Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Underused Piece of Advice - Go After The Low Hanging Fruit

By Stu McLaren

I had all the right components in place. I had built up a decent sized list, people were reading my newsletter, but my online business was struggling. I couldn't seem to make a sale.

Why? Because I was teaching my list about information marketing and then trying to sell products like Ideas 4 Halloween (an eBook on great Halloween ideas). Sure it was a great product, if my list was people interested in Halloween information.

My good friend, Alex Mandossian gave me a piece of advice that would help me in this situation.

This is how our conversation went...

Getting ideas from concept to cash is what we are all trying to do because that is what gets the products out there and builds more momentum for you. Alex and I were having a conversation about my struggle to do just that.

In fact, I just wrote about this in one of my recent newsletters that I published today, because momentum is an extremely powerful, powerful force.

An excellent example of using momentum to create success in their business is Alex Mandossian. He has been able to build up his business tremendously over the years and is now one of the leaders in the information marketing industry. By doing the right thing over and over again Alex can't help but be successful because of the momentum it builds up. High level marketers do this by taking their concepts to cash as quickly as possible.

During the conversation with Alex about having difficulty getting my ideas from concept to cash, he said, "Stu, stop what you're doing right now. Go after the low hanging fruit."

Write that down - low hanging fruit.

Sometimes it takes that outside perspective to really open your eyes to what your low hanging fruit is. This is the value that a good likeminded support group brings.

What I was trying to do - I had a big, hairy project, and I'm still working on it right now. I mean it's a big, idea. It's a big, audacious product. But the problem is because it's so big, it takes the most amount of my time, the most amount of my effort, the most amount of my financial resources, and it's draining me mentally, physically, and financially.

This project just gets me irritated, frustrated because of how much it is draining me, so I don't make any progress.

"Go after your low hanging fruit" is what Alex continued to tell me.

He showed me and he taught me what my low hanging fruit was, and as soon as I went after it I generated revenue of over $111,000 in an eight-week period.

What was the piece of low hanging fruit that Alex helped me identify?

My very own seminar, the "Idea Incubator!" It is here where we teach the attendees how to turn their ideas from concept to cash as quickly as possible.

The material that I was presenting I had been teaching at John Childers' training for over a year, and people were drawn to it, they liked it, I had built a customer base, and I had lots of my customers asking me, "When are you going to put on your own event?"

That was my low hanging fruit. People were asking for me to put on my own event, and I was not offering it to them. But the moment I did, the result was tremendous.

Now I want everyone reading this article to stop for a second to think about what your low hanging fruit is. What is it that you are really good at? What are you being constantly asked to do or provide for your customer base?

I bet you have several pieces of low hanging fruit that you have been overlooking.

Take my advice, I've learnt from my mistakes - Find your low hanging fruit and you'll be able to go from concept to cash much more quickly!

When your stuck for an idea, may the light bulb go off!

About the Author:

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