Friday, September 19, 2008

True Cash Gifting is Absolutely Legal

By James M. Shaw

A lot of stay at home business opportunities using the internet sound to good to be true, most of them are. Some of the available opportunities require a potential business owner to sell goods or sell services or even get involved in something that is classified as a pyramid scheme. In pyramid programs, which are not legal, the people that come in near the bottom send money to the people above them without the real ability to make a high level of money themselves. Most pyramid schemes end up getting shut down and the people at the bottom never see their money again. You can do research for days or weeks and you will not be able to find anything anywhere that states true cash gifting is illegal. The IRS tax laws even address gifting and at what monetary levels they need to be reported.

In IRS Publication 950 and Tax Code Title 29, the IRS addresses gifting to and from individuals. Individuals can give up to $12,000 to another individual during each calendar year without being liable for taxes. Also the receiver of up to $12,000 does not have to report the gift as income. There are special regulations for the gifting of more than $12,000 within one calendar year. Going into those details right now would be beyond the scope of this writing.

Things are not always as they seem. It is a real chore to sort through all of the home based or internet based businesses to find out which ones are legitimate and which ones are scams. Doing your due diligence is the best way you can go about avoiding being taken for a ride. Promises of incredible wealth within hours or days are most surely advertising ploys.

Cash gifting is all about people like you and me helping other people out. When someone receives a gift that is unexpected and given with no strings, it can transform their life. As it is given without any conditions it is truly free and a gift from another person's heart. People involved with cash gifting report a great sense of purpose and the feeling of their life taking on a new meaning.

In conclusion, if you know someone that has been talking about a cash gifting program and you have felt skeptical about it for one reason or another such as whether it is entirely legal, have no fear. Cash gifting is a great way to help those less fortunate than yourself and in turn you are rewarded for your munificence not only in monetary gains but the good feeling you get when you give your fellow man a hand. Find out if cash gifting is a program you would like to be involved with by doing research and speaking to those that are already members of a cash gifting program.

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