Friday, August 29, 2008

Promotional Incentives Really Do Work

By Thomas Gibson

To run a successful business, you need customers. The billion dollar question is how to go about getting them. For many companies, the answer is found in promotional incentive strategies.

Promotional incentives are exactly what they sound like. They are carrots to generate interest. If the prospect takes the desired action, they get the promised incentive. This can work in a number of ways, so a few examples are in order.

Sheryl Crow makes popular music. She is fired up about getting people to vote in the coming presidential election. To motivate citizens, she is letting fans download her music for free if they register to vote.

This is a double win for Crow. First, she is getting the action she desires, to wit, people are registering. Second, she is getting positive public relations because she is giving music away for free. It is an excellent promotional strategy.

Another classic example is found with casinos. Casinos will do just about anything they can to get people through the door. What carrots do they use? Entertainment, discounted rooms, family events and sporting events are just a few.

Finally, we can look to the old television to see the classic promotional incentive strategy. Yes, I am talking about the infomercial. Admit it. You have occasionally thought about buying one of those gadgets and have actually done so.

How do infomercials work? They offer so many promotional incentives that you cannot help but think you are getting a great deal. You get the product and a few more products and a few more still. It is like dangling multiple carrots in front of rabbits.

So, what can we take from all of these approaches? The answer is very simple. The strategy works. This is proven by the simple fact that you see the strategy used over and over and over.

Defining your goals with a promotional campaign is vital. Figure out what you specifically want potential customers to do. Then, and only then, go ahead and pick incentives and create marketing materials to accomplish it.

Okay, so what is your incentive going to be? If you have an outdoor lifestyle company, give them a Nomad Hiking Journal customized with your company name on it.

When it comes to promotional incentives, the more creative you can be, the better. Define your goal and continually tweak your approach to get the best possible result. Promotional incentives have always worked and your business will be no different.

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