Friday, September 5, 2008

Liberty League International What to Know Before You Invest

By George L. Kenney

Liberty League International is one of many home based business opportunities that you will find while searching the 'net. Is it everything that the top producers and members of the Executive Marketing Council say it is? Or is it perhaps an over-hyped opportunity which has more than run its course? As someone who has been involved with Liberty league for close to a year, I hope to answer some of those questions for you and perhaps save you thousands of dollars in the process.

The level one product is a personal development course entitled "Beyond Freedom". The course consists of a workbook, journal, plastic goal cards (the size of credit cards), a couple of pens, a set of 3 cds, a dvd, a pad of "post-it"s with beyond freedom inscribed on each and a wristband which is inscribed with "your life begins NOW". That's it and that retails for $1,495.00 plus $30.00 shipping. What is the true value of the product as a stand alone product? I know that yo can purchase a high quality journal for about $15.95, so you be the judge.

Taking a look at the compensation plan which is touted to be "second to none" in the industry, here are a few items to consider. The business model is an "Australian 2-up" which is known to be one of the most flawed plans in the home business industry. It also means that your first two "training sales" are passed up to your adviser. The pitch is that every person you sponsor will pass -up their first two "training sales to you, and those two will in turn pass-up their first two (which makes four) and so on, and so on. Don't believe it, just Google Australian 2-up and read what other experts are saying.

Another thing to be aware of with this compensation plan is the fact that after you have passed up your "training sales", your adviser has no vested interest in your future earnings. Do you really expect to be receiving a lot of advice from them? Also, when it comes to getting new members, now you and your adviser are competing for the same prospects. Does this sound a little flawed to you?

If you want to earn the really BIG BUCKS, you'll have to invest REALLY BIG BUCKS, and you are encouraged to do so from the moment you join, its called "capitalizing your business". Just so you understand, you've just invested $1,495.00 plus $30.00 shipping or $1,525.00 for an overpriced personal development course, and now its time to step up and invest an additional $7,995.00 for a three day personal development conference, but wait, that's not all, you should also invest $12,995.00 for the five day conference so you can earn "profits" on three day and five day conference ticket purchases which will be made by your associates in the future.

Lets look at how some of these numbers work out. In order for you to be in a "profit position" on any of the three levels you must first pass up two sales to your adviser right? Not always. In the Liberty (3 day) Conference and Summit (5 day) Conference tickets, there is one more catch. Check this out. Your adviser has a register for each conference. If you are in the first position on the register, four more tickets must be sold after you for you to be "released" and in a "profit" position. If your adviser isn't actively marketing, you might pass-up each of those four ticket sales at each level in order to qualify yourself. Looking at the numbers, $5,000.00 profit on each Liberty Conference ticket, plus $8,000.00 profit on each Summit Conference ticket, means that including you own purchases of these tickets plus four more of each, your adviser has the potential of earning $65,000.00 "profit" before you are even qualified to earn a DIME. Does this seem fair to you?

Before making your final decision you'll want to do some due diligence. A good place to start is online with Google. If you check out Liberty League you'll find some pretty unhappy folks out there, more than with most programs. Also check out Australian pass up programs. Many experts are now finding the same flaws which have been discussed here.

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