Monday, September 8, 2008

Five Questions That Will Bring New Ideas For Your Business

By Stu McLaren

I've got five questions for you that will help spark all kinds of new ideas for you and your business and whatever products or services you're currently offering. So I suggest you either print this article out or get a piece of paper and a pen, and write them down. These are very valuable idea stimuli that will spark a whole reaction in you, and you'll start to generate new product ideas, new services.

Lets begin with question one: In the next week, seven days what can I do to show your appreciation for your customers? In seven days, what can I do to go above and beyond for my customers? In a week, what can I do to increase my conversion rate? To increase my opt-ins? To increase the number of affiliates?

Just think: In the next seven days, what can I do...and add in all those things. Decrease refunds? Increase response rate? Increase traffic?

Anything you want to improve, would be valuable if it increased can be substituted in there. Once you ask yourself that question allow it to sink in and your imagination will start to spit out ideas. Make sure you write them down!

Question number two: What marketing ideas are successfully being used in your industry?

Look at a business in your industry that is very successful and ask yourself what marketing strategies are they using that you could apply to your business?

Question number three: What are five new ways that I can acquire customers?

Have you ever thought about that? Most of us acquire customers one particular way. We have one method of acquiring customers. Ask yourself: What are five new ways that I can acquire customers? It will set off a chain reaction of ideas for you and your business, and when you start implementing these ideas, your business inevitably is going to expand and grow and get bigger and better and bring in more revenue.

Question number four: Who could really help my idea take off and how can I make it super easy for them to do so?

That one question is an extremely powerful question. I have used that over and over to get all kinds of things in my business. You would not believe the power of that question and how I've applied it in my career.

Here it is again. What people do I know that would be able to assist me in converting my idea into reality and what can I do to make that as easy as possible for them? Extremely powerful question.

Number five question: For only $10, how could I wow blank?

Spending only $10 how could I wow my customers? For only $10 how could I wow my affiliates? My joint venture partners? Why not use this everywhere, spending only $10 how could I wow my girlfriend, boyfriend, spouse, friends?

Use this great formula to help grow your business. Use it to expand your business exponentially.

If you got as much out of this information as I did, look for my article Five More Simple Questions That Will Help Spark All Kinds Of New Ideas For Your Business!

Until then

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