Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Affiliate Marketing Success

By Gilbert Hernandez

The most important thing to do to become a successful affiliate marketer is to make the decision to do it. Next is to decide which method you are going to use to market your affiliate product. Then you must stick with it for long enough to know what you are doing and why it is working or not and expand from there.

One of the best places to begin your successful affiliate marketing career is article marketing. It is affordable and is a proven method of success. The idea is to get tons of backlinks to your site and to get your name out there and establish you as an expert in the niche you are choosing to go into.

Article directories, ezines and blogs are constantly looking for content and gladly print your article as long as it pertains to the subject matter they talk about. Since you provide them with free content they reciprocate by giving you a free link back to your site and some recognition as an expert in your field. The more links pointing to your site and the more places your name shows up on the internet means more vistors to your site and more sales of your affiliate product.

Submitting your article to the thousands of directories can take months. There are services that take care of this task for you. They charge a fee but it can be worth it if you find the right one.

There is a drawback to putting up the same article on all these sites. The search engines will penalize sites that have duplicate content. There is a service available that takes care of this and it also submits your site to the article directories. It is a valuable resource if you can afford it.

Another form of marketing to look into is PPC or pay per click. This involves you writing an advertisement and having it displayed by a company such as Google AdWords. Everytime someone clicks on the ad you get a visitor to your site. The fee you pay can be very small and profitable if done properly, or very expensive and detrimental to your profits if done carelessly.

This works by you writing an advertisement for you product, choosing specific keywords for it, and bidding on a price to pay for each person who clicks on that advertisement and visits your site. If you bid too much your budget gets used up way too fast. If you bid too little no one will ever see your ad.

You can also be a successful affiliate marketer by using your blog. You simply write a review of the product you are promoting on your blog and send traffic there. You can use sites like Squdoo to send traffic to your site and also create backlinks to your site. Also you can put comments on the blogs of other bloggers and leave a link there to your site.

Remember that there are many paths to becoming a successful affiliate marketer and it is a good idea to explore them all, but don't forget that it is a must to get good at one first then expand your horizons. You will be glad when you see money coming in from your efforts and even happier when you learn something new, implement it and become a super successful affiliate marketer!

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