Wednesday, July 30, 2008

How To Write ClickBank Product Review Pages

By Ian Traynor

ClickBank is one of the largest sources of digital products, and some 10,000 merchants use ClickBank to sell their products.

Merchants like ClickBank! For a very small charge per sale, ClickBank operates affiliate schemes for merchants and handles their customers' credit card transactions.

If you're wanting to start making serious money by selling products as an affiliate, ClickBank is also ideal. Just set up a free account, decide which ClickBank products you want to promote, get the special ClickBank "hoplink" for those products and start sending people to the merchant's sales page through your ClickBank affiliate link. Then start raking in the cash - usually at least 50% of the selling price.

Is it really that easy? No, of course not! Many people make very little money from ClickBank products - even assuming that they at least try (which many don't!). So many people simply promote ClickBank products incorrectly.

Many people just put up banner ads on their websites and add their affiliate links to their forum posts and emails. These "lazy" methods don't work. Few people will click through to the merchant's sales page from these methods.

Let me show you a method which I've used to great success. OK, you have to work at it a bit, but it will be well worth your while:

How To Write Product Review Pages

Product review pages are simply web pages which express opinions about a product. For this technique to work, your review should "pre-sell" the product - to get people to want the product before they visit the merchant's sales page though your link.

The reason why this technique is so successful is that more and more people, before they buy something online, look for reviews of the product. If you type "review" + a product name into Google, you're likely to find examples of product reviews.

Even this technique on its own is not enough. Many, many affiliate marketers write very poor review pages. You need to be a little subtle!

Refining Your Product Review Page

1) Don't fill your review with nothing but good points about the product. Find a few unimportant things that you don't like. These, of course, should more than countered by the good things!

2) Don't try to "sell" the product. The main purpose of the review page is to get people to click through to the merchants's sales page through your affiliate link, ready to make a positive buying decision.

3) You mustn't use words and sentences taken straight from the merchant's sales page. Your review will lose all its impact if you do this. It will no longer be seen as impartial.

4) Ideally, you should already have used the product before you write the review. Ask the merchant for a complimentary copy of the product saying that it's for a review. Many merchants will be happy to do that.

5) "Comparative reviews" are very powerful. Just find other products which satisfy the same sort of needs, and review them alongside the product you really want visitors to buy. A "star rating" system is a good idea in a comparative review. You will, of course, give the main product more stars than the others!

I hope that you've gained some good ideas from this article, and that it will help you to improve your ClickBank income. You'll find it even easier to promote ClickBank products by using the tools included in my ClickBank ToolKit.

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