Monday, September 29, 2008

You Should Be Creating eBooks For Traffic and Lead Generation

By Stu McLaren

A lot of people online are saying that eBooks are no longer worth creating and that you'll never make any money with them. Well, I'm here today to tell you a few reasons why you need to be creating eBooks to increase your online traffic and to act as a lead generation tool.

Why create eBooks?

Number one, people are going to visit your website if you ever give that eBook away.

Secondly, if they are coming to your website they are looking for information you might have. You are already in their mind, so if you have an eBook with the information they are looking for you're set!

I'll give you an example of what I mean. About a year ago I was the best mad in my friend's wedding. The thing is, I had never done this before and knew nothing about being a best man.

To figure out what my duties were I went onto the internet to find any information about what I should be doing. I had to go from website to website and piece together the information together, but if there had been one eBook and outlined the duties and procedures needing to be done to be a best man, I know I would have bought it.

How can I say I actually would have purchased it? Well, in the past I have bought similar eBooks on different topics I was looking for more information on and has outlined the procedure clearly.

There were two reasons why I bought these books, firstly because I was searching for the information. Secondly, the information I was looking for was nicely packaged together in a step by step procedure.

There is more than one reason to be creating an eBook. Another one is within your eBook you can advertise your products and services.

Just think of your products acting like a funnel, the marketing funnel. Your eBooks are used as products at the top of the funnel. As you make your way down the funnel the products increase in price.

You want to use the eBook to build trust and demonstrate the value that you can provide to your customers so that they are more willing and eager to buy your higher-priced items.

People buy products from people who they know, like, and trust, and who they see a lot of value from by working with them. I want you to think of an eBook as a way to demonstrate the value that you can provide to those people.

What you are doing is creating an introductory product, which will help you lead them to purchase your higher-priced products. Within your eBook you can even introduce them to those products and services which will give them that opportunity if they want to take the next step.

You can advertise your other products and services making your eBook become a platform.

One thing you do have to remember and I want to make this clear is that you don't want to make your eBook just one big sales pitch. Always make sure you are providing value in the eBook because it is your reputation that is on the line. Costumers or clients will be viewing that eBook to what value you can add to their business.

This article, for example is one method I am using. It would be wonderful if you would go and purchase my other products, attend my seminars and work closely with me. I know have to gain your trust and show you that I do provide valuable content before you go and do that.

Providing articles is one way I like to do that. Within each one I try to cram as much information as I can so that you just can't wait to read my next article or go purchase some of my products.

This philosophy should be taken within your own business and applied to your eBooks. Cram as much information into your eBooks as possible, while mixing in information about your other products and services without it sounding like one big sales pitch. People will be less likely to do more business with you if they see your eBooks as just being sale pitches, it will just turn them off.

It provides a platform to introduce your other products or services and that is a great reason why you should be creating an eBook.

Ideas will come to you when you explore the possibilities of creativity!

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