Thursday, August 28, 2008

Keyword Selection is Key to Success

By Thomas Laloquin

Most websites are challenged to choose the right keywords in order to succeed. Everything starts with the right words. After all what good is top ranking if you have not researched which keywords will drive the right traffic to you?

You may want to consider that your site include a few keywords that correspond to one another. Keyword spamming and overloading your page with unrelated terms you want high ranking on , is the first mistake most webmasters make.

Be smart about your keywords and make sure you are only using words that your likely clients, are likely to type in. After all what good is top ranking on keywords nobody types in?

If you don't know which keywords will be best from you, trying viewing the source of your competitors pages. This will reveal the words others are generally already having success with.

If you were buying what you sell, what would you type in? Try asking friends, good customers, and relatives what keywords they would type to look for you.

One tip that will help you is to determine keywords or phrases that other online businesses are not in strong contention over. This isn't easy but once you find the right formula, you will see immediate improvement in your keyword ranking.

Many tools are available for choosing keywords based on popular search statistics, uses the Google Adwords Keyword tool.

Never underestimate the power of keyword ranking in influencing the success of your Internet business. A lot of thought, careful research and hard work goes into the establishment of a successful business.

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