Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Copywriting Radio Ads

By Ray Edwards

Copywriting is essentially the same in all markets, you must only modify your approach depending on your audience and delivery median. This article will discuss briefly how to tap into the highly effective radio market.

You must first research your target audience in order to know how they are motivated. Research is one of the most important parts of copywriting no matter what field in which you are writing. If you fail to do your initial research, then you will fail to successfully motivate your audience into buying your product.

You should also be in contact with the station that is going to run your ad. They should give you a general idea of the listener demographics and help you tailor your message to their audience. This will also help you know which stations to work with in order to be the most successful.

Writing radio commercials requires that you be much more brief than when writing a sales letter because you only have a short amount of time in which to affect your listener.

Another good way to learn how to write your ad is by listening to your competitor's ads. Each station focuses on a narrow demographic, so ads that play repeatedly should give you clues as to what kind of ads are successful. Pattern your commercials similarly and you should begin to see success.

Here a couple of pointers to help you write better radio commercials. Make sure to not merely list a bunch of facts, but instead try to tell a story. This will catch and keep the audiences attention throughout the entire ad. If you're selling a technical product, then you should use technical jargon early on in the ad. This way your particular audience's attention will be caught early in the ad and help them listen to the entire thing. Testimonials are also very effective, so include them if you can.

Hopefully this article has helped illuminate radio copywriting for you. Listen to different radio stations to see what works. You must also do your research and continually learn about your target audience. And remember, you only have a brief amount of time to get your message across, so you have to learn to write clearly and concisely.

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