Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Make Money Online For Newbie

By Ade Carone

Make money online for newbies, sounds like some hit TV series that is on late at night. It may not be a television show, but it really is a reality for many people on the internet. Making money is possible, but you need to have a plan first.

As a beginner to the online marketing world, it is advised that you accept the fact other people have gone before you and are capable of teaching you how to properly promote products. Hot headed folks who think they know it all will go nowhere fast.

When I got started online, for some strange reason I thought that I knew it all. This was quite stupid on my part, since I wasn't even earning $500 a month. As I gradually accepted the fact that I didn't know how to properly market a product, I started to do better.

Another setback is something I like to call information overload. When you are trying to figure out how to get started, you get bombarded with sales pitches for this and that product. It can utterly confuse you to the point of quitting.

The point I am stressing here is that you have to focus on one plan and one plan only. By jumping around from program to program and product to product, you are not only wasting your time, but your money.

Think of it like this. Each time you start a new program or a new plan, you are starting from the bottom up. Since it takes a while for any plan to work, you are litterally always starting with nothing. Build upon what you already have.

As long as you stick to your plans and are always trying to push ahead, you will get to where you want to be. Envision yourself as what you want to achieve, and you will start to work better.

Just stop and think of how upset you would be, if you gave up marketing, yet you would have been a success if you stuck with it just a few weeks longer. It's a horrible thought isn't it?

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