Friday, August 29, 2008

The 7 Compelling Reasons for You To Launch Your Website Today

By Darrel Hawes

If you've decided to go ahead and start your website, when should you do it?

The short answer to this question is: as quickly as possible. Here are several reasons why this is true.

First, you won't actually begin benefiting owning your site until it is launched. The benefits can mean more revenue, and also many result in reduced costs to address customer service problems. One use of a business website is to show customers how to use your products right on the website itself, saving your staff from dealing with these issues on the phone.

Second, older domains tend to rank better in Google. This will give you an advantage when people search for what you are offering.

Third, once your site is up and running, you can begin promoting it. Since the effects of such promotion are cumulative, and you or your representatives can only do so much every day, you will want to start on promotion as soon as possible. Some of the promotion you can do include articles, video, press releases, commenting on blogs, and forum marketing.

Fourth, starting right away means you can start "catching up" with your competitors that much sooner.

Fifth, any effort that you put in today will give you a lead over your competition who are not online. People often put off starting a website, believing it will be time-consuming and difficult.

Sixth, starting a website today (if it looks halfway decent) will make potential customers more comfortable in dealing with you. If they can check you out ahead of time, they often feel better about contacting you, and more importantly, spending their money with you.

Seventh, because the average person requires several different interactions with you before they will buy, a website can lessen the personal interactions required to induce your prospect to spend money with you. By including articles or documentation on your website, you can help the prospect get to a buying decision with little direct effort on your part.

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