Thursday, September 18, 2008

How To Make Some Money With Adwords

By Steven J. Talrechi

Google Adwords is known to help people make millions of dollars per day. If you surf the Internet, you will find that there are a number of stories about the potential of Google Adword. This make us question ourselves that is it really possible to make so much of money with the help of Adwords or is it again one of the get- rich quick schemes to fool people.

Well the answer to this is that yes you can easily make lots of money with Adwords. You have to first understand that it will certainly need effort and knowledge of how it can be done. You will have to follow rules of Goolgle and even have to be persistent. You will then have a steady income and not just by sitting and doing nothing and just dreaming of becoming a millionaire overnight.

Let us now try to understand what is Adwords and how can it help you in making money. When you want to search something in Google, you type in a term. You will get some sort of links on the side of the page as well. These are nothing but paid advertisements to sell some product to you. It is requested by the advertisers to show this ad whenever a keyword is typed. Another advertiser is Adsense but with Google these ads are placed throughout the Internet on the websites. You would not have missed these Google ads on most of the websites. Whenever an ad is clicked, the owner of the ad makes money. Some share of their profit goes to Google too. This explains how money is made with Adwords.

Start with getting lots of web pages with Adsense ads on them. This is going to help in increasing your potential. Decide a topic for your website and focus completely on it throughout the site. You should select a topic that interests you to avoid the confusion of what should be written on the website and to make your work interesting for you. Don't just select any topic that you like but first do a little research to find out the demand and supply of different keywords. You will find plenty of services to help you in doing this and making it easier for you to narrow down your list of topics and to find a not so overpopulated niche. A website covering a subject in general will have less chances of being found than the ones explaining smaller categories of that subject. For example, a website about football will have fewer visitors as compared to a website which will break down this wider category on the topic of football into smaller categories and talk about lets say, a particular team. This increases your chances of being found.

Just deciding a topic is not enough. You have to then concentrate on writing quality content on the site. Make a number of pages and once that is done, don't be in a hurry to start putting Google ads on your pages. Wait till Google and other search engines give you a higher rank. You would not like to appear as just a commercial website just out to earn money. Try to increase traffic towards your site and only then paste ads on you pages. This process will definitely take some time but it will definitely be successful.

Overall, there is definite money to be made with Adwords. If you focus and remain persistent, the checks will get bigger and bigger.

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