Thursday, September 11, 2008

Try These 3 Website Conversion Secrets

By J. Sinclair

You can increase your sales website's rate of website conversion with the following 3 simple-to-apply methods.

1. Your website should load in under 10 seconds.

Use the online tools provided at or a straightforward dial-up service to check your website's load time. You should be able to clock how long it takes for your website to load on a high-speed internet connection (i.e. broadband) in the United States.

The main culprits behind slow load times are graphics, so focus on these first if it takes too long to load your website. Shorten the load time of your website significantly by opting for graphic files which are still high quality but are also smaller in size. Keep in mind that incorrect use of tables can be a contributor to slow load times as well.

If you have navigated to a slowly loading website, you may have noticed the the entire site doesn't appear for 20 seconds; then...POW! The entire site appears all at once. This results from creating ONE table to hold the entire sales letter.

A better way is to use the new 'cascading style sheets' (otherwise known as CSS). Keep your material in smaller areas of at least 2-3, so that the upper page loads instantly, giving the visitor something to read while the rest of the page is loading in the background.

2. Your website should look consistent on all display resolutions and sizes.

Not every web surfer has a 21-inch monitor with 1280 by 1024 resolution. Always keep the "little guy" in mind, since some people still have 15-inch monitors set at 800 by 600.

Internet shoppers using smaller and low-resolution computer screens will be unable to view across your entire web page if you use fixed pixels in your website design. Understandably, having to scroll horizontally just to see the whole page while browsing might irritate the shopper, and that really is not conducive to your making a sale!

3. Make your site easy on the eyes.

Are you using easily-readable, standard, and readily-available fonts and font sizes? The eyes get much more tired reading from a computer screen than from a printed page.

Take a page out of a direct-marketing advertiser's guidebook. 12-point courier is the easiest to read and is the font of choice when using direct marketing mail. The purpose of using more available and common font types in your website design is to ensure consistency in your site's appearance. You may not like how your site looks when, because a visitor to your website does not have the font you used on his own computer (i.e. because it is not easily available), his browser defaults to the font selected in its settings.

For signatures, you should use a scanned image of your actual signature. Although many website designers use a script font, a website visitor may not have the script font installed.

Also, break up long text passages into shorter paragraphs and sentences. Long paragraphs without much 'white space' are more difficult to read. Leave the fine print for those sections of your website that are required but law, but almost no one reads!

Simply use these three techniques on your website, and the time visitors spend on your site will increase, as will your sales.

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