Tuesday, September 23, 2008

How To Research Niche Markets

By Jon nash

How to research a new niche markets and get some brilliant ideas of new niche markets, here is an idea that had been discussed by the very successful internet marketers and niche markets dominators lately. The idea is a brilliant idea that came out from online surveys.

We know the big companies are paying huge investment in making online surveys, to get good idea what people want, need and maybe interested to buy; then they can develop their products and be sure there is a demand for them. One of the internet gurus, working with Workfromhome-business-opportunity dot com was reviewing some survey program on the net, his goal is to identify if the program is honest, legitimate and really deliver what it suppose to deliver.

He joined the program and began to receive his online surveys, he had no attention to fill them or to make any money with them, but only to check the companies behind the surveys and what kind of research they want to make. One survey grape his attention fast, it was from internet marketing and SEO super affiliate whom he knew, and the survey was about having a second wedding. Some thing does not fit correctly; why an online millionaire is making such a survey. And the answer was "a niche market research".

Here is the idea:

If you are already in a niche market, the people in your niche will be interested in another niche markets or some other related products and information, you could already have a list of welling to buy customers if you could find out what could they be interested in. and here is how to find out. Offer a new free report about your niche, the visitors will go through an opt in page and after that they must answer a short survey, in this survey you need to ask them a question that could lead you to what interest them and what they may buy. After filling the survey the reach your report and download it.

Let's make an example. Your niche market is romantic gifts; build a new niche website with niche domain name about romantic gifts. The first page "the index page" need to be simple effective opt in page, in the opt-in page you need to show the visitors that he/she will get a great information absolutely free.

And because your report is free the odds are they will opt in. here you have captured your visitors information they will be your future customers. The second step for them will be the 10 question survey, in this survey try to find out what kind of romantic gifts they would like to receive for Christmas, what kind of Christmas evening they would like to spend. The answers will give you great ideas what to promote for Christmas and how to create a new niche market.

You can have a time limit for your free report and after the time expired you can use the same website to offer your new info product or affiliate products. You already have a list of customers who are very interested in your products and with a little targeted promotion you can dominate this new niche market.

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