Friday, September 26, 2008

Writing To Make Money With Ezines

By Eagle Grey

Article marketing is considered as one of the best content-based marketing solutions in the internet today. It is commonly used by marketers to distribute information to their potential clients to build rapport and establish their expertise on their chosen niche.

Submitting the articles yourself is a time consuming task. If you can hire someone else to do that work, you will have more time overall to concentrate your efforts on other marketing tasks, including producing more articles.

If you desire to increase fresh, interested, and targeted traffic to your website, then you really need to educate yourself concerning the modern trend of article submission for backlink generation. As a rule of thumb, the more times and places that you submit your articles, the more backlinks you will generate.

Make sure your articles are as effective as possible. Don't forget to put your name at the end, and take credit for your articles. Place the URL correctly in the resource box in order for it to get counted properly. You wouldn't want to be making all your submission efforts in vain.

Articles should be of a great interest so as to get the readers down to the resource box or lead the webmasters to reprint the article as it is on their sites. The first element is to catch the eye of a reader and confer a high degree of controversy.

Make sure that the articles you write are understandable (especially by your target market), informative and interesting. The way you craft your article and present them has a significant bearing on the results of your marketing campaign.

Many article submission sites have particular fans, and so, by submitting to multiple article submission sites you can spread your articles even further. If you submit to 5 article submission sites you can expect a modest distribution to over 750 sites. This isn't bad for half an hour's work copying and pasting your article at a few submission sites.

The great thing about online article submission is that is serves two purposes. First, you will not only get traffic from the people reading the articles and clicking on your web site link, but the search engines will increase your web site ranking because you added more content to the web.

Can you make money in article marketing without outsourcing your work? Yes you can but it will take time and you will have to be very much disciplined about how many articles you write per day and understand that you are not going to generate the traffic that it takes to make big money.

One significant reason why article marketing is a must is that you can drive free quality and relevancy traffic to your affiliate website. It is obvious that if you write the quality articles along with your affiliate website in the author area, the opportunities for readers to click through and visit your affiliate website are increased.

Stay on top of the game by writing about new ideas. Avoid writing the same topics over and over again as this can annoy your readers. Get fresh ideas by subscribing to the RSS feeds of relevant websites, or by visiting forums and article submission sites.

Your website will gain traffic from article submissions in a few ways. The most simple way of getting traffic is from the reader, who clicks on your link at the end of the article to go back to your promoted website.

Optimize your articles. The success of your article marketing effort largely depends on how easy it would be for online users to find your articles online. Convince search engines to index your articles by sprinkling just the right amount of keywords on your content.

Most article submission directories will provide you information related to article length and summary, the use of HTML in your article body, how many links you are allowed to insert in your Resource Box. You will also be able to get an idea on what kind of articles will not be accepted.

Article submission has many advantages as a marketing tool. It is low in cost so any results mean it's been worth the effort to submit the articles. Article directory marketing is easy to do, in fact, much of the effort has been automated so you can literally submit hundreds of articles daily.

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