Friday, September 5, 2008

The Benefits of Freelance Copywriting

By Ray Edwards

There are many opportunities for Freelance Copywriters on the Internet today. Freelance copywriting generally allows you to make more money then an employed copywriter. It also frees you from the restrictions of a full-time job and allows you to dictate your own hours and workload.

Copywriting requires a great number of skills; you must know your audience, what medians are most effective, and you must be able to write something that motivates your reader into buying your product. Many copywriters take time to attend workshops, seminars, and conduct research in order to improve their skills.

Being a freelance copywriter opens up a lot of opportunities. Some of the most profitable fields are in the world of commerce, web marketing, publishing houses, online services, advertising companies, direct response ad campaigns, and many others. Freelance copywriters are hired to write sales materials in order to help companies effectively sell their products.


A freelance copywriter can handpick projects that best suits their skills and expertise. Many experts agree that freelancing is one of the best options out there because you're your own boss.

A freelance copywriter only needs to listen to what their client wants and then give it to them in a creative and effective product. Here are some helpful suggestions to think about as youre considering becoming a freelance copywriter:

1. Set some goals. Before you become a freelance copywriter you should make sure to set some goals so you know what you want. Analyze what you're good at and try to create some sort of business plan to maximize your strengths and skills.

2. Make a portfolio. This will be the first thing any potential clients see, so make sure to include your best work and any testimonials from past clients you may have. It is important that your portfolio is organized, clear, and professional if it is to impress clients.

3. You must also have a website. Having a website allows your clients to easily see your capabilities and portfolio. It also makes your clients feel better about hiring you because they have something tangible to examine when considering your bid. Lastly, a website will give you an edge over your competition. Many copywriters do not have a website, so a company will be more inclined to hire a copywriter whose site they can access over someone whom they know nothing about.

4. Build personable relationships with your clients. Working online means that you usually wont be contacting your clients face-to-face. This can make it difficult to cultivate good working relationships with your clients, so you need to work at getting to know your client. The more a client and/or a company knows you, the more likely they are to come to you again for future projects instead of hiring someone else they don't know.

If you live near your client, communicate to them that they can meet with you personally if they prefer. Also, let them know that you are always available if they have any questions or concerns. Make yourself personable, the more you seem like a real person to your client the more likely you are to have greater success.

5. Educate your clients. When you're listening to your client, don't let them completely dictate the end product of your copy. You're the expert, tell them what works, what doesn't work and why. Don't be rude, but gently explain why your methods may be more successful at selling their product.

These were just a few ideas to help you see what was involved in becoming a freelance copywriter. Hopefully you found this article informative and encouraging. Freelance work allows you to work whenever and where ever you want. And because you're your own boss you can choose whomever you work for and how much work you take on. Freelance copywriting can be a very rewarding occupation.

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