Wednesday, September 10, 2008

How To Get Adobe Flash Player To Open Google Videos

By thulas

Warning note: if Google is listing your site presently, then another submission would be help hasten up listing. To locate the page in Google where the site has to be submitted, search for 'Google submit'. It is easy to understand that their page would obviously be number one on the list, but you could try other ways also to get your site get chosen faster by them.

A novel way to get Google to notice your site is via links from sites which are heavily crawled. By far the easiest and quickest method is to make use of the various directories on the internet. Directories which are high ranked are regularly checked by Google and site indexing can get done faster if you have links from any of them.

You can choose between free and paid subscription directories depending on the kind of budget you have as well as your suitability. Any business directory which operates with the same kind of interest area as your business is the best bet since Google pays a lot of importance to similarity before indexing your site. Your business and the business directory ought to operate in the same market.

DMOZ, also known as the Open Directory, is probably one of the most important directories to get listed in if you are interested in good rankings from Google. This is however not the fastest ways to get your site noticed by Google. DMOZ might take weeks or months to enlist you. This is because a category editor personally evaluates every site that is submitted and it all matters where in the line your site is located. One vital point to remember when submitting sites to DMOZ is that you must ensure that you read, understand and follow every piece of guideline and instructions to the tee.

You could also submit articles to the relevant sites and get indexed by Google. Nearly all the worthy article sites allow you to leave behind your tell tale signature box called 'About the Author' or 'Author Resource'. This is the place which is meant to carry the critical link to your site.

If the articles are good, then your articles could also be chosen by other sites for inclusion and this is another advantage of writing articles. It is to be understood though that they must carry the Author details section at all times and this gives you a free link to your site. This is one way to confirm Google noticing your site and if the articles are in conjunction to your business then you can expect the flow of traffic to increase. So in summary, you can try submitting directly to Google but I think that either directories or writing articles will work as well if not better at getting you notice.

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