Friday, August 29, 2008

The 3 Advantages of Company Clothing

By Epolos Articles

Something as simple as having your employees wear company clothing can brand you as successful, before you even get there. And, perception in everything is business. Once you are perceived as successful, it's but a hop, skip and a jump until you achieve it - if you work hard to capitalize on this success. Following are three bottom-line advantages of having your employees wear company clothing.

Inexpensive: Company clothing saves your employees in many ways. They are akin to school uniforms for children, which, none-to-ironically is why parents like them. Now, parents themselves can have this benefit.

Showing your employees that you care about their budget in this way will pay big dividends for you in employee turnover rate, for example. This is a concept almost all of your employees will support.

Most employees embrace the concept of company clothing just for this reason.

Heighten Employee Morale: One of the better reasons to mandate company clothing as a uniform is that you can heighten employee morale. Although this may be a subconscious, side benefit it is an important one.

Specifically, when employees wear company clothing, for example, many obvious differences between them tend to fade into the background. A case in point: Employee A works next to Employee B, who is always dressed immaculately. Employee A feels inferior because he can't afford to dress on the level of Employee B. This can lead to resentment, jealousy and even outright malice, which all boils down to poor job performance.

Requiring employees to wear Company clothing eliminates this possibility, and perhaps improves employee morale also. Either way, the end result is improved employee performance.

Presents Polished Image: One of the best reasons a company might consider providing Company clothing to employees is that it presents a polished image to prospects and clients.

For all of these reasons, and quite a few more, one of the better investments you can make in your company's bottom line is to invest in Company clothing.

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