Saturday, August 30, 2008

How to Start Your Own Website in 5 Steps

By Darrel Hawes

You may be at the point where you want to begin your own website. If so, here's a list of what you should do.

First, purchase a domain name. Please, before you do this, follow these simple rules to find a suitable name:

End with a .com.

Easy to spell.

Easy to say over the phone or in person.

Does not include numeric characters or dashes

Try to include alliteration or other elements to make it memorable.

Descriptive of what you are offering.

Now the following are general guidelines and there are a few cases where you may safely ignore a few of them. One case is where you have your own blog rather than on the behalf of your company. If that is the case, many people will use their own name for the domain name, even if it is difficult to spell.

One other potential exception is that of a descriptive name. Although it is normally preferable to have a descriptive domain name, many examples exist where this is not the case. Consider Google: one might initially think a better name would be Put some thought into identifying your target audience and what appeals to them.

Next, select a web host to host your web pages.

The third step is to setup your website. You will need to make a decision fairly quickly what format will be suit your needs.

Fourth, add content to your site. Here is where blogs really shine. In many cases, you can even add content via email! To add content to your blog site, you don't need any special software; you merely log into the site from any computer and add away to your heart's content.

The fifth step is to arrange a plan for promoting your website. After going to all the work of setting up your site, you want to make sure that as many people know about it as possible. How will you make this happen? Some possible methods include writing articles, making videos, writing press releases, posting on forums, and posting on blogs.

Putting up a website can be quite taxing but can also reward you in more ways than you might realize.

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