Friday, September 19, 2008

Social Media: Chiropractic Marketing's Hot New Face

By Matthew Loop, DC

When speaking with the average chiropractor, it is apparent that critical entrepreneurial thinking is still not stressed in school. Hence, why many doctors never make it in the long term in practice. In fact, the chiropractic profession has the highest student loan default rate of any medical profession. Most of the reason for this that the doctors are taught to be great technicians and have good diagnostic ability but that alone does not pay the overhead each month. Many believe they will just hang-up their sign and people will flock through the door. Well, I have news for the dreamers! Times are changing very quickly and the fast learners will profit heavily and grow their practices to astonishing heights while the laggards will be sucked under with the sinking economy.

Marketing has changed rapidly in the past few years. The biggest factor affecting the change has been the advent of Web 2.0 and social networking on the internet. You may have heard these terms used but were not sure what they mean, and perhaps you feel that you can just ignore this new trend. Marketing experts agree that the future of selling is on the internet. Unless you are willing to take on the social networking sites like Myspace, Facebook and YouTube you will continue to flounder in your business.

For three years I have been teaching chiropractors and other professionals how to get the most from social media websites. I have authored and created a system of marketing that has literally transformed chiropractic as a business.

I had many well-known consultants come to me and basically beg and plead for my secret strategies I was sharing with a select group of chiropractors. Many would try and be sneaky, actually call me from private numbers but they would give me an email or contact information that I could trace-back to a consulting firm. I always thought this was funny because these guys are stuck in the realm of competition, whereas I'm an entrepreneur and creator.

During my research I observed how other chiropractors were approaching online marketing. They immediately signed up for their own profile and began spamming other members with their advertisements. Not only will this get you kicked off the website (since it is against the user agreement), but most people hate spam and the result will be the exact opposite of what you intended when you sent it in the first place. The only real way to make the most of these sites is to find a mentor; someone who has been there before and knows how to navigate the waters of Web 2.0.

If you want to succeed in social networking, you must be credible above all else. This means that your contacts and 'friends' have to feel that you bring some value to the community. Serious thought must be put in to designing your profile page, and the information that you place there. Your page should be interesting, captivating, fun and engaging.

A couple tips that I can give you for marketing on MySpace include: 1. Never send a friend request to someone unless you first type a friendly message letting them know who you are and why you want to be their friend; and 2. Keep plenty of videos on your profile page. These can be about chiropractic, or even subjects that interest you personally such as sports, music, or movies. Part of the success of social networking involves expressing your own personality to your contacts.

There has never been anything like Web 2.0 in the world of marketing. To understand how to use these sites, it is vital that you understand both the spoken and unspoken rules of participating on them. You will see immediate benefits when you finally understand how they work. The best way to do this is to find a mentor or a guide who can give you the support you need while you make yourself a part of this exciting new environment.

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