Saturday, September 6, 2008

Easy Way of Beating Adwords and Making Lots of Money Fast

By Joseph Archibald

So you want to make lots of money and you want to make lots of money fast on the internet, right? The more the better, obviously.

You've been spending as much time as it is humanly possible to do giving almost all to your online venture into internet marketing but yet to no avail.

No matter how much time and effort and also money you put into this you still can't seem to get that much-needed traffic to your lovely new and highly prized website.

Right now these are all dreams with no real substance.

You have tested the directory submission methods only to find that most of the directories now charge a fee if you are to get a guaranteed submission. If you were to pay for each one you would soon be flat broke! How to make lots of money fast?

How long has it taken to get this far and how many different methods have you tried?

How much money has been "invested" seeking opportunity after opportunity because the last one that promised so much has failed to produce the goods, yet again?

I have invested in a large variety of information products and have to admit that on occasion it was my fault that I did not follow through with what the writer and (or) seller was telling me to do.

The fact is, it is very difficult to get going in internet marketing, let alone to make lots of money fast. I know it is as I have been personally trying to make my income purely internet-based now for almost a year without much success at all. I've set up the websites - one after the other - and then wondered where all the traffic was that was "promised" to me.

Some years ago now I invested in Cory Rudl's Internet Marketing Tips course. I read the documents that were posted to me from cover to cover and thought that although I don't fully understand all the concepts, it should not be too difficult to implement the ideas. The point being that back in 2002 internet marketing was a different ball game to what it is now. Back then it was more a case of getting some keywords and building a simple website around the keywords and the traffic would come to your website. No need for much in the way of marketing the website at all.

Now though things have changed, the goal posts have been moved far from where they once were. Its not the case of getting some keywords, building a website and the traffic floods in. Competition for internet marketing is so, so much stiffer now than ever before. Sure - building a website or blog is much easier than previously but its not about just grabbing keywords and hey presto! So, how to go about getting traffic to your website? How to make lots of money fast from your internet marketing pursuits? Anyone for beating adwords?

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