Wednesday, August 27, 2008

How to choose your web designer

By Robin Porter

A few years ago the web looked very different. There was little in the way of dynamic content, except a bit of Flash aniamtion, that most people steered clear of due to the drain on bandwidth. Back then, quality of design was a side issue.

The web has since changed very quickly - we are in the middle of Web 2.0, with Web 3.0 coming up rapidly. As web design was so profitable, designers popped up everywhere and you needed little in the way of skills, so long as you could configure a template. Quality was extremely varied.

You need a web designer because you want a professional website built for your website. And this means opting for established designers, rather than those who are still learning. (Granted there are many talented new guys learning the craft, but you need to think carefully before becoming one of their "test projects" - your business is important to you after all). You must ensure they deliver the basics of web design - a user friendly, visually appealling website that loads very quickly.

Usability is another factor that you must pay attention to - you don't want visitors leaing your site in droves because they can't find what they are looking for. For this, a professional designer is vital - selecting purely on the cheapest price will cost you more money in the long term, due to the potential loss of business. Here's what you need to consider:

* Is your designer open minded? Your designer should listen to your opinions and requirements - after all you know your business better than anyone. He should be able to take what you know about your business and customers and fuse it with what he knows about web design. See if he listens and and asks the right questions, rather than trying to impose a solution on you. The desired result is a fusion of ideas to produce a remarkable website, rather than a "cookie cutter" solution.

* Good and fast - No matter how long the prohject is, you should always make sure progress is being made towards the end of the project. Ask him to complete the project in stages and tell you how long each stage will take. Make sure to review each stage as you go, to make sure he is completing everything to your satisfaction.

* Is he promoting usability? As we discussed, your business needs a website that your customers find useful - it should not be glittery and flashy at the expense of usability. Make sure he understands this - if he seems to intent on selling you all the "bells and whistles" then walk away.

Finding the perfect web designer for your business is a tricky task but should not be impossible, if you follow the above and ask questions. Take time to check his portfolio to see if his past works are usable and well designed and you shouldn't go too far wrong. If anything arises that makes you think he might not be suited to your business, then walk away and find another one.

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