Saturday, September 27, 2008

Is The Commission Blueprint Forum Worth It?

By william b.c uk

Hello, I decided to write this article because there has been quite a lot of talk recently about commission blueprint. I decided to buy it and I think that the forum section of commission blueprint is worth writing about.

For me the greatest thing about commission blueprint is the forum.

To tell you the truth I'm a little imbarrassed to say that I completely ignored the forum section of commission blueprint when I first bought it. Which is silly because all I had to do was click a button and check it out.

About a week later I suddenly remembered about the forum and decided to go and check it out. To my amazement there were already over a thousand members and the commission blueprint product was only just over a week old. Wow.

To be honest though I'm not a big fan of forums just because of the fact that you can get some silly people on there that are quite rude. But reading through the posts on the commission blueprint forum was a real pleasure and everyone there gets along.

On of the real highlights of the forum has got to be the success section. This is a real treat. This is the section where everyone posts about their success with commission blueprint and its very motivating to see that people new to the game are making money.

The commission blueprint forum is very welcoming and there are alot of people on there that are new to making money online. You can feel comfortable posting questions on the commission blueprint forum because everyone is very helpful and is willing to help.

After I had answered quite a few questions I then suddenly thought of a couple of my own questions that I needed answers to. So I made a post on the forum and within 15 minutes I had a reply from 3 people! and the first person to reply was Steve Clayton, the commission blueprint creator.

Im sure you can see that the commission blueprint forum is a great place to learn and is a great community. Hopefully I will see you there soon!

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