Thursday, September 4, 2008

5 Tips to Double Your Customers with Business Cards and Postcards


1. Perceived Value - First impressions are everything and business cards and marketing postcards are many times the first item a prospective customer receives from a business. In a few seconds that first item will establish the overall impression the customer has to whether they believe there is further value in learning more about a business. Therefore, the design quality and content layout is subliminally communicating your company's value. If the design for your marketing postcards and business cards are poor quality, unorganized, and inconsistent, then your company will be perceived to represent poor quality, be disorganized, and offer inconsistent results.

Every business should thoroughly work to make first impression marketing materials, like business cards and postcards, that create a high quality coordinated first impression for their business. One way to help with this goal is to have a single professional designer develop designs.

2. Brand Consistency - Your company's brand is what people think of you. When people notice a newspaper ad for your business or an ad on a direct mail advertising postcard, it's important that you present a clear and steady sense of who you are.

At every communication point with customers an integrated campaign will create greater results. Hence, every ad, every brochure, your website, business card, and every corporate identity element needs to be designed so it can be identified to come from a common source.

3. Message/Content Quality - As things happen in your business make sure your advertisements reflect the changes your enterprise presents. Keep the content of your ads crisp and interesting. If you offer high-quality information in your ads then your customers will value receiving them. Customers do not appreciate receiving ads full of hype. Respect your customers with the content you offer in your ads and you will increase their respect for your company. Also, be very careful with your proofreading as errors are completely unacceptable. Give attractive accurate and compelling information to make people want to do business with you.

In all your advertising make sure you emphasize the benefits you offer to your customers. The benefits are the things your customer's want to receive from using your product or service. Review the features of your products and services and develop a list of how your customers benefit from these. For example a low price can be a product feature which benefits the customers by saving him money. Make sure you mention the benefit and do not leave it up to the customer to figure out. The better you communicate benefits will make a huge difference in the effectiveness of your marketing message.

4. Self Promotion: Be Your Own Cheerleader - If you're not promoting your latest happenings (new product/service offerings, company news, upcoming educational sessions, trade shows, sales, etc.), no one else is going to. All businesses have things going on like listed above. Maximize the potential of these happenings to be successful by making sure your marketing postcards are kept fresh with the happenings of your business. Keeping fresh information on your advertising postcards tells customers that you are an active company that is on the move.

5. Track Your ROI - The only way you will know whether you marketing campaign is working is to measure results. Put in the extra effort to make sure you have data on how your business cards and marketing postcards are working. Ask your customers to critique your business cards, and note down their response. Review your notes on a periodic basis and make design changes to improve customer feedback.

For your direct mail postcard campaigns you can almost always design in a feedback loop. For example, just have the customer bring in the card for some special offer. Then by knowing how many cards you sent out and comparing that to how many cards were brought back in you can measure results. By measuring the results you can make changes for improvement on the next campaign. It is surprising how many business just do not put in the extra work needed for collecting this data and never objectively understand why their campaign results do not improve.

The Bottom Line - The business cards and marketing postcards for a business make the marketing foundation for building a healthy successful endeavor. If you pay attention to developing a consistent image, keep your information up to date and valuable, and measure your results for improvement then your achievement will be high.

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