Thursday, July 31, 2008

Instantly Increasing Web Site Visitors? Impossible?

By Jeffrey S. Gross

A critical element of running a successful business on the internet is getting people to visit your site. Attracting site visitors is called getting traffic.

With the number of existing Web sites in the billions and the growing daily, it can be extremely difficult for a small or new site to get noticed in the vastness of cyberspace. It is not as though you can simply build it and they will come. Getting steady traffic to a site takes time and effort. The more traffic a site receives, the easier it becomes for others seekers to find it.

Here is how it works: most people surf the Web for information or products using search engines such as Google, Yahoo or MSN. Many people enter general terms into the search box (for example, dogs, music or cars), and the search engines deliver a listing of sites containing those terms.

Large Web sites that have been around for a number of years appear on the very first page of their search, because they most likely contain these terms on many pages within their sites, or already receive a multitude of visitors every day. Small and new sites with the same search term do not show up until many pages into the search.

Relying solely on search engine ranking isn't the only way to generate traffic to your site, thank goodness. Experiment with different approaches for helping people to find your site. The following are three ways to accomplish that goal:

Engage in link exchanges with other non-competing Web sites: Your search engine ranking improves (you appear on an earlier page under specific search terms) when you have other sites link into yours. Adding their links to your site helps the other site owners, too. Find sites with information or products that go well with yours, and suggest exchanging links. Another way to get your URL on other sites is to initiate a blog on one of the blogging sites (two of which are and, including a link to your site in each blog entry.

Writing articles for other sites: People are constantly looking for new material to add to their Web sites or include in their on-line newsletters, also called e-zines. Paying for content can get costly, but site owners and e-zine editors frequently carry articles they receive for free, in exchange for allowing the author to include his or her URL at the end of it. People who read your articles might want to learn more about you by clicking your link.

Use traditional advertising methods: Tried-and-true ways for getting word out about your Web site include placing television and radio ads, handing out business cards and fliers with your URL on them, or giving away items such as pens, water bottles or refrigerator magnets that include your Web address. These techniques are not for brick and mortar businesses alone.

Wholesale Website Traffic: This option is the best of them all. It requires the least work and it really gets your website real visitors fast. In a nutshell, you do not need to write anything, build links, or even lift a finger. If you choose the right company for the job, you will be seeing real visitors coming to see your website. You are leveraging their websites power to get your site popular, it is a win for you all the way. Please read on for our company recommendations.

In summary, use a variety of tactics to publicize your Web site and its URL. It makes sense that the more traffic you generate to your site, the more potential sales you will generate as well.

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