Business that will strategically rip apart the techniques from their most complex form, and put them back together in an easy to do procedure.

You may find that the easiest way to learn how to start an online home based business is to take a look at affiliate business. Essentially, you will not need to have any inventory and you will not have to worry about processing payments or customer service.

Every person wants to grow in business and the most essential factor for growing in business is finance. If you want to start or nurture your existing business, then you can move for secured business loans. These loans are made keeping in mind people like you.

Business plans will help you assess the viability of your home base business opportunity. The primary reason for a business plan is to lay out your ideas for your business, to see if it can succeed. As you work through your business plan the research you do will either validate or stop your business plans.

Determine the hours, the up front costs, the resources and the financial rewards you feel you can receive. Calculating all these factors can provide you with the realistic result as to if your Internet Business can and will be successful. There are many forms of Internet Business from home.

Make progress everyday. Yes, I mean everyday. If you really want to make your own home business work, do something everyday to help your new venture. On Saturday it might be making just one phone call or writing one article, but you will be moving in the right direction.

Bear in mind that, you're the CEO of your business, you're an entrepreneur, you're the top boss of your business. What do most of the successful entrepreneurs have in common? They will do whatever it takes to achieve their business success, their goal, and their dream.

There is the belief held by some that starting an internet home based business is simple and that anyone can do it. Although anyone can do it, I'd be doing you a disservice if I said that it is easy. The truth is that running an internet home business requires hard work and dedication.

Minimum mentality thinkers let things happen; those with a millionaire mentality make things happen. So how do you become someone who controls your life, rather than letting life control you? You embark on a lifetime journey of personal growth and development.

The real truth that all of the gurus don't want to tell you is that it is a lot easer than you think. Like everything else, making money on the internet is just a matter of knowing the field, knowing what is going on and recognizing good opportunities as opposed to bad ones.

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Creating A Trademark For A Home Business Opportunity Online

By Myles Krueger

It is always important to protect yourself and your assets as a business owner of a home business opportunity online. One of the first ways to do this is by getting a trademark approved by the US government in order to protect your company name. This will be important down the road as you get bigger.

In order for you to trademark something you will have to do so with the United States Patent and Trademark Office. They provide a form online called the Trademark Electronic Application System or the TEAS that you can fill out mostly online in order to get a trademark.

You will probably have to pay around $325 to get the trademark, but that depends on what you want to get done. If this is your first time going through this process make sure that you have thorough help with this. The USPTO actually gives an all day phone number that you can call whenever you want to assist people with questions that they have about filing for a trademark.

They can only do so much for you because they are not trained to help with business philosophy or branding so I suggest that you find yourself a good lawyer that will actually help you through this whole process to find a branded name that you can trademark that will benefit you and your company. They are great to bounce ideas off of so you can get a general direction on how to approach this process.

The last thing you want to have to go through is re-applying after you have filled out the form once. It is possible to get declined the getting a response can take months so you don't want to have to go through all that time while your company name is unprotected. Often you can run into this problem because your name is too general or it infringes upon another companies trademark somehow.

If you are an American citizen you can turn in an application, but the same can be said for a non citizen also. You will probably have to get an EIN number in order to turn one in, but there are no worries. If you are out of the country you can always have a domestic representative like a lawyer help you by filling out the form for you.

I would suggest that when you choose your name that you keep it very general because you never know how your company may change down the road and move into a new direction with products, services and philosophy. You don't want to box yourself in with a name that doesn't apply to your business anymore.

When you have finished this process take joy in it because you have now staked your claim to intellectual property. This could be the beginning of a wonderful future for your brand not having to worry about legal liabilities.

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Six Ways to get Your Video Seen Online

By Terry Stanfield

There are many ways to increase traffic to your video marketing packages. This is important to get the best benefits from your videos. The more people you can get to view your videos the more successful you will be.

When you increase website traffic through videos you get the word out about your online business. There are many ways to drive customers to your videos and to your website. Here are six simple tips you can follow to successfully drive people to watch your videos.

1. Designing announcements about your video is one of the best ways you can interest customers with your video marketing efforts. Many people practice things like email campaigns to send out to potential customers which works very well.

2. Blogs and social networking is another way to get the word out about your video marketing. When you practice social networking be sure to include a direct link to your video on blogs that are directly related to the same products and services you have to offer.

3. When you create and upload your video at various sites you must use the proper keywords and search tags. You can insert keywords inside of the video which will help increase website traffic.

4. Bookmarking is another way to tell people about your site. There are hundreds of sites you can place a direct link in a bookmarking site which will give your video ad marketing a lot of exposure.

5. Create a really good video. When your video is a good one you drive traffic to it because people tend to leave comments, which results in additional keywords to help with your video marketing.

6. Post your video on as many sites that you possibly can on the web. There are many sites around the Internet that allow you to post your own videos which will give your video ad marketing maximum exposure.

There are many things you need to consider with video marketing. Videos are an excellent way for a business to drive traffic to their site. You must use the proper keywords, blog about your video, and post on social networking sites, bookmark, and send out announcements about your videos.

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High Search Engine Rankings - Get Yours Now

By Chuck Stewart

For the last two years I have been successfully operating several web sites. I was fortunate in that I developed a process to get the sites listed in the search engines very quickly. I have been able to use this same method to get a few select keywords to rank very high, which allows the rest of the site enjoy the buoyancy effect of having a high ranking keyword. In the event you have not heard of the buoyancy effect, it is the concept that one or two keywords ranking well will lift the rest of the site in the search engine rankings.

When preparing a site for launch I will initially review a few characteristics of the site. The first things I look for on the main pages are the use of H1 and H2 tags inside the actual text on the home page. The reason for the tags is that the search engine spiders will instantly look at text contained inside of the tags to determine the overall theme of the web site. When the right tags are used and the right content is available to support them, the search engines have a very easy time determining what the site is about and can more easily include or exclude it when they encounter users looking for terms that are on your website.

I look for anchor text being used in the text on the home page. I have helped many website owners to achieve better rankings by having them remove images where the important message of the site, what it is all about, is embedded in the image. The simple fact is that, while it may look more attractive to the user, the search engines cannot read images and pull text away from the image, so it is not worthwhile to put the important message of the site in the image. I recommend using a smaller image and having the text be in a prominent position so that the user can click and go instantly to the point of interest.

I like to have a page contained in the site for each keyword being used. The search engines like to be able to specifically go to pages that are called the same as the keyword they are targeting. A page written for a wedding photographer should contain anchor text on the home page for a wedding photographer leading them to a page in the site of the same name. The search engines will know exactly what to do with that link and can quickly give it the right theme to work with.

I then move my efforts to looking for dashes and underscores in naming conventions. There are many solid examples of pages indexing better using dashes and not underscores in their name. I have no clue as to why this is but it has been proven so we should all follow the rule. If all else is equal, two pages named search-engine.htm and search_engine.htm will not rank the same. There have been lots of studies done to support this theory so I always remove the underscores from all file and page names.

I also will question the search engines to find out what they think the theme of the site really is. I have found the best tool to use is the Google Adwords Keyword Tool. I always enjoy finding out what the search engines think the site is about by looking at the main keywords it gives back as the result. I am always amazed to see what the search engines think the site is really about and then get to work fixing their perspective. Most often the issues are easily fixed by adding some H2 tags and by adding no follow lines to some of the links in the site. If you and the search engines disagree on the theme of your site the situation can easily be turned around.

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Team Cutting Edge's Best Kept Secrets

By Matt Willis

You know that the Internet would enable you to reach those financial targets you've always aimed for, but you're clueless with how to start. You have heard of people offering training, but you hadn't found any package that sits well with you just yet.

These training materials seem to be valuable, on the surface, but once you've paid for the package, all you get is something that disappoints you.

There is a premium on the knowledge of positioning a website to get to the top of the search engines, and then keeping it on top. It is therefore understandable that those who offer their training actually keep their best secrets even from the members they aim to train. Team Cutting Edge breaks that culture: we share with you our best-kept secrets!

Team Cutting Edge is here to share the very secrets that got us successful. We want to share our success with you as well, so that you would also succeed, as we have.

We welcome you aboard Team Cutting Edge, where we teach you the best of what we know: industry secrets to rocket you to the top, at a package deal you won't be able to refuse!

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Going Broke Working at Home

By Older Gent

Have you been dreaming of working from home? It is good to dream as long as you remember to take action. There are people making untold sums of cash online, but it definitely won't happen overnight.

Find a forum that caters to both your target audience and to the people who are in the same field as you. It is much easier to learn from other peoples mistakes that to make them on your own. You can save yourself a lot of time this way. Let's face it, time is money.

You will need to master the art of internet marketing. There is no way around it. Having a website just doesn't cut it by itself these days.

An effective way to raise the profile of your home base business is through sponsorship. One way to do this is by creating link exchanges on your site. This can be accomplished link at a time and will add up quickly.

The main reason you may want to start any internet business is so you can work at home. It would shock you if you realized how much time you waste in a day just getting to and from work. It could be used in so many better ways.

You need to learn about the necessary resources and techniques to be able to start an online home business, to create a Web site, and to get traffic and sales. Simply spelled out, no traffic means no visitors, which means no sales. If you have a good website that gets just 200 visitors a day, you might make more money per month than your full time job.

Your search in narrowing down to a specific group of people will generate the traffic you need for your business. This is known as focusing on a niche. Niche sales can be very powerful.

Every penny counts in the beginning stages of your business. A prudent business owner does not let money slip through his fingers. Creating a budget is vital to the chance of your success.

Once you have chosen your business and gotten all your permits, tax numbers, etc, you will need to start marketing your new business. This is the step that will make or break you. Tread very carefully in these waters.

Do not blow a lot of money on buying leads. Avoid expensive cost per click campaigns. 95% of all people lose money on CPC. It's a sad but true fact.

The aggressive gain many riches. This means you must act on your desires. Instead of making one call or contact a day, make ten.

With the vast services, products, and information the Internet offers today it's easy to become overwhelmed. Take a deep breathe and tackle each opportunity one step at a time. You don't have to do everything in one day.

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Helpful Ways to Tap Into Your Right Brain

By Celine Horan

Sometimes working a full time day job is more than a drag; it's paralyzing. Not for your body, perhaps, but for your creative energy. When you get home from work, you don't want to do anything but stare into space, or at most, absorb things like TV, movies, or internet. Below are some ways to structure your time so that you'll never lose touch with your artistic side.

Construct phases:

If you can't find half an hour every day that could be put towards imagination, then you're not trying hard enough. Even just time spent commuting could be time spent constructively day-dreaming. And when you're doing chores it's a great time to let your mind wander.

Also, when you're about to go to sleep, don't let your brain go to mush. You're relaxed, which allows good ideas to start running through your mind. Use this to your advantage.

Hold onto a 3X5 card wherever you go:

We all know about the mind blowing idea jotted on a napkin, and that's why it's not a bad idea to always have a napkin (or an index card, or a small journal) with you no matter where you go. Letting your mind wander into creative territory can also mean that you let it wander away from your long term memory, and a forgotten stroke of genius isn't going to do you any good three hours later when you need it.

Wake up earlier to make some extra time:

The mind is supposed to be the most alive when you first wake up. If you wake up a couple of minutes earlier, you'll get some extra time to let the creative juices going.

Ask yourself inquiries:

In your creative times ask yourself this very important question; "What would I do if I knew I had no financial limits, and the campaign couldn't fail?" Then let your mind go crazy with ideas from there.

Simplify your USP:

As you set your imagination free, keep in the back of your mind the simple mantra of the company's USP. This might seem limiting, but really it will help your creativity flow in a constructive direction. Without the USP, you'll be thinking of ways to make potatoes fly, when your company is in the business of helping broccoli swim.

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Work From Home Brings More Debt

By Weary Soldier

Home Business is a booming trend with no end in sight and more people are doing successful business at home today than ever before. The first steps in considering your own business is to look carefully at the advantages and disadvantages of starting a business from your house paying particular attention to how the business will affect the family environment.

Perhaps one of the biggest downfalls of those who attempt unsuccessfully to work from home is lack of self motivation. If you desire to work from home, especially if this scenario means you will be acting as your own boss, it is important to know that you have the discipline required to achieve your goals for a work from home business.

Another thing to consider when you work from home is that you need to choose a space in your house to use for the jobs online that you will do at home. You must have a place to do your work and only your work. Remember that the place that you choose will be your work office.

Getting financing is often dependent on the quality of the business plan for your home based business. A business plan for your home based business is much like a map to how your business is going to run. This business plan for your home based business will allow investors or loan officers determine if your home based business is an appropriate risk for a loan.

You cannot possibly run a successful home based business if you do not market or advertise your product or service. How are people going to know about you unless you tell them through e-mail, websites, local newspapers, etc? You have to advertise in order to get sales and enquiries coming in.

If you want to build an internet home based business but are struggling to come up with an idea, don't worry. Starting your very own internet home business can be much easier than you might expect. But don't be fooled by get rich quick schemes! Legitimate internet home based business ideas do require consistent and intelligently applied work habits.

There are far too many entrepreneurs that wait and wait to announce their new business. Typically it is because people want to further progress their site before showing it off to the public. But what you have to realize is all this does is eliminate any chance of you making money. The longer you wait, the longer it will be before you begin to make money.

The initial expenses including the cost of setting up a work space, cost of telecommuting, and the cost of suitable equipments might be beyond your reach. It is not advisable for a new entrepreneur to invest such an amount of money without being sure that his business would be successful and profitable.

When operating a home based business, you can market your business all the time. It is by far the most important thing that you will do once your system is in place. By having a system in place, we mean that you have a website, a blog, and a follow up system like an auto responder.

There are considerable benefits to owning a home based business. Some of the benefits fall into a tangible category such as the possibility of increased income and more time available for family. However, there is an equally important category of benefits that could best be described as intangible.

Be sure to practice topnotch customer service and care to encourage client loyalty. Your customers may recommend your company to their friends and personal network and this can result to increasing customer base.

One important thing is to come up with a good understanding of what you hope to get out of your home business. Some people are looking for a job, some people are looking for a turn-key business, and some people are looking to start their very own business from scratch.

One of the biggest mistakes those who work from home make is neglect creating a business plan. Oftentimes they are thinking that because they work at home, a business plan does not apply to them as it would for other types of business startups where financing is needed.

Keeping the right attitude will assist you to create a better home business. Web site traffic is a vital step to completing this process. You may need to enlist the assistance of professional press release personnel or advertising specialist. This will give you more time to be with your family and settle down from the issues that have been haunting you.

For many of us, our home is a personal hideaway from the cares of the world. For others it's a place to entertain friends and relatives, and someone is always stopping by. If you enjoy your time at home, for these or other reasons, make sure you think carefully about bringing a home business into the mix.

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Effective PPC Advertising

By Brian Basch

Advertising your products and services using a PPC (pay per click) campaign can be one of the most effective methods of spreading the word about your business. However, it's vital to do this with a good plan, since doing it wrong could actually end up costing you money. Paying attention to all the details will result in a more effective PPC campaign, and will allow you to avoid all the pitfalls. Here are some great PPC tips to help you get all the benefits of this advertising method, without the downsides.

Picking the right keywords is the first step. Saying a common keyword will best serve couldn't be farther from the ideal truth, but it may get you several clicks. Visitors who are clicking on a general key word are less likely to buy. Using a targeted key word phrase might not get the clicks of a more expensive common keyword, but is the best way to get a wide and suitable audience for the lowest cost.

Experiment with a few, more specific phrases by searching Google or another popular engine to find the one that gives you good results for your product. You can also use some of the available tools for finding good permutations of keywords, and which can offer hundreds of viable phrases for your business. Test these keywords to find the ones that are most effective.

Then, when you're confident you have the right keyword combination, it's time to start designing the advertisement. Don't skimp on time here, even the best keywords can't work in a poorly designed ad. What you need here is to compel the reader and draw them towards the headline, then seal the deal with copy that empowers the reader to click and find out more. Make sure your ad is accurate, bad descriptions will always lead to lost sales.

Make sure your ad copy includes a sense of urgency, as well as the chief benefits of the products and services you offer. Let your customer know that clicking on the ad now to make a purchase has advantages. Many ads do well by including promotional or discount information in the third line - a limited time offer is an excellent choice.

Many people click advertising sites that are first on a search page. It could result in more sales or even a visitor just accidentally clicking on the search engine. Focusing on a great advertising campaign that targets your potential customers is a good idea. Being the highest ranking ad on a search page is good too, but you have to make sure that your advertising has all the information and facts otherwise you might not get the sale.

Pay attention to the competition, too. Adjust your keywords and ad copy according to what appears to be working for them, although direct copying should be avoided. Check the results of each keyword set and the ads associated with it to find out which ones are working, and which aren't.

PPC ads are a new and uncertain entity and careful thought needs to be put into any advertising campaign for it to succeed. The best way to do this is to make sure you know what you're doing. Here's to reaching your target audience, and lots of sales.

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Six Mistakes to Avoid in Video Marketing

By Terry Stanfield

Video marketing is very important for an online business today. However, there are many ways that a business will fail when they practice the wrong techniques. It is important to utilize video properly so you are successful with your efforts to increase website traffic.

There are many common mistakes people make when they are attempting a video ad marketing campaign. These mistakes can cost a business their success. Here are six things you should avoid when you practice video marketing.

1. Use the wrong camera. If you have a camera on your cell phone it doesn't mean you should use it for professional purposes. The quality of the resolution and picture are very poor coming from a cell phone. Never shoot your videos from a cell phone or a digital camera. Be sure to have a high quality camera so you shoot a high quality video.

2. Shooting a video in a garage. One of the biggest mistakes is the location people choose. However, you can produce a video anywhere you want to but you must be mindful about the background you have. It would be wise to invest in a backdrop for your video marketing if you are limited on space.

3. Not editing the video. Many companies shoot a video for their video ad marketing and they don't edit it. They shoot the video and walk away. This leaves space and extra breaks that are unnecessary. This may also cause a video to be far too long for the customer's attention span.

4. Not marketing. When you have a video online you have to market. You can increase website traffic when you create a website page for the video and get the word out the video is ready for viewing. Who will know your video exists if you don't practice the right methods of marketing?

5. Using the wrong person. Many video marketing ads fail because they use the wrong person in the ad. Let's face it. You need someone who is pleasing to look at and who has a voice that is pleasing to hear. A scratchy or screechy voice will only drive customers away. Someone who looks funny will only cause customers to focus on how strange the person talking looks and not on your product. Make sure the 'face' of your video is someone who is nice to look at.

6. Not taking advantage of the opportunity. Video marketing is another opportunity to drive more traffic to your site. You must do everything you can with your videos. This means placing keywords in the video as an overlay. These keywords are also beneficial for search engines too. Always put your company URL in the video too.

Video marketing campaigns can go wrong in so many ways. It is important to consider many things that you should not do when you are shooting a video. These things include using a poor camera, an unattractive person, no backdrop, no editing, no marketing, and not properly taking advantage of the opportunity.

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You Should Be Creating eBooks For Traffic and Lead Generation

By Stu McLaren

A lot of people online are saying that eBooks are no longer worth creating and that you'll never make any money with them. Well, I'm here today to tell you a few reasons why you need to be creating eBooks to increase your online traffic and to act as a lead generation tool.

Why create eBooks?

Number one, people are going to visit your website if you ever give that eBook away.

Secondly, if they are coming to your website they are looking for information you might have. You are already in their mind, so if you have an eBook with the information they are looking for you're set!

I'll give you an example of what I mean. About a year ago I was the best mad in my friend's wedding. The thing is, I had never done this before and knew nothing about being a best man.

To figure out what my duties were I went onto the internet to find any information about what I should be doing. I had to go from website to website and piece together the information together, but if there had been one eBook and outlined the duties and procedures needing to be done to be a best man, I know I would have bought it.

How can I say I actually would have purchased it? Well, in the past I have bought similar eBooks on different topics I was looking for more information on and has outlined the procedure clearly.

There were two reasons why I bought these books, firstly because I was searching for the information. Secondly, the information I was looking for was nicely packaged together in a step by step procedure.

There is more than one reason to be creating an eBook. Another one is within your eBook you can advertise your products and services.

Just think of your products acting like a funnel, the marketing funnel. Your eBooks are used as products at the top of the funnel. As you make your way down the funnel the products increase in price.

You want to use the eBook to build trust and demonstrate the value that you can provide to your customers so that they are more willing and eager to buy your higher-priced items.

People buy products from people who they know, like, and trust, and who they see a lot of value from by working with them. I want you to think of an eBook as a way to demonstrate the value that you can provide to those people.

What you are doing is creating an introductory product, which will help you lead them to purchase your higher-priced products. Within your eBook you can even introduce them to those products and services which will give them that opportunity if they want to take the next step.

You can advertise your other products and services making your eBook become a platform.

One thing you do have to remember and I want to make this clear is that you don't want to make your eBook just one big sales pitch. Always make sure you are providing value in the eBook because it is your reputation that is on the line. Costumers or clients will be viewing that eBook to what value you can add to their business.

This article, for example is one method I am using. It would be wonderful if you would go and purchase my other products, attend my seminars and work closely with me. I know have to gain your trust and show you that I do provide valuable content before you go and do that.

Providing articles is one way I like to do that. Within each one I try to cram as much information as I can so that you just can't wait to read my next article or go purchase some of my products.

This philosophy should be taken within your own business and applied to your eBooks. Cram as much information into your eBooks as possible, while mixing in information about your other products and services without it sounding like one big sales pitch. People will be less likely to do more business with you if they see your eBooks as just being sale pitches, it will just turn them off.

It provides a platform to introduce your other products or services and that is a great reason why you should be creating an eBook.

Ideas will come to you when you explore the possibilities of creativity!

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There Remains Tangible Real Free Stuff Online

By Samuel Johnson

We all know that the best things in life are free. On the net, this also proves to be true. But on the net, they are called free stuff. And, if you can't find it online, there is a good chance you don't need it.

Only unsolicited advice is considered as free products; and good advice is almost never free. The online community, though, is an invaluable source of searchable expert opinion. Many experts are more than willing to publish their best advice on blogs, and in articles, all over the web. It is no longer necessary to call the doctor at the first sign of illness, or pay a lawyer for basic legal advice. Free advice, free classes, and free products for the classroom, can be found in just about every field.

The internet is revolutionizing the way people find employment, as well as how employers hire. It seems almost completely unnecessary to hire a recruiter, when online resumes, job search engines, and other related free stuff are so readily available. In addition, the option of telecommuting allows employers to pick from a wider workforce, and to do so for free.

While you may still be paying for your e-mail service, the free e-mail services now offer more features than the average user will ever need. Before paying to add-on boxes from your ISP, take a look around at some of the free products. Sign up for several boxes to separate business from your social life. You're sure to be impressed with all of the free products that free e-mail services offer.

Professionally designed websites can be costly. You do not necessarily need one at the start of your business, or for your family's personal use though. Blogs are a great for these purposes, and can offer a completely free way to organize your life or business. They allow just about anyone to convey a professional presence on the web. Also, if you do choose to purchase a domain, but do not want to pay the money for a professional web designer, look for free stuff, such as website templates, to get you started. Then, design your site with free stuff like photographs and clipart to get exactly the look you want.

There are a wide variety of fun free products you can search for online. The web is a society of people who, more often than not, really desire to become acquainted with each other, with the intention of sharing their opinions and inventions. Naturally, nearly everyone is trying to earn a living, but to do so; they will almost certainly be obliged to give away some free products.

Software can be very expensive to purchase. When things are high-priced, people usually look for ways around the expense. Programmers can design their own free products. Fortunately, for everyone else, many of them are willing to share their discount creations.

When something is being given away for free, the owner is confident that you will buy his upgrade after the fact. Or, she plans to charge for her currently free products once they have been recognized. When the maker of the free products does decide to charge, a newer company is sure to come around offering a comparable creation for free. You might be required to spend a little time probing for free products, but nothing worth finding comes without a little effort.

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What To Look For In Small Business Opportunities

By Myles Krueger

In any business it is necessary to have a vision statement which is a systematic assessment of all the factors critical to your business purpose and goals. If you do not know how, why and where are going somewhere, how will you get there? A vision statement is the formula for this.

For any business to succeed it must have a business plan and if it is not presented don't go with them. The primary value of any business plan would be to create a written outline that evaluates all aspects of the economics viability of the venture. It also includes a description and analysis of the business prospects.

If you choose to operate your own small business, this plan would be useful in a number of ways. Here are some of the reasons not to skip this valuable tool for your success. This will show you why it is important to plan.

Be conservative in predicting capital requirements, timelines, sales and profits because few business plans correctly anticipate how much money and time will be required. It's best not to ignore spelling out your strategies in the event of business adversities. Use simple language in explaining these issues.

Often new entrepreneurs depend entirely on the uniqueness of their business or their patented invention. It is best to remember that success comes to those who start businesses with great economics and not just great inventions. As you put all of these factors together, your starting model will be easier to understand.

A most common mistake new small business owners make is not picking the right business to begin with. If you do not already have one picked out, it is best to learn by working for someone else before begin your own. There can be a large gap between your concept and a business reality.

The seller of an existing business will often provide some of the financing and will be your best source of financing. This is because businesses are sold by motivated sellers. In many cases, the seller will take cash down and let you pay the rest out of earnings over a period.

Other places to seek financing are Small Business Administration, which offer loan programs. Venture capital firms, commercial banks, and credit unions are additional sources to check with for lending. If you have been planning this for a while you should have savings prepared for this purpose.

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Team Cutting Edge Leads In Innovation

By Matt Willis

Cutting Edge Marketers ROCK. They dare to be different, and they dare to ask for help. Yeah, that's right, Cutting Edge Marketers ask for help.

When you're starting any venture, you'd think that the best way to go is to strike out on your own and plumb the depths of uncharted waters, right? WRONG. The best way to go is to have someone guide you.

Team Cutting Edge is being positioned to be the source of the best Internet Marketing education and training on the Internet. We're willing to share with our trainees our biggest, baddest, and most important Internet Marketing secrets.

We, Team Cutting Edge, an Internet Marketing entrepreneurs who have worked our way to the top. We are specializing in only the best and the most innovative of Internet Marketing skills and strategies. If you're asking what's in this for you, it's this: we make sure that you get what you paid for, and that you get exactly what you need to get your company ahead.

Our industry secrets and the best of what we know are made available for you. We aim to give you the best training for the value of your investment in our company.

If you're starting your Internet Marketing business, Team Cutting Edge aims to help you learn exactly what you need to get your business of the ground.

Come aboard Team Cutting Edge today!

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