Monday, September 29, 2008

Internet Web Marketing

By joseph cotroneo

Get Rich Quick! That is the mantra that attracts so many people to the Internet in search of the quick buck or ready-made fortune. They come with hopes and dreams, get taken by scams and schemes and wind up disillusioned having lost money and time on schemes that only make the person offering the money. They can spend a great deal of time and money pursuing one get rich scam after another.

They string people along using the age old carrot hanging just out of reach method. First, they sell a system that is "guaranteed" to make you a fortune. A few weeks later, they will introduce the next big thing. The system you just purchased is no more; the new system is what you need to make a fortune. And it goes on and on - that carrot hanging just out of reach in front of you.

Many people don't realize this right away. Instead they keep following along, looking for the dream deal that one thing that will make them rich overnight. These scammers appeal to the emotional need in everyone to be successful. They dazzle them with glitz and glitter selling the idea that going into business on the web is so much easier than starting a real business. They know that people make decisions with their heart and emotions most times and not with their heads.

Sure, everyone wants to have a life that is better, no matter where you are from. We want to accomplish a lot and feel great about what we have done. These emotions are very strong and the people who sell these programs are well aware of this.

A good car sales man or woman for example will play on imagery to sell you a new car, he may for example suggest that this car would look wonderful in your driveway - and that you look great in it. This of course appeals to your ego and because of this it is very easy to get caught up in the emotion and pay more for a car than you originally intended.

Internet web marketing is no different; its goal is to target a hungry market of individuals who have desperate needs, the more desperate or egotistical the better the opportunity to make money from that market. For example golfer's always want to drive the ball further down the fairway as this signifies great strength, so a savvy marketer appeals to that key desire.

Understanding how and why these marketing schemes work so well is the first step to walking away from them. It puts the control back in your hands when you realize that like the car salesperson, they are just trying to "sell you something".

Once you realize that you've been had, your first instinct is to get angry. Shelve that. When you get an email promising you wealth and fortune, cars, trips and vacations all paid for, take a good look at it. Study the email to see what it is really about. Use it as an outline of how you would promote your own product that is similar to what the other guy is selling. This is a guide you can use, and if you can figure out what buttons it pushed and how it pulled on your emotions, you will understand a bit more about the sales market.

The bottom line is that you can apply many techniques for internet web marketing but understanding yourself and what drives your emotions will help your tap into others. Then you can create good landing pages pre-selling products, write good e-mail copy, because you should be capturing peoples e-mail addresses and first names on a list.

Once you have some names, make sure that you follow up with content that is excellent. Make sure you relate to the needs of your market and then provide them with what they need.

The advantages of internet web marketing are many. You do not have a big overhead, when you build your business you can do it anywhere in the world. Even while you are sleeping money can be coming in. However be pragmatic and understand you're skills and develop a solid plan that will work for you - and you will succeed.

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