Saturday, September 20, 2008

Five Tips to Improve Your Postcard Marketing

By GV Custserv

Galleria Ventures has provided postcard marketing services for over 10 years. From that experience we have developed a few key tips to help our clients with their campaigns. Here are Five Ways to Improve your Postcard Marketing Campaigns' Response Rate.

1. Know your mailing list. The quality level of the list of customers or potential customers you are sending your items to is an important factor to being successful with a direct mail campaign. You need to know if your list is made up of customer's that you have done business with or is it mainly new potential customers you do not know? If it is new potential customers, do you know the demographics of the list to be able to give some focus to your advertisement? For example you will have more success with a postcard ad that is targeted for women if you know the list you are sending to is also focused on women. Therefore, you need to match your message to the right group of people (and if possible, the right group of people at just the right time).

2. Make your headline "easy to scan". A postcard advertisement only has a brief moment to capture the reader's attention. That brief moment, which has been referred to as the "golden glimpse" -- is the moment when your postcard is grabbed out of the mailbox and either lands on the desk or in the trash. An attention grabbing headline which communicates a primary benefit for your targeted recipients is the key to getting the potential reader to read on. After catching attention with a successful headline then some "skimmable" bullets after the headline giving more benefits should build enthusiastic interest. To make this happen sit down and list the features of your products or services. Then list the benefits each of these features bring to the customer. Prioritize which benefit has the most importance to your focused list of recipients. Make the headline from the benefit you chose to have the greatest importance and use the other benefits to make the supporting bullets. If a photo or artwork can help increase the impact of your primary benefit, be sure to use it.

3. Give it the Effortless to Understand Test. By now you should know that your possible clients will never know your product or package to the extent that you do. They do not have the experience of being around it everyday and therefore cannot understand it as well as you. Accordingly, the best way to continue is to be distinctly simple in the message you communicate. This is not simple, as there is a probability that you will have knowledge that you take for granted and use but your targeted recipients will not have the knowledge to easily understand your message. You may only have one opportunity to acquire attention to your message and hence achieve success in having your message read. Therefore, your message should be very simple to understand in a plain clear language. Additionally, use images when it will strengthen the understanding.

4. Complete the advertisement with a compelling offer and a call to action. The offer and call to action is the conclusion of the marketing postcard's statement. It's the culmination of what the complete postcard leads to. This is where the reader finds out whatever he or she should do to ascertain more or the reason they should take action. Be confident your proposition is pertinent and captures the reader with a deal they will not want to turn down. As the recipient is absorbed in your offer then you present your call to action so it is not lost!

5. Constantly Measure and Track your direct mail success. The number one rule for success in direct mail marketing, is to TEST. Test the offer. Test the message. Test the mail piece size. Test the postage stamp. Test everything you can think of which might persuade the reader. Through continual testing you can finally find the "formula" of success for your direct mail marketing. We recommend a split test of each new marketing postcard. To implement a split test by splitting the quantities of each campaign mailing with one thing that is different in each. Then measure the results of each and pick the one that gives the most desired results for another split test in another mailing. This process will allow your marketing message to evolve to the best performance.

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