Wednesday, September 10, 2008

6 Ways to Not Lose Your Downline

By Matt Hellstrom

How do you keep people from dropping out of your network marketing downline? This is probably the number one question of network marketers, and there are a few things you can do to help you keep more of your recruits for longer.

The longer your new distributor stays active in your organization, the more money you're going to make. Therefore, this is an extremely important part of running your business. There are many ways to help ensure they'll stick around, here are 6 ideas that have worked for me.

1. It's important to pick the right company. You're new recruits will stay involved and excited if they're part of a company they can be proud of, and that has good products. These 2 aspects of the company will help them to weather the startup pains all new distributors face.

2. Sign them up with the most expensive option your company offers. Making sure they spend some money up front will make it harder for them to bail right away. My company has a startup package that costs about $1200. This package has basically all of the products my company offers, plus several sales tools and vouchers for events included. That way my new recruit can try everything that applies to him, and turn around and sell the stuff that doesn't.

3. Help them learn to monetize their business. This is the process of earning some money right away to help offset their startup and monthly expenses until they get their MLM rolling. One way to do this is with affiliate marketing, which is promoting someone elses products online and earning a commission from them. This doesn't cost anything to do and can create some income right away.

4. Develop a personal relationship with them. This doesn't mean that you have to call them every day, but you need to get to know them. If they know that someone is interested in what they're doing, and that your success depends on theirs and vice-versa, you'll be more likely to keep them as a distributor longer. If you don't like talking to people and having relationship with them, network marketing probably isn't the business for you.

5. Give them a plan. Train them. Let them know what to expect. Don't oversell, don't tell them they'll be making $1000/month in 6 months, or that they can retire in 2 years. It's probably not going to happen, and if you tell them that in order to get them into your business, you'll be damaging them, which is not cool.

6. Don't pigeon-hole them. Just because you like to work on the internet, doesn't mean they will. Maybe they like to make cold calls, or send out postcards. Maybe they just like to talk to everyone they come in contact with. Be open-minded, and don't try to make the new recruit do what you do. There are many ways to skin this network marketing cat, so whatever you do, don't make someone do what they don't want to do.

Remember that your goal is to keep your new distributor around as long as possible. The quicker they're able to be successful, the more likely they are to stick around. Every month they stay involved is a month closer to success for them (and you). Plus, it's another month of income!

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