Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Easy Free Traffic Tactics You Can Profit From Today

By Anthony Chambers

We know how you feel. If you are constantly frustrated with the amount and quality of Internet traffic that you receive, we can empathize. We have been there too. It is easy to suffer from information overload these days with all the so-called free traffic tricks that everybody touts, but few really understand. No wonder new Internet marketers give up in frustration and swear off the Internet marketing scene for good.

PPC advertising is alive and well, though it is highly competitive. If you have tried using this website promotion method, you have probably lost money. You actually can get search engine traffic which results in paying visitors coming to your site to purchase what you have to offer. Moreover, it will not cost you any money to use these tactics. You just have to be willing to study them, and then take action.

1. Linking: Finding an using linking partners is a favourite tool of some SEO experts today. This strategy is often over-used , but when implemented properly, it can make a tangible difference in the type and quality of website visitors that you get. There are many linking tools and linking networks that are readily available online today, and while some are average, there are some really good ones available, such as 3waylink created by Jon Ledger. Most linking systems use a reciprocal linking system. As a traffic tactic this is a good idea, as long as you ensure that all linking partners are related to you in terms of the industry in which you are promoting. Anything else will diminish the quality of your links.

Learn to use meta tags. Meta tags can do wonders for your free traffic strategies. The fact is, that if the search engines cannot find your website you are not doing very well. If they manage to find your website, you should have the right information on the site to help these robots report back on what is on your website, and how it can help people to find you quickly. These are the purposes for which meta tags were invented. Most of the items that are useful to a search engines will be in your meta tags. Learn to use these well, and your website should become more popular.

Meta tags, for example, can tell a browser the "character set" to be used, the description of the website, and the keywords used. This is where you can get resourceful and ensure that the search engines get some valuable information about your web page. Today, the most valuable feature meta tags offer you is the ability to control to some extent, how your web pages are described by some search engines. This is a website traffic tactic worth remembering as it speaks to relevance.

3. Use Keyword-rich content that makes sense to humans. Serving up articles or other contents that provide good information about your business is one of the best ways to get people to your website and to keep them coming back. You should make use of free keyword suggestion tools such as Overture or adword tools. These will help you decide which keywords or keyword phrases will work better for your target audience. Making your website content readable and informative can earn you many repeat visitors who can subsequently become life-long customers.

SEO experts and other marketers have now agreed that one of the best strategies for bringing free traffic to your website is to create articles and publish them online. This will not just provide traffic but targeted traffic. You should not be satisfied with just traffic, but with good quality traffic. The best visitor to your site is someone who did not arrive there by accident, but was draw to your site by the promise of a solution to his problem. Your only job thereafter is to deliver on that promise.

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