Thursday, September 4, 2008

How Blogging can be good for Business

By Christopher B. Marquis

While I don't like sounding like a broken record, this is something so vital to the success of your business that it bears constant repetition.

A May 2008 report from the website shows that between 2007 and 2012, blog readership will climb from 94 million to an astounding 145 million.

That's 67%... Read it again.

I could spend all day telling you about the many different tips and techniques you could use to make your business a big success. However, when you have something as simple and effective as this, words just aren't enough.

You would be hard pressed to find anything else within the business world today where a projected increase of 67%, coupled with the assurance, that unless the world falls off from the shoulders of Atlas, then you can be damn well certain that it's going to happen. Do you really NEED any other reason to start your own Blog right here, right now?

Think about 'old' big online moguls such as Google or Yahoo!.

Why did they achieve so much success? Because they entered the market at the RIGHT time, when the projections for market growth were about to - and did - skyrocket.

Again, that's 67%... So if this singular fact isn't enough to get you going with a Blog, then really, nothing else will. But heck, I like to push things beyond the limit, even when it seems we've reached it.

I'm going to tell you even more reasons why you need to start blogging - right now!

If you search the web for the facts (don't worry, I've done it for you), you'll find a report from the Pew Internet and American Life Project, released in 2006. The subject was the demographics of bloggers, as well as other information about blogs.

The focus of this study was the demographics of bloggers and the reasons which they gave as their motivations as bloggers. There was a lot of interesting information in this report; I've gone ahead and pulled the most relevant of this data and presented it below.

So here are the top 5 blogging/blog points I've distilled from this report, which should be reason enough (if the first and essential one isn't) to start your own blog today:

Point #1: INCREASING READERSHIP Around 8% of U.S. internet users (12 million) have a blog. 39% of U.S. internet users (about 40 million) read blogs. That's a 5:1 ratio...and that ratio, as the report from eMarketer suggests, will likely increase.

Point #2: FOR THE MONEY? The most cited reason for running a blog (52%) is for creative reasons. Only 7% actually do it for the money. What does that tell you?

There is little competition, with so few bloggers in it for financial gain. There are a large number of successful blogs which you can emulate - in the interest of making money. What this all means is that while creativity sells, the creative types are rarely selling it. Learn from this - there is money to be made.

Point #3: EASY ON TIME Blogging is not terribly time consuming; in fact only 10% of bloggers put in ten or more hours a week on their blogs.

This is an interesting point. There are a lot of very popular blogs; the bloggers who run them are not necessarily spending all of their time maintaining them.Operating a blog (and profiting from it) might not be as hard as you once thought. This could be easy money for a very small investment of your time.

Point #4: SUBJECT MATTER When bloggers were asked which topics they generally focused upon, this tended to a hierarchy: 37% focus on their own life experience. 11% focus on issues related to public life. 7% focus on entertainment-related topics (e.g. sports, business, technology, specific hobbies, religion, etc).

The point here is that if you want a lot of viewers on an ever-increasing basis, then you'll need to allow bloggers a lot of PERSONAL space to express themselves. Today it's all about personality, about the FACE. Remember this point well.

Point #5: DEMOGRAPHICS Knowing your readership is something you need to do before you begin blogging. You want to try to capture the largest demographic possible if you intend to make your blog a profitable one.

54% of bloggers are 30 or less years of age. Bloggers are evenly divided between male and female. More bloggers live in suburban areas than live in cities. 60% of bloggers are white, 11% black, 19% English-speaking Hispanic, and 10% other.

While the demographics of the blog world don't mean that you should not consider minorities as a part of your readership, you want to go for the largest possible audience if you are trying to make money from your blog.

The best blogs will ALWAYS be those which are interesting to EVERY group, regardless of race, age, or gender. That's the real gem. That's the ticket to financial success through blogging.

So I've given you a tremendous amount of essential information here, of reasons WHY you really need to start a blog today.

Don't wait a second more - start blogging! Setting up a blog is fast and easy and usually free to boot! It also isn't going to eat up all of your time. So what are you waiting for? What else do I need to tell you?

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