Thursday, September 25, 2008

Home Business Scams: Careful! Watching out for

By George Ajourte

Millions have the same dream. Being able to stay home and still earn a living is the goal. The dream does have some obstacles. One such obstacle is home business scams. Because few real home business opportunities are available, most of the ads that you'll see are scams. Home business scams are made to take your money without giving you much at all in return. Being careful is necessary to not become the prey of these vultures.

The internet provides quick access to information, but also to scams. Staying away from scams is more difficult than you would think! Stories of not having to work and making thousands, even millions bring people in. Fancy homes and luxury toys are displayed over and again on the advertisements. To avoid being a victim, you need to know what's out there.

Many types of scams exist. One of the silliest home business scams people fall for is stuffing envelopes. Flyers and internet ads guarantee thousands of dollars for the simple task of stuffing envelopes. You end up paying for advertising materials that you are supposed to distribute so that people will send you money and a self addressed stamped envelope, in hopes you'll send them information on a home based business. You end up not getting anything; and you paid for it! Some business!

One notably dangerous home business scam involves money orders. The "company" claims to need "payment processing." They will have you accept money orders for them (sent to you by mail.) You are supposed to cash the money order at your bank. Simply wire the money to the specified location and make sure to keep your part of the money. Only problem is, those money orders are counterfeit! Your bank ends up charging you all that money, plus overdraft fees if you can't cover it. Once that money is wired, it's gone. Talk about scary home business scam!

Other sorts of home business scam are out there. Some offer lists of companies supposedly hiring home business owners. They charge you a fee. You get a crumby list of companies that never have hired home based workers! If being the scammer interests you, it too is possible! Some scams offer the opportunity to pay for information on their home based business. The only information you get is how to spam people into paying you to send them information on spamming. All this accomplishes is more spamming and more scamming.

There is always trouble when you involve yourself with these home business scams. For one thing, you usually end up losing money. If you are in need of work, losing money can be devastating. Add that to the time wasted! Some home business scams can lead to legal worries on top of everything else. If you really want to find legitimate home business opportunities, be cautious.

If you are going to look, look smartly. Go to and check out the business. Chances are that if they want money for working with them, they are probably scamming you. The golden rule is never, never give out too much personal information.

Remember that only a few home based business opportunities exist. Some of the few include working for 1-800-FLOWERS, Easter Seals Home Telemarketers, and Ver-a-fast. Each of these companies offer legitimate home based opportunities. Always take care to avoid the scammers!!

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