Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Coming Soon to Your Community - Free Tea Parties!

By Gayle Etcheverry

Do you ever wish things were different in the world? You can make great changes in your world with just a simple action. it was Thomas J. Peters who once said, "Celebrate what you want to see more of." Another way to describe his words is to 'be the change you wish to see in the world.' A wonderful example of a man doing just that is Guisepi from FreeTeaParty.org. He celebrates humanity by serving free tea to those he meets in the world.

Offering free tea came naturally to Guisepi. Back in 2005, he began sharing cups of tea and snacks to those who would pass him on the street. With his truck parallel parked, it was easy for people to congregate and have discussions while sharing tea with complete strangers. Before he knew it, people from different educational and financial backgrounds, races, nationalities and ages were having a peaceful time together.

Guisepi's original intention was merely to throw tea parties wherever he traveled as a way to interact with the communities he visited. It was cheap and easy to do, but most importantly, it was fun. After some time, friends and tea party attendees began to share their thoughts about how incredible these parties really were. They saw people walk away from his truck with more love, hope and ideas on how to make a positive difference in the world.

Nowadays, Guisepi provides tea from a small school bus he purchased that he named Special Edna. He always wanted a vehicle that was big enough to live in and host tea parties, but small enough that he could easily park on the street. Today, he calls this bus his home and happily shares it with those who will drink a cup of tea with him.

Guisepi says that hosting free tea parties is not a new idea. In Fact, it is a custom that dates back thousands of years. Even after all this time, people still take part in this genuine, kindred interaction of drinking tea together.

Guisepi has friends who throw their own versions of tea parties and he thinks it is great. One man he met in San Francisco was so thrilled with the idea that he decided to fulfill his longtime dream of serving free stew to people. "Not to be too cheesy, but it isn't bout the tea or a school bus - it's about real human connections, sharing ideas, self-expression and being free people" he explains.

If you want to be a part of a special, unique party such as this you can join Guisepi sometime, or even start your own! It doesn't take much to get one going, and you'll walk away from it changed for the better.

I was fortunate enough to experience one of his Free Tea Parties while he had his Tea Bus parked on Hollywood Blvd in Hollywood, California. I spent about 3 hours inside his bus, enjoying a hot cup of tea and endless conversation with people from all over the world. It was one of the purest experiences of humanity at its best - strangers living in the present moment, but feeling more like family.

Guisepi is a wonderful example of someone who is making a difference in the lives of humanity, by serving peace one cup at a time.

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