Saturday, August 30, 2008

Can 2 Simple Sales Letter Copywriting Techniques Really Help You?

By Chris Stafford

A sales letter that is cleverly-written is similar to a sales person in a department store except you don't have to provide benefits for or compensate your sales letter! Your sales letter instead works tirelessly around the clock, year-in-and-year-out, representing you, your business, your product or service and generating sales. But before you can reap the many benefits of a winning sales letter such as this, you must first learn how to construct a sales letter that is persuasive, compelling, thought-provoking and high-converting. Furthermore, your sales letter should be written with your target market in mind.

Why is it that the vast majority of marketers find it hard to write a sales letter for their product or service? The simple answer is that most individuals when faced with the task of writing, hate to write. And this fear of writing especially holds true in regard to marketers. A more thorough explanation is that while there are countless resources available on the topic of how to write a sales letter, a large portion of this information was written under the assumption that the marketer (you) already knows how to construct a sales letter. With all of these obstacles to overcome, the average marketer soon becomes overwhelmed and tosses in the towel.

Then there is the smart marketer who is more experienced and searches for automated solutions like sales letter software and templates to help him with writing a sales letter. But after using these inferior tools for a short period of time, the marketer soon decides that these tools are not helpful at all and he is right back where he started from. Why? Because most often times the individual or business who wrote the materials mentioned earlier, also wrote the software based on the assumption that the marketer is already experienced with writing a sales letter.

So how do they do it? How can other marketers put together compelling, persuasive and thought-provoking sales letters that sell their products and services like crazy but without using sales letter software and templates? It's simple, these marketers are either experienced copywriters themselves who write their own sales letters or they have adequate resources to hire the job out. But before you consider hiring a pro copywriter to construct a sales letter for your product or service, consider this. Most copywriters will charge you between $5,000 up to a whopping $20,000 per sales letter! If you decide to go this route, you better be sure that your product or service is in great demand so that you can absorb this expense.

If you know without a shadow of a doubt that your product or service is in demand, are certain that you can afford to invest the money and are capable of absorbing the expense as a result of your sales, then go ahead and hire a copywriter. If not, then you can keep your money in your wallet and construct a profitable sales letter free-of-charge by leeching off the success of other marketer's sales letters in your niche. Am I insinuating that you just copy someone else's sales letter and claim it as your own? Not at all. That's considered plagiarism and can get you into a whole lot of trouble. Instead, the easiest way to master the art of writing a sales letter is to conduct a search on your favorite search engine for products or services exactly like or similar to yours.

As an example, type the phrase "allintitle:cars that run on water" (minus the quotes) into the search field and see what pops up. Scroll through your search results and see if something catches your eye. Click on that result and if its a sales letter which has all of the benefits discussed earlier, copy the contents (text) of the sales letter and paste it into a word processor like MSWord or NotePad. Completely re-write each paragraph so that it is relevant to your product or service. Save your sales letter and then re-visit it the next day to polish it up.

Another handy technique you might want to use to learn how to write a sales letter is to join the email lists of gurus who sell products or services in your area of interest. In a few days or so, you'll begin receiving pitch emails in your inbox promoting the latest and greatest gadget or membership site. But don't just trash these emails. Instead, read through the subject lines and see if any of them jump out at you. Does any one of the subject lines compel you to want to purchase the product or service? If one or more of them do, click on the email and look for a direct link to the sales letter then click this link to load your browser on the sales page. Follow the steps as discussed in the previous paragraph to re-write your sales letter. Adopt this and the method mentioned in the previous paragraph for an entire month and before you realize it, you'll have enough experience to crank out a profitable sales letter for all of your products or services for many years to come!

Mastering the art of sales letter writing is the most important skill you'll ever learn. And, can be quite lucrative if you become good at it. But why should you take the time to learn this skill? Because without a well-crafted sales letter to represent your product or service, your product or service is doomed to fail! In other words, no sales equates to no money. In the previous paragraphs, we have learned that in order for a sales letter to be successful, it must be persuasive, compelling , thought-provoking, high-converting and consist of the six essential elements. With all of these factors in place along with an aggressive advertising campaign, you can expect to sell a large volume of units for many years to come. If not, then you may as well get used to working a 40-hour work week for the rest of your days. In our next article, we'll dissect a sales letter into its six essential parts and show you exactly what makes up a successful sales letter that will sell your software, info product or service like crazy!

But is there an easier way? Is it possible for you to write a sales letter without having to use the above techniques or remember everything that goes into writing a profitable sales letter? Yes, there is a much easier way and it requires very little knowledge or effort on your part. This tool includes everything you need to start writing a sales letter for whatever product or service you want to sell. It includes a built-in pre-written sales letter template and a headlines swipe file database that contains well over 900+ winning headlines for you to choose from all in one compact tool.

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