Monday, September 22, 2008

A Global Mentor Will Accelerate Your Income Machine!!!!!!!!!!!!


Get Rich Quick-Are you kidding me? There is no such way. Ask the person selling you that garbage what is your success rate on the people you get to join? Less than 8% probably. How do you feel being part of the 92% that just gave up your hard earned money.

It all comes back to one simple concept. It is not how much you make but how much you keep. Bill Gates of Micro Soft was asked what was the single most important factor in building his empire?and he said have a basic knowledge of the American Tax Code.

With 175,000 New websites being built and uploaded on the internet daily, the World is putting you on NOTICE. YOU ARE ON NOTICE. You will either join this revolution or you will be left behind. There is no doubt about this. If you do not know anything about the internetSO WHATNeither did I or 1000s of others. The difference is we took a stance and said, "WE WILL NOT BE LEFT OUT". Now it is up to you, will you take action now or be left behind.

Do you realize that sitting right in your house, probably collecting dust, is your own Money Machine? Yes that computer that you write letters on or play games on has the unbelievable ability to reach millions of people across the world. People just like you and me looking for something to buy. Why are you not selling them something or assisting them to make money? You are missing out!

This journey starts with you taking action and declaring that you will not be a victim but instead you will begin building True Wealth Today. Find your Global Mentor and follow his action steps and advice. Ask them to hold you accountable and push you to get out of your comfort zone.

The days of spending $ 100,000 or more to open a business are DEAD. Did you hear me? With the Global Economy and the World Wide Web, We can outperform these businesses at almost every level. Additionally, we will make money while we sleep, while we go on vacation, while we do whatever we want. Yes it does require work, but as you build your bank account you can hire others to do much of the work and keep your work day down to 4-5 hours per day. Think I am crazy? Yeah like a fox.

Now stop what you are doing? Make a commitment to yourself that you will find a mentor that is qualified and has a great desire to build an Army of Wealth Builders that all work together for the good of each other. Don?t just pick a mentor, interview them and make sure they have good guarantees. Yes I said guarantees. This is the only way to get rid of the scammers.

Ok here it is fast and furious! 97% of Americans will work to the age of retirement and then live on a budget. What is that? You work for 47 years and now you get to live a meager life on a budget while at the same time you are now spending more of your income on your health. This is mainly due to the stress that your work put you through. This does not even sound fun. Will you take action now or will you be a 97%er. You have the power to change your future?JUST DO IT

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