Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Inexpensively Develop Long Lasting Relationships With Customers

By Stu McLaren

Customers are the lifeblood of any business. Having a good relationship with them is paramount if you want to keep them coming back and have a successful business. Here are some creative ideas I want you to write down to make that possible. The focus of all these ideas is on giving to these people. Your focus has always got to be on giving first.

In all my articles, newsletters, blogs, teleseminars, products/services and everything else that I'm involved with online, I'm just constantly trying to give you as much valuable information as I can. I'm looking to build a relationship with you, and that's got to be your focus, at all times.

What would you be able to really do for them is you are on a tight budget?

Firstly, develop an online newsletter.

I used to publish a newsletter once a month, called Insider Ideas, which people could (and still can) sign up completely free. Within each of those newsletters I try to provide as much information as I can, so they usually end up being 15 to 20 pages long. Of course, this takes a long time to put together, but I want to ensure that my customers are always feeling like they are getting more information then they expected. Customers of my newsletter continually send me testimonials explaining how grateful they are for the amount of value I put into each newsletter.

Another great idea, which I now converted my newsletter into is a to develop a blog. These basically work as an online journal. I use it as a platform for my newsletter, but blogs are be used in a variety of different ways. What is so great about blogs is that the entries don't have to be as long as my newsletter articles would have been and they allow the opportunity to keep in touch with your costumer base more frequently.

Sites like Wordpress and Blogger allow you to develop blogs for absolutely free. They are super easy to use and you can customize your blogs any way you want, and again they are free!

You can go to my blog at to see an example of one and sign up for free there.

On-line blogs and newsletter give you the opportunity to provide your costumers with tons of valuable information.

Another way you can develop relationships with your customers is by providing teleseminars. But you've got to focus on one thing: providing high-value content that people can take away and get something from.

If people are taking their time to listen to your call they don't want to have to sit through a call thats uninteresting and dull. You have to make it interesting and fun - I love using contests to spice things up.

You can have a contest for anything - I've had everything from naming a new product or service I just developed to testimonials contests and creative idea contests. Your calls should always be packed with information, engaging and make it fun. When making it fun, always remember to remain focused on providing valuable information and being of service to your costumers.

So there you have it. These are a few great (not to mention cost effective) ways to develop a better relationship with your customers and potential customers.

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