Thursday, September 18, 2008

Internet Marketing - Some Free Success Tips

By George L. Kenney

Something to keep in mind whether you are making money online or offline is your attitude. Keep in mind what the late Henry Ford was quoted as saying - "It doesn't matter whether you believe you can or you believe you can't, you're right". This is a great statement to ponder when things are going a little slow in the beginning of your new online marketing endeavor.

You also want to have a solid knowledge of your product as well as several marketing techniques. The best marketers keep up with market conditions and marketing techniques, they are always learning and growing with the market. The leaders use what works and tweak it, as well as adding new techniques.

You'll also find that the most successful people in any field have a passion for what they are doing. Its funny, but they wouldn't think of what they do as work, its simply an adventure. The leaders have fun, they LOVE what they do. This tends to make them more and more successful.

Leaders in online marketing follow up with every lead and also every opportunity. And as leaders, they do on a daily basis what needs to be done. They understand that they are in charge of their own future and therefore, take responsibility.

Even though they are leaders, they still have mentors and others whom they mastermind with. Tony Robbins theory is that in order to be successful you can simply find someone who is successful at what you want to do and follow their action steps. I'm certain that everyone knows how important it is to mastermind. Napoleon Hill in his great classic "Think and Grow Rich" expressed how when two or more minds come together, they create an additional mind, this is the power of masterminding with others for new ideas.

Visualization is a strong suit of online marketers. Before they begin a new project or getting ready to launch a new product, they know what results they want to see. They are constantly focused on their goals and make adjustments in order to reach those goals.

The most successful internet marketers realize that income producing activities are paramount to their success. It is important to them to be actively marketing on a day to day basis. There are certainly other things which must be taken care of, but the most effective use of time are those activities which will take you closer to your goals. Leaders know this and live it daily.

Rendering service or going the extra mile is important to leaders. Leaders understand that you can't get until you have first given, and the give more than what is expected. They tend to promise less and give more, this is just one of the many reasons that they are always at the top.

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