Monday, June 30, 2008

Brand New Automated List Builder - Preview

By ronb107

A List Builder module that creates a database of responsive subscribers is one of the most important components in your Internet Marketing arsenal.

Soon to be launched is such a product called Automated List Builder by internet marketer Chris Freville.

What makes this product so special? Let's find out...

A powerful yet easy to use software package, Automated List Builder will substantially increase your opt-in subscribers in a short time.

A common expression amongst Internet marketing gurus is: The money is in the list. This is certainly true. High on your priority should be creating a quality list of responsive subscribers, and this package will help you to accomplish that.

What is Automated List Builder
Included in this package are three modules. Each module is an incredible piece of software designed to convert visitors into subscribers. The techniques are cutting edge providing Internet Marketers the best tools for growing their high-quality lists on autopilot.

This easy to use software is designed for beginner through advanced Internet Marketer.

This package consists of ten videos providing in-depth coverage of List Building in easy to understand steps that guide you through the process of successfully building a fast growing quality list.

Automated List Builder Package

This fantastic package includes the following...

. o The Blueprints

. o Rolodexes

. o Exceptional email swipe files

. o Three software modules

. o Ten Camtasia List Building videos

. o The Ultimate List Builder's Companion: a step-by-step manual that will enable you to build lists in record time on autopilot.

And now the man behind Automated List Builder

Chris Freville is a successful Internet Marketer. He is best known for his highly successful product: Web 2.0 Stampede.

His latest product, Automated List Builder, is anticipated to exceed all expectations.

About the Author:

Realistic Goals Will Increase Website Traffic

By Doug Taylor

Once you have that first website under your belt you may think it is pretty easy to build but you may find getting traffic to it may prove to be somewhat harder. If you spend any time on the Internet you will find plenty of advice that may help you increase website traffic. Choose your source carefully as some of the information you find will be good while some of it could be junk.

However in this article we offer just a couple of very simple tips which should not only help to increase the amount of traffic which visits your website. But are also going to be ones that will help to actually increase your page rankings with search engines such as Google, Yahoo and MSN.

Tip 1-It is very important to set some realistic goals when planning how much traffic you want your website to get. This goal should be a number that is within reach and not a number you have no hope of reaching. Once you decide how much you want to increase website traffic you can put together a plan to achieve this goal.

Having a particular goal will also help with you being able to measure just how well you are performing and it will determine whether you are succeeding at what you set out to do. Plus having a goal in mind also helps you to decide if you need to change the approach you are using in order for you to direct more traffic to your website or not.

When it comes to setting this number it needs to be specific, and it needs to be able to be measured. It also needs to be attainable. These traffic numbers needs to be something that you believe you can do and you should put a time limit on. For example if you are only getting 10 people a day coming to your website then you might set your traffic goals as follows: -

1. The first month you would like to have 100 unique visitors 2. In month 2 the visitors will increase to 150 3. The third month the number will go up to 250 visitors.

What you need to remember that it is going to be difficult in the beginning when you are trying to increase the amount of website traffic that your site receives.

Tip 2- You should try to have as much original content on your site as you possibly can. It also is a good thing to update your website as often as you can. This may seem like too much work but if you put in the effort you can reap the rewards.

The more often that you update your site the more often the search engine spiders will come visit your site. This has worked for some time and will help increase website traffic and keep your visitor coming back to see what is new.

About the Author:

10 Reasons To Become an Online Marketer

By Brett Smith

If you're an entrepreneur or marketer and you don't know much about Internet marketing, you need to learn. If you're not up on the latest in Internet marketing, you'll need to learn about right away. If you don't, you could be missing out on money you could be earning right now and even lose greater money as time goes on.

Here are 10 reasons why you should bone up on your skills in Internet marketing if you haven't already.

1) THE INTERNET ISN'T GOING ANYWHERE. Perhaps as little as a few years ago, some people thought that the Internet was just a flash in the pan that would be quickly gone. However, it's not. It's here to stay and it can be YOUR path to success in the 21st century. Every year, the Internet gains greater footholds in society with more traffic and the exploding amount of information contained on it. This includes business and product marketing information in addition to the other more innocuous research information you might think of. If you wake up to this reality in time, you can use it to your advantage.

2) ONLINE MARKETING IS CHEAP. If you're trying to run a bricks-and-mortar-housed business and you're still making major use of paper or mail-out CDs, you may be having some success but you'll never, ever get the ROI that you can from Internet marketing. Your clients are web surfers. Your prospects are, too. Why lay out all that cash when for what amounts to pennies a day you can reach more people and do it faster? And if you're trying to run an online business and no-one is coming to your websites, you really need to learn about the cheap methods of doing Internet marketing.

3) INTERNET MARKETING IS "SPEED OF LIGHT" MARKETING. It may take you a bit to set things up, but once you do, Internet marketing can really take off because its viral in nature. You'll never be able to generate business as fast off-line as you can online, because the Internet has taken the information age and turned it into something that operates at the "speed of light."

4) INTERNET MARKETING IS EASY. This ties in with its being faster and cheaper--and thus, better. Internet marketing does not require you to employ a team of salesmen, it does not require you to make cold calls, it does not require you to stuff envelopes, and it does not require you to have an elaborate, expensive voice-over studio attached to your home.

5) INTERNET MARKETING IS JUST MORE FUN. Work in your pajamas. Hell, work naked. Work while listening to your favorite music as loud as you want. Go to any website you want to, whenever you want to--there's no risk of being fired.

6) ONLINE MARKETING MEANS FREEDOM. Of course, you're going to have to work a little bit and make your Internet marketing business a success, but if you can swing this, you can fire your boss and get out of the 9-to-5 grind. Work when you want, as much as you want. You're the boss.

7) THERE'S NO BETTER FINANCIAL OPPORTUNITY. There are so many products and services you can get into online and you can seek them out so fast with such small cost it's ridiculous.

8) YOU HAVE GLOBAL PROSPECTS. Your prospects are literally global (that is, as long as they speak English, likely). This is why they call it the "World Wide Web."

9) IT'S CUTTING EDGE. You need your online marketing skills to be savvy and up-to-date. If you don't have these, guess what? Your competitors will kill you.

10) GET IN NOW, WHILE PRICES ARE GOOD. If you get into business for yourself today, you'll do so at lower cost than you will in the future, likely. Online advertising costs are increasing as more people jump on board with this most lucrative venture. So jump on board today, and save some money.

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Easily Learn How To Make Money With Google Adsense

By David McCammon

Are you still in the process of looking for an easy and lucrative method to make money online? Look around, a lot of people are. A lot of people are having a hard time selecting the right opportunity. It is hard to stay focused on something for long because there are so many opportunities. It just seems like there is always something easier or more profitable.

Because we do live in such a busy world, folks trying to find ways to make money online are usually working full time just to keep their bills paid and take care of their families. It seems like the prices of everything on the planet keep going up and up while incomes tend to remain more level. These are big reasons why people are so desirous of making money online.

If you are looking for something that could be lucrative, is easy, and does not require a great deal of your time, you might want to look into how to make money with Google. Google provides you with many tools, one of which is Adsense. The great thing about this is that Google pays you to advertise. What could be better?

The good news is that learning how to make money with Google is really easy with the proper instructions and coaching. You should of course understand a couple of basics about adsense. When you sign up for googles free program they will analyze your site and content. Then you receive a code that you place on your website which automatically places ads on your site.

One good thing about the ads that will display on your website is that they can be customized to look like the rest of your page. Google makes sure that they are relevant to the content on your site and yet not directly competing with your site. Actually there are just a couple of steps to get started with making money with google adsense:

By using the best site building tools even if you are not well versed in html or web building technologies, you can put up profitable sites quickly with website templates. These are easy to use and are usually very complete so that all that is required is to add your own content along with the special code that Google gives you.

About the only other thing that you need to do for sure is to drive traffic to your website. This is usually best accomplished using some of the many low-cost and free methods to drive traffic. You can pay for traffic if you like but it is a better strategy for most people to use profits for advertising.

Of course the good news is that once you learn these techniques and the prove profitable you will do these things again and again until your income is to your satisfaction. It's not that hard it just takes focus. If you use templates then the hardest part will be to drive consistent traffic to your sites. Figuring out how to make money with google is simply a matter of learning and repeating.

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Pay Per Lead vs. Pay Per Click

By Josh Prizer

If you feel like you are spinning your wheels with the same poor quality leads from your lead generation service, you're not alone. In the past few years we've heard from more and more of our clients that the quality leads they used to get from their lead gen services are becoming worse and worse. More people are shifting their budgets to pay per click search where the quality remains strong.

Interestingly, one of the sources that lead generation companies use to develop leads is pay per click search traffic. Many will end up marking up the costs to you and then shelling the same lead out to multiple vendors. If this sounds like your situation, perhaps you ought to think about ditching the go-between and head straight to the source of traffic.

Getting into PPC advertising is not as simple as it used to be. Sure, you can set up a website with some contact info, but the competition has gotten more sophisticated in recent years. In order to really compete and push down your cost per acquisition, you've got to throttle up your effort and skills.

One thing we continually preach to clients is the importance of fine tuning every aspect of your online lead pipeline.

The first place to begin is with your pay per click ad copy. It's fairly easy to place an ad and launch it. However, the pay per click engines are putting more emphasis than ever on "Quality" algorithms. If you are unable to make the daily effort to test your ad copy, you are going to fall behind those that do. A good PPC management company will run daily split tests for their clients. This is who you are up against more and more these days -- experts who double and triple the click through rates of their clients' ads.

So, why is this key? Pretty simple. Double and triple that relevant traffic and you can double and triple your leads. If you are not working on this, trust me, your competition is. It's worth the time and expense.

But this is just one place to focus your efforts. Take a look at the destination urls -- the landing pages where you send visitors. Are you using a contact form? How simple is your contact form? Is your phone number too small? There are always a variety of items you can optimize and test to increase conversions.

Fine tuning your landing pages will lower your cost per lead. We've seen small changes double conversions and drop your costs per lead in half. So, tinkering is well worth the effort.

If you don't know where to start when it comes to Pay Per Click search, hire a PPC management company. They will develop keyword lists, find keywords from your competition, advise you on some ideas for your landing pages and conduct those daily split tests.

So, consider getting rid of the saturated lead gen services and heading for the source. The results can be dramatic.

About the Author:

Tips To Make Money Online

By Ade Carone

What would you give in order to learn the tips on how to make money online? Earning a living on the internet is not hard, but it does take a good deal of patience and effort.

There are many different ways of monetizing your website so this article will not go into specifics of any one method.

Having so many different ways of earning a living actually makes internet marketing all the more exciting. What may work for me, may not work for you and vice versa.

I would suggest that you start off by joining a few discussion boards or forums, as they are called. These types of websites normally have people who are somewhat experienced in marketing.

If you want to learn a good deal about marketing, then try to find as much free information as you can, followed by joining a paid membership or course.

Ask your friends and family for ideas if any of them are currently earning an income online. Anyone is already doing somewhat well should be able to answer a few of your questions at bare minimum.

Questions are the only way you will learn quickly. Never stop seeking answers. Don't seek answers too quickly, or you may expect a big result very quickly.

If you can find a step-by-step program I would recommend you join it. Nothing beats following "along" when you are first learning, believe me.

Staying on top of the time is a great way to keep yourself focused and ready. Many folks have no idea how to manage their time and it is a real setback for them.

Working hard and fast is the best approach in this business. It yields better results, websites, and profits, than just "browsing" around all week on the web.

About the Author:

Strategies to Optimize Article Marketing

By Jeremy Blackburn

Article marketing is one of the many advertising strategies that you can use in order to promote your website on the internet. In order to find the best ways to use article marketing, you must first understand how it works and why it works.

To bring traffic to a website, people use a variety of different advertising strategies. Unfortunately, most of these come at a high cost, either with time or money, and do not give the returns that a website needs. Article writing is the only advertising strategy that has worked consistently for everyone who uses it.

If you have a website, blog, or other type of media on the internet that you want to promote, you will want to look into article marketing. If you want to hire out the job, you can find article marketing that is done well for little money. You can even start using article marketing for free if you are able to consistently produce new content that will draw traffic to your site. The articles must be quality, informative material that begs for readers to want to learn more.

One of the most important qualities of article marketing is that you have good articles and that you also have many articles. The more people that you can reach with an article, the more traffic you will bring to your site. The more articles you have out on the internet, the larger your scope will be. This is important when you are trying to run a business on your website.

What makes article marketing work is the concept of search engine optimization. This concept uses common keywords in order to make your articles show up in a variety of different search engine keyword searches. Each article with the right amount of SEO keywords will give you the edge against your competition that are still depending on older, slower types of internet marketing.

With the articles that represent your website, you are showing to those who see it that you are an expert at what you do. They want to know that they are being sent to a website that will give them all the answers, and how to do that is to put your energy in article marketing in order to get them to your site. Once they are at your site, you must provide them with the quality products and services that they are looking for.

Many marketers depend solely on article marketing to get traffic to their website because it works and it works consistently. This is the best way to leave your footprint on the internet-get articles to reach out to new traffic.

Article marketing is the only solution you will need if you have trouble bringing traffic to your website. Article Marketing works because it shows that your are knowledgeable about your topic, and that you are not trying to hit everyone over the head with blatant advertising.

About the Author:

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Are you Caught in the Web Yet? The SpiderWeb System Scam Blog

By Free SpiderWeb Marketing System Home Business Opportunity by Corey Strawn

What is The free Spiderweb Marketing System Business Opportunity? Hi I'm Corey Strawn and I'm here to give my Review of the free The Spider Web Marketing System Business Opportunity. This is an incredible MLM Social Online Marketing Leads System and it is not a Scam! Go to to get your free marketing system or to get more free information.

What does the FREE Spiderweb Marketing System exactly do. The spiderweb system is a step by step marketing machine that has all the training tools, easy tutorial videos and much more all in one system. When properly set-up it becomes it's own self replicating automated marketing tool that will put any business venture into overdrive.

What does The Spiderweb Marketing System Business Opportunity do for your onlinebusiness. The SpiderWeb Marketing System does something for you that no other system will do. It actually does what it advertises. Rather than trying to teach you or train you, The SpiderWeb Marketing System uses a complex system of Internet advertising strategies to advertise you and your own personal business to thousands of interested entrepreneurs. It is extremely simple on your side. You just follow the simple, step-by-step video tutorial process, the System does the work, and the leads come to you. It's the easiest way to bring success to your small business. It is an incredible program for network marketing associates.

All serious mlm business owners should sign up for this program because it will promote your product or service to levels you never imagined possible. The leads will come to you with the powerful auto-responder set-up on the Spiderweb Marketing System. I have personally seen my multi level marketing efforts explode.

As soon as you sign up for the Free SpiderWeb Marketing System, you will instantly be given access to the members area where you can find over 22 videos on setting up your traffic and income streams. Start generating thousands of targeted MLM leads and starting earning 22 streams of passive income with your very own SpiderWeb Marketing System. That's right 22 ways to generate passive income all on the spider web marketing system.

Click and get your 22 streams of income and start marketing your products today! Corey recommends it! Are you caught in the web yet!

About the Author:

Making Money Online -The Easy Way

By Greg Smithers

A select few have learnt how to make a great deal of money from the Internet. This is because the Internet allows you to reach a global audience and they have tapped into this and leveraged their efforts.

However, many more people have found Internet marketing to be a frustrating experience. They know that riches are there to be found, but they struggle to make even a modest income.

Many people actually lose money in their efforts to generate online income. Advertising costs, and the costs of training can be greater than the income generated.

One of the biggest mistakes is to think that you will get rich quickly from one technique, or one product. This can happen, but it is the exception rather than the rule. Having a goal of reaching $100,000 or more a year is a reasonable goal. However, having a goal of reaching $100,000 in one step is not as reasonable.

There are many strategies for developing passive income on the Internet. A large income can be derived from the use of multiple sources of smaller amounts of passive income.

It is easy, for example, to generate five dollars a day, using the Internet. While this doesn't seem very much it equates to an annual income of $1825. This in turn doesn't seem like much, but if you can develop 100 such sources you can earn $500 a day generating an annual income of $182,500.

Of course, this strategy could lead to another common mistake. Many new (and not so new), Internet marketers lack focus and consistency. They follow a range of gurus and experiment with a wide variety of techniques in the search for the one elusive method that might allow them to quit their day job.

Unfortunately, if you work on 10 different jobs at the same time, it can lead to them receiving only 10% of the effort each. An alternative is to work on one job at the time with 100% effort and bringing it to completion quickly. Think of the reward, if you were able to implement one new $5 a day strategy each week. At the end of your first year, you would have around 50 sources generating an annual income of $91,250.

You may be lucky enough to generate that one great idea, like a 'Rubik's Cube', that leads to a fortune. However, a viable alternative is to work on small achievable steps that can eventually lead to a big income.

About the Author:

Free English Spanish Business Opportunity SpiderWeb GDI SelfBank

By Todd Schuyler

Hi, I'm Todd Schuyler. I'd like to welcome you to my free home opportunity review. The companys I will talk about are ripe for markets in English and Spanish. Worldwide marketing will be maximized with the products I will discuss here.

In fact Global Domains International or GDI for short has it's very own Spanish Website with it's videos in Spanish as well. There are people making good income for life marketing this product. You can sign for Free at my

SelfBank Mobile banking is a new mobile phone banking system that is in pre-launch but will be launched to the world soon. Get in on the ground floor and tell your friends about this incredible service. It will allow you the opportunity to pay all your bills on your very own cell or mobile phone. They have an affiliate program where you can earn generous amounts of income. The selfbank mobile service is completely free. Free to sign up and no monthly fees! Register for your free selfbank mobile at

The SpiderWeb Marketing System is a free marketing system with 22 streams of income. It is free to join and you can promote any product or service with this service. The best part about this program is that that I can promote it all over the world. It is in English only but several Spanish speaking are making good money with this free system. Get your free system at the same link as the one for GDI mentioned above in this article.

Now why do I mention these three companies in the same article. How are they connected? Good question. You can promote all three together. It is so easy it is unbelievable. You can promote one or the other or all three and earn good money. It's up to you to do what is best for you.

I recommend signing up with the Spiderweb marketing system first. You can sign up with GDI through there system. I'd sign up with Selfbank mobile. Good luck in your business ventures. It can be fun and profitable marketing online these days.

About the Author:

What is the Best Free Christian Networking Marketing System Scam

By Spiderweb Free Business Leads

What is the Best Free Christian Home Business Marketing System? That is a good question to ask these days. Multi Level Marketing is wildly after anyone willing to spend money. Lots of good people are spending hundreds and even thousands of dollars signing up and promoting their business products and services.

Sadly to say many are scams that pounce on innocent Christians who are honest business opportunity seekers. Don't be scammed. Don't pay a fortune. I'm a Christian and I'm proud to be associated with the Spiderweb Marketing System. It is an honest company that plays it straight. No funny gimmicks or sales schemes here. No illegal pyramids or paying lots of money to join. I like that part. Get your free marketing system at

The Spiderweb system is free to all Christians worldwide. Of course it is free to anyone. It is easy to use and has 22 different streams of income. You can select all or some of the income producing programs. It's up to you!

Basically they have training videos on their website where you set everything up and you just let it run automatically. You can earn money while your sleeping. While your in Church! I have used the program and have nothing but nice things to say about this Best Free Christian Home Business Marketing System.

What's great about this system is you can use it to promote any products or services you may have. This system brings business leads to you. It really is amazing. i thank God for this spiderweb system. I'm hoping to spend more time with my family and friends. I want to give more to my church building fund.

Please visit and sign up for free today. I'll be glad to help you get started! Thank you for reading my blog post. Christians can tell others about this system and earn good money too. Email your friends and tell them about the spiderweb.

About the Author:

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Don't Let Online Superstition Keep You Down

By Robert Gantt

Superstition: Just putting keywords in the keyword meta tag will get the page good ranking when that keyword is searched.

Fact: If only it was this easy, everyone would have a perfectly optimized website. There must be keywords in the copy on the page, not just in your meta tags. In fact, if keywords only appear there, search engines are likely to consider it spam and penalize your site.

Superstition: You can get your page ranked higher with hidden links or text in a page .

Fact: Keyword stuffing, as it's sometimes called, and/or hidden links in the page can get your website banned or penalized if uncovered. Many search engines consider it spamming. In the early days of search engine advertising it was effective but it's time has past.

Superstition: The more reciprocal links you have to other websites, the better your Google page ranking will be.

Fact: Not necessarily so. If you are linked with some pages, such as FFA pages and link farms, his can make your ranking lower, not higher. What you should try to have is inbound links from sites which have quality content relevant to your site. While no one is exactly sure how Google calculates this, relevant links seem to be given far more weight.

Superstition: Most sites are already optimized. Does this even give me a chance?

Fact: According to some studies 60% of all websites aren't optimized correctly to rank high in the major search engines. Because of the very nature and volatility of search engine algorithms only a small percentage of web designers optimize the pages they build for their clients. When getting your website built make sure you discuss optimization with your web designer and find out exactly what services are included in your project.

Superstition: The more times you repeat the keyword in the page, the higher it will rank.

Fact: Search engines use their own standards to decide which pages will rank well. Keyword density is important and we all know this but what we don't know is what the target keyword density is for SEO. Some say 3%, others 6%; no one knows with any certainty, other than that too many or too few keywords will get your page penalized in the rankings.

Superstition: Once your site has been indexed, your ranking won't be affected by changes you make to your site.

Fact: The opposite is true. In fact, you must update your website as often as you can manage to do so. Even fixing a broken link can help you out here - search engines will stop sending spiders if they keep running into broken links on your site. Updating and changing you content will ensure regular visits form the search engines bots.

Superstition: You don't need a robots.txt file or a sitemap.

Fact: Search engine bots look for the robots.txt and your sitemap as soon as they get to your site. These files tell the bots what to look at on your site and any link in your sitemap will be crawled. You should definitely have both of these files; they should be placed into the root directory of your domain these files can be a big help in getting a better page ranking.

Superstition: Search engines cannot index pages with Flash and using Flash in your page will lower it's ranking.

Fact: Search engines cannot index a Flash movie itself, but, if you specify Flash text (in the HTML) used in the movie, the text in the movie along with the rest of the page HTML will be indexed. Flash does nothing to keep the page from being properly indexed, nor does it keep your page from being crawled. Search engines don't like pages that re-direct, including Flash pages that do it automatically. It's the auto-redirect, not the Flash file that keeps a splash page from being ranked.

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5 Simple Ways To Make Money Online

By Mark Thompson

Making money online need not be expensive or difficult to implement. One of the Secrets is to try to have multiple income streams running at any one time so that should one stop working you don't lose all your income.

Just over 2 years ago I left a well paid job and shortly afterwards due to circumstances had to find a new income quickly. I began to try to make an income online, through sheer luck I soon managed to make enough money each month to cover all my bills. Before I started I knew absolutely nothing about marketing of any kind let alone online marketing. I hadn't even heard of AdSense until the day before i built my first site!

Being quite desperate for money when I first started I found I was quite focused on creating an income. I quickly managed to build up my income to the stage where I could start to relax and focus on creating a long term income. Don't get me wrong it wasn't easy. There were plenty of long nights and mistakes along the way. One of the results of this was I wanted to share my knowledge and help people who may be in the same situation. To do this I set up The Income Academy. The aim is to provide an ultra cheap way to show people how to make money online.

I mentioned at the start of this article that there were several ways to earn money online so let's have a look at them. Unfortunately it's not a simple as creating a website and sitting back to let the money flow in you will need to work at it.

People love to outsource tasks they perceive as difficult or repetitive. You can service this need by using any area of expertise you have. Can you create graphics or write articles? If you provide good quality and service at a reasonable price you will soon have a regular list of clients.

Simple Affiliate Marketing. Find a product you like on Clickbank and review it create several articles and post them to website directories.

Making and promoting websites that contains informative content and AdSense ads can be a quick way to good way to make an income. But It takes much more work than any of the so called guru's will tell you.

Producing your own products then adding them to clickbank can be a good way of earning a steady income.

Develop a blog until it has good PageRank and traffic, then sell text link ads or join a pay per post service and get paid to make posts to your own blog.

Many Internet Marketers would have you believe that you need to buy loads of tools to make money online. You don't! All the methods are being used by our members to make money online. All you need is a few spare dollars and a desire to learn. At The Income Academy we try to give you all tools and information you need.

About the Author:

Friday, June 27, 2008

Ways To Make Money On The Internet

By Ade Carone

How can I possibly teach you about the different ways to make money on the internet in just one short article? You have to realize that millions of people all around the world are looking to purchase goods 24 hours a day.

There are two primary options of getting visitors, which is also called traffic, to come to your website. You can either get them for free or you can pay for them. Both options need to be studied carefully before you dive right in.

Be prudent with how you approach the internet world of marketing. Making mistakes early on can cost you a great deal and may even frustrate you so that you want to quit. If you don't have much startup capitol, then learn to advertise for free.

I warn of making mistakes early on, because you will eventually need some money to help your marketing efforts, and if you blow it on something stupid you will be out of luck.

One of the best things you could do for yourself, is signup to a free newsletter course that will help you learn all about making money online.

People will first learn how to design a very simple website of their own. From there, they will then venture out into advertising and it is suggested that you start with a free approach, (or mostly free) known as search engine optimization.

This process is how I became successful and you can do it too. It all starts with a simple idea and the motivation to make it work.

The foundations of marketing are roughly the same as they always have been, minus a few technacalities. This leaves you plenty of room for using the same marketing method over and over again.

That's really all there is to it people. You can pay for your visitors or you can get them for free. What you choose to do is completely up to you, but remember to research a lot before you begin anything.

To find out more information about paid advertising, search for "Google Adwords" in the Google search engine or "Yahoo Search Marketing" in Yahoo.

About the Author:

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Testimonial Examples

By Brian D. McEvoy

Many marketers are seeing the benefits of adding text, audio and even video testimonials to their websites. The power of using examples from satisfied clients can be quite amazing.

Using testimonial examples from previous satisfied customers that really emphasize the benefits of your product or service is very compelling. It really makes a positive statement to visitors to your website.

A large part of the human equation in today's market is buyers remorse. No one really wants to buy anything online that they might regret later. With so many products and services being hyped online today, many consumers are wary of purchasing something they will be sorry for later. This is where the power of testimonials can work for you.

Think about any purchases you make online. You not only want to feel that you can trust the product but also the seller, right? If there is no trust then you're less likely to get a sale.

Testimonial examples will help build this trust and credibility that is so essential in order for you to make a sale. If a previous customer has taken the trouble to write, confirming all the benefits they have had since the purchase, this will really help confirm to your web visitors that buying will be the right decision for them too.

When someone is trying to make a buying decision and experiences the testimonials of others on someone's website, this can be the deciding factor in converting a prospect into a sale. Many online marketers are using testimonial examples today, to generate more conversions than ever before.

It's not difficult to get testimonial examples and you should keep doing this, constantly adding fresh ones to your marketing materials. Most satisfied customers will be delighted to say something positive. You just have to ask!

You'd be surprised how a satisfied client is more then happy for the opportunity to tell everyone else about it.

You really should be using testimonial examples to help promote your product or service as they are great marketing tools. Try to use them to overcome any doubts in your prospects mind. Start doing this today and you'll really see your profits dramatically improve.

About the Author:

How Andrew and Daryl make money online

By Matthew gary

Finding Hot Selling Products to Sell In order to locate products that sell online, we need to understand what people already want to buy. Finding a good choice of idea or product is always accompanied by interfacing the demand for the product in the current market and the level of competition or market share that the product will be having in the long run.

It is true enough that affiliate marketing is financially rewarding. People who have gone through everything to be able to succeed in this business are reaping the seeds that they untiringly sowed. Many of them enjoy the kind of existence that was not possible for them to have had under ordinary circumstances. Having gone through the A-Z of affiliate marketing, however, these people are the ones who know that while such business is lucrative, there is absolutely no easy money in it.

Affiliate marketing is a revenue sharing partnership between a web merchant and one or more affiliates. The affiliate is paid a commission for referring clicks, leads or most often sales to the merchant. An affiliate's advantage is that he can make money in a business where he doesn't have the upfront costs of creating his own product, and he doesn't have to worry about e-commerce, bookkeeping, or even customer support for it is the merchant's responsibility.

Now, for sure you want to be an affiliate marketer with all that benefits an affiliate could get. But, do you have what it takes to be an affiliate marketer? Before you begin your venture into affiliate marketing, you need to decide first which area interest you. What products do you know the most and which products you could do the best job of selling? Once you discover your specialty, perseverance, patience, determination comes next. These are the qualities you should possessed to be a good affiliate marketer.

Discovering what the most common mistakes affiliates make can perhaps dispel the gloom about myths surrounding affiliate marketing by correcting some wrong notions about it. It might also be able to make those concerned understand that like any other business, there are dos and donts involved in this one if they want to make each of their steps count. The first common mistake affiliates make is their lack of knowledge concerning principles involved in their business. This refers to the affiliate's knowledge of search engines in particular.

For an affiliate marketer, you should know how to market your site effectively, in will enable you to get thousands of visitors coming to your site which transforms into more sales. This only means that the faster you set up a website, the bigger your chances of making money online faster. You should avoid the same mistakes some affiliates make everyday, they are only building a short-term business where they just make a small sale. Make sure you do understand that you should be building a long-term affiliate business and not just something that makes you a few dollars on one sale.

The second is that affiliates make the mistake of stuffing their sites with banners that do not provide enough information about the product at hand. The best way to battle this mistake is to provide good content hand-in-hand with such banners. It is important for customers to know and understand the features of a product, and good content will be able to help them realize this goal.

You should also be creative. The real key to being successful with affiliate marketing is to develop a good content based website and weave your affiliate links into all your content. You have to provide your prospects with good, quality content to keep them coming back to your site. So, do you have what it takes to be an affiliate marketer?

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Prove Your Worth: Article Marketing for Business

By Jeremy Blackburn

Article marketing is one of the many advertising strategies that you can use in order to promote your website on the internet. In order to find the best ways to use article marketing, you must first understand how it works and why it works.

Most internet surfers are hip to all the advertising games. They know which strategies will only distract them from what they are looking for, so they avoid these. With article marketing you are giving these surfers the information that they way with the option of visiting your site to learn more. And if you are using quality content in your articles, most people that see them will want to go to your website.

If you want to learn how to start writing articles for your website, you will want to check out some other sites that already use these types of advertising strategies. Articles are easily found on a variety of websites, and all you need is a simpler internet search to find them. In fact, this is the main point for article marketing-getting your site to show up on some of the most popular internet keyword searches.

Once you have decided who will write the articles, the next step is to get the articles out and on the internet. You will find that for every article you publish on the internet, you will get a certain amount of traffic driven to your site. That means you will want to constantly be publishing articles in order to optimize the marketing. Eventually, you will have your mark on every corner of the internet with great articles that people are driven to check out.

What makes article marketing work is the concept of search engine optimization. This concept uses common keywords in order to make your articles show up in a variety of different search engine keyword searches. Each article with the right amount of SEO keywords will give you the edge against your competition that are still depending on older, slower types of internet marketing.

If you are wondering how article marketing works, it's simple. Articles that are written should contain a balanced amount of keywords in order to drive traffic to the first the article, then the rest of the website. The keywords used should be common to what a person would type into a search engine while still making sense to the content of the article.

While other marketing strategies can work, nothing works as well as article marketing. With article marketing, you will be leaving your prints all across the internet. No one will be able to turn the corner without seeing quality material from you. This is the best way to reach new people all the time. And once they are at your site, you will be able to provide them with the information that they have been looking for.

Article marketing is the only solution you will need if you have trouble bringing traffic to your website. Article Marketing works because it shows that your are knowledgeable about your topic, and that you are not trying to hit everyone over the head with blatant advertising.

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Introducing Internet Marketing

By Joseph Then

Here's a really simple way to make money: internet marketing. I bet you'd be raising your eyebrows in disbelieve. Yes, I understand that not many people would believe me. Well, trust me on this; internet marketing can make you earn a lot of money.

You may be questioning my statement but I'll tell you once again that what I am saying is true. Well, we will begin by introducing internet marketing to you. Internet marketing, also known as online marketing, is the marketing of products online.

We know that internet is available almost everywhere. With technology like Wifi, it makes easy for everyone to access the internet. Most households have internet access too. So, some people take this to their advantage. They are the internet marketers. Internet is one of the cheapest ways to distribute information to the media and global audience.

In this article, I shall give you tips on internet marketing. So, if you are keen to know more about it, do read on and you'll be surprised at how simple it is.

As an internet marketer, you should remember that the terms that are printed on a web page are there for a reason. They are no meaningless. Most marketers think that those terms are they for no reason. But, let me remind you again, you are wrong.

Most marketers do no realize that that losing the site's service is not the only of the beginning of the problem. These sites not only affect the person who is a member but also affect that member's prospect. An example would be: a site has an advertisement on tracking service. If you break their terms of service, all your advertisement tracking URLs get deactivated if found guilty.

If we take that as an example, we can simply derive that it would not be a good prospect for the internet marketer himself. It would be even worse if you are part of a membership. It would be bad for you and your reputation if people who are also members were to find out.

The next thing I am going to tell you is that testing is important. Testing is the only way to keep track of what you are doing right with your online business, and what you need to improve. You should keep in mind that any changes you make should be for one main purpose: to do a better job of converting visitors to customers.

One more important tip that I can give you is: feedback. Feedback is very important. I know you may not believe me is I say that you can improve your sales by developing a short survey and asking for customers' feedback. Let me tell you this: A customer's opinion is very valuable. After all, a customer is always right. Am i right?

In conclusion, we know that internet marketing is true and in order to succeed, you should take note of the internet marketing guide and tips given above. By following them closely, your online business will surely make lots of profit.

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How To Get Testimonials

By Brian D. McEvoy

If you're reading this you already know that adding testimonials to your website is going to dramatically improve your profits. But how do you get them and make the most of them?

Here are 7 strategies to help you get them:

1) Ask - no harm in asking. Your customers won't mind and there's nothing wrong with seeking feedback. They may even appreciate the fact that you care about them and took the trouble to find out what they thought of the product or service you offered.

2) Give away some free review copies. When you have a new product that no-one has bought or used before, this can be a great way to get testimonials. Strictly speaking this would give you a review, rather than a testimonial as testimonials usually come from paying customers but to start with you have little choice. You shouldn't then use the word 'testimonial' in your marketingjust say "here's what people are saying about"

3) Why not make it a part of the deal? Why not make it clear before purchasing, that your clients will agree to provide you with feedback. You just need to be honest and say you're looking to get some positive comments about the product. If you provide a great product then of course this won't be a problem.

4) Offer a bonus in return for feedback. I'm not talking about bribing someone for a testimonial. That is completely unethical and you should never do it. If you're found out you would lose all credibility in your marketplace. I mean you offer a small bonus in return for completion of a feedback form. You may not always get positive feedback, but just the good ones as your testimonials.

5) Ask for beta testers. How come a just launched, brand new product still has testimonials? The answer of course is the product owner will have contacted his existing customers to beta test the latest one. If he already has a relationship with these clients, it's easier to get their feedback. They get something brand new to try at zero cost in return he gets some great testimonials.

6) Use Pay Per Click adverts. If you run an online business but don't have any clients yet, why not drive some fresh traffic to your site, with pay per click adverts and offer a complimentary copy of your product in return for feedback? A carefully worded ad should weed out the time wasters and for very little cost you get targeted visitors keen to try your products.

7) Why not hold a competition? A great way to get testimonials is to offer a regular prize for clients who use your products and get great results. Just think about the weight loss market. Imagine the great stories you'd get if every month you offered a prize to whoever had lost the most weight after they read your book or tried your product. You'd even get photographs to prove it.

Now you know how to get testimonials. There really should be nothing stopping you getting some and including them in all your marketing materials.

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Article Writing: Producing Quality Articles

By Theo McLanahan

Want to gain efficiency in writing quality articles? Dont worry; this article will guide you in writing articles efficiently. Anyone can become master in writing articles. Some things required for writing good article are determination, devotion and enthusiasm to learn the craft. Writing good articles is just like a craft, as it all requires is rich quality of workmanship. No one is born expert; everybody learns from practice, same is with article writing. Here are some of the points that will help you in writing good quality articles.

- Article marketing: This term refers an article writing process for e-zines and directories. These 350-500 word articles should be filled with keywords.

These articles are published in ezines or posted on the directories all over the world. Write your name, real URL and few lines about yourself and/or your product in authors resource box provided at the end of the articles.

- Be an expert: You should be an expert article writer. Before ever visiting your website, readers need to have familiarized themselves with your work and your product. The conversion rate is higher with article marketing traffic than it is with pay per click traffic.

- Consistency: Consistency is the real key to gain success in article marketing. Article should always contain relevant information.

- Use attractive headlines: Attractive headline will always grab the readers attention. So it is necessary to have good and attractive headline for an article. Dull headline will lead to unread articles, which further lead towards zero subscription and sales.

- Use keywords: Keywords are most important part of any articles. Your web pages would rank by search engines on basis of keywords only. While search on internet, people also uses keywords. So try to place some well defined and known keywords in four to six words of an articles headline.

- Use short paragraphs: One can easily interpret short paragraphs. Huge paragraphs can also lead reader to select another article. So use short and meaningful paragraphs.

- Use bullet points, sub-headlines, or numbers: These add a nice esthetic touch to your article while simultaneously making it more clear to the reader.

- Resource box: At end of article there will be resource box where you can add your name and URL. So write such information about your product in resource box that can attract your reader. For example, using call action, write "visit us at" etc.

- Write more articles: In order to maintain high traffic on your website, you must write daily. Weekly writing simply wont suffice. Since you will attract more people with more articles, establish reasonable goals for yourself, such as 5 articles a day or 25 articles each week.

Thus, this article can help you in writing high quality articles.

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Article Writing: How To Become A Pro

By Theo McLanahan

Do you want to earn lots of money? Earn while sitting at home and that too at your own time frame can be great business, but what is the way to do this? Write articles for publishers. Dont think that this is too tough job; almost anyone can do this work.

Now the people who publish the articles are often expert in his/her own field. Also people always prefer work from expert. Every successful completion of work needs better planning. So lets plan our working strategies:

- Start brainstorming: It is highly recommended not to sit and think. Your ideas should be recorded down on your computers or on paper. You should have idea about content of the articles. If you dont have any idea, no need to worry as you can take help from internet about article contents. This will help you in gaining much rich ideas about the article.

- After gaining ideas, you need to answer some simple question, such as; you are expert in which field? What are your past experiences? How can your knowledge be helpful to others? While thinking about article makes sure to record every idea that strikes in your mind. Also think relevant title of an article.

-Whats next? : Well, depending on your personal preference you might simply start writing. You could also choose to organize your ideas using an outline before you start your article. It all depends on you; there is no rule.

Do the things that work for you the best.

- Enjoy work: Enjoy your work; you shouldnt feel article writing as boring. If you feel boring then you are not putting your all efforts into the work. Be original; dont try to copy the writing style from others article.

While reading your article people should have eagerness of knowing who you are?

- Dont advertise: Try to stay away from including any advertisements in your writing, since articles shouldnt contain any. Do, however, feel free to mention your name, email address, URL, your product, and other applicable information after finishing the article. Such data is not considered advertising.

- Read your article aloud: Reading your article out loud both alone and in front of others will prove to be helpful. Finding someone to read to that will feel free to question anything they dont quite understand will truly benefit you.

- Always edit your article: After your article is written, be sure to review and edit it. This is an essential part of the writing process. Your computer can help you check for spelling and grammar errors. Keep in mind, however, that you cannot rely on a computer to be one hundred percent accurate grammatically.

- Congratulations! You have successfully completed your article.

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I kid you not, this is the best work at home online business!

By John Wallen

What are you doing this summer, just hanging out, staying cool? While your hanging out you might want to look at something on the internet I am making money with. It's no fun just hanging around the whole summer, but this could really change things.

If you have a minute, I want to show you something that would give you a skill and confidence, a business that could help you make each summer better then the one before. You would be creating the wealth that would allow you to travel anytime and anywhere you heart desired.

When it comes to making money in the privacy and comforts of your own home, I look at it very seriously. I now know what it's like to have these internet marketing skills and be creating wealth that gives you that freedom, and you could easily be doing this for yourself in no time at all.

This could be the step in the right direction you've been looking for, creating a better life, taking control of your future. It's not noble to be mediocre, I started this on a shoestring and have made thousands. I don't want to boast, but it couldn't be easier and you could be doing the same thing.

This is the best of the best of all the work at home opportunities. It's the best money making system you'll ever see and all you have to do to get started is turn the key. I am excited for anyone wanting to use these methods to make the kind of money I have been making.

You simply have got to check this out for yourself. I want you to see for yourself the ultimate business opportunity on the World Wide Web. I want to be able to show you how to cash in with the greatest wealth making breakthrough I have ever discovered marketing on the internet.

This is so complete it's unbelievable and the best thing, you won't have to worry about making websites or creating marketing materials or anything else. That is done for you already, all you have to do is take advantage of getting paid big money with direct deposit to your account.

I kid you not, you will not have to wait for a check in the mail, you get paid right away. That to me is the greatest! So do yourself a favor, put all your doubts aside and look at this opportunity. You could be making big money right from your own home, it don't get no better so get going!

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101 Marketing Strategies Significantly Increase Traffic?

By Trisha Frauenhofer

Regardless of the type of online business you're in, 101 Marketing Strategies will help you build it up. Traffic is the very life's blood of a web based business. If your site doesn't get traffic, you won't stay in business for long. This is why you see so many different companies out there, all trying to sell you a way to get traffic to your site. It's almost impossible to go online these days without seeing a pitch for some company or other promising to get your site noticed by web surfers.

So how can you tell if a given company will be able to deliver on these promises? Can they really get you the traffic your business needs to thrive? It once was that you needed merely to put up a website to get the visitors you needed to get your business growing. However, the proliferation of websites has made it hard for anyone website to stand out.

To get the traffic you need to your site, start by writing articles. Write one about your marketing skills. Make it something which will interest readers, not just a long, disjointed ramble about how terrific your website is. Make a suggestion to readers about where to find the product or service they're looking for.

You've probably tried a few different marketing techniques already - you think you've tried every marketing strategy ever invented. However, you owe it to yourself and to your business to try 101 Marketing Strategies. For instance, they give this useful hint: If you want to make sure that your site gets noticed, don't put links in your article. This may sound counterintuitive to some, but in fact the resource box at the bottom of your article is a far better place to put any links to your site. Readers can read through your article and then see in your resource box that you have a website, the click on the link there to visit your site.

When you've written your articles and want to get them read by the public, it's time to get them out there. Get them to article directories, publishers, anywhere you think they have a chance of being read. Once your article appears in one place, it will likely be picked up by others until you have your article on hundreds, eve thousands of sites all over the internet. Each of these articles includes your resource box, giving you untold opportunities to get more traffic to your site.

If you want to get your articles published as widely as possible (and who doesn't), you should be submitting articles at least once a week - more if you can. The more people see your articles out there, the more you and your site will be recognized and best of all; you will build credibility in the minds of your readers. This is important; people are more likely to make a purchase on the basis of a recommendation of someone who they trust and view as an expert.

Once you have your articles widely published and distributed, this will lead to a dramatic increase in traffic to your site. If you yourself don't have a site, but are instead directing traffic to another site in the hopes of selling a product or services, you are an affiliate marketer. You will then make money from the sales of the product you're endorsing, just as will the merchant.

Many who are in web based businesses think that they are already aware of the best ways to market their website. However, they could be losing out on a lot of traffic to their site if they aren't aware of some of these marketing strategies. The truth is, if you're not already seeing thousands upon thousands of hits on your website, you could benefit from some more marketing work. After all, making money is what any business, online or offline is about - and the best way to make a bigger profit in online business comes down to one word: traffic.

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Wednesday, June 25, 2008

What Makes Top Network Marketers Different From the Rest

By Rob Pike

What makes top network marketers different from everyone else? This seems like a simple enough question - and yet anyone who has failed at network marketing knows that it isn't. Anyone who has failed can probably name a person who is raking in hundreds of thousands of dollars each yet with network marketing; additionally, he can probably tell you exactly what that person says he is doing, but for whatever reason, she cannot duplicate his success.

While these top network marketers seem to be doing obvious things and making money with it, everyone else can't seem to duplicate their success. So what is the difference between everyone else and them?

The major difference between most successful and unsuccessful network marketers is that successful network marketers have gained significant leverage over a long period of time. This leverage then gave them access to a number of other things, including expert help, credibility, and virtually unlimited resources. This often creates a problem that they do not see when they are attempting to train their network: as a credible person in the field with significant resources, they can do a number of things that new network marketers simply cannot.

So rather than looking at what top network marketers are doing differently than everyone else, it might be better to look at what top network marketers did to become "top network marketers."

In this case, the answer is almost always simple and the same: to become "top network marketers," they started out by developing a system that actually worked for them; and then they figured out how other people could duplicate that system relatively well. They then put in the effort to recruit a number of new network marketers; and then had those marketers bring in friends.

In many cases, top network marketers actually start off by selling products, rather than creating systems for building a network. You may want to consider doing this, too, with whatever product you are selling.

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Creative Marketing Ideas - Do Yours Include Powerful Web Tools?

By Trisha Frauenhofer

If Internet marketing is your place to be, you'll need to use creative marketing ideas to be successful. If you use the right marketing strategies, you can bring a lot of traffic to your website. However, if you don't, your website traffic might slow to a trickle, which will greatly hurt your business. To be successful online, you have to be able to drive traffic. Therefore, you should learn about automated web tools that you can use to drive traffic to your website.

Today there are so many different marketing strategies to consider; however, you want to make sure you use the ones that are truly going to bring you the success that you need. So, it's time to take a closer look at the various ideas available out there and decide which strategies are going to give you the results you're really looking for.

When you look at marketing strategies, there are both paid and unpaid options. With the unpaid options, keep in mind that you're going to have to spend some time on them, more than you will for the paid options. Much of the time, the paid options are going to be a great choice, especially if you want results quickly and can spend the money. By contrast, the free methods are not quite as fast, and they'll also require you to be more creative than the paid methods will.

One good way to do this is to use pay per click marketing to encourage more traffic to come to your site. With pay per click marketing, usually, you'll utilize the type of ad that's placed on search engines. It comes up when people do a search with words you use in your ad. One great benefit of pay per click is that you only have to pay for this marketing method when someone clicks on your ad.

When it comes to creative marketing ideas, another great option to try is article marketing. While it is possible to write your own articles and submit them to directories, for the best results, you may want to consider using a paid service that uses automated web tools to take your articles and create hundreds of unique articles from them, then submitting them to various article directories across the web.

Article marketing is a very good marketing option because it has many benefits in addition to those offered by other methods. Your web presence will increase and you'll attract and develop a readership. This, in turn, will establish you as an expert. Another benefit is that these articles are links to your website and this, in turn, will increase your search engine ranking. In many cases, it will push your search engine rankings to the top 10 listings, which is very important.

Another way to increase your exposure is to blog. This, too, is free. However, it's going to take some time from you. However, this allows you to create a personal connection with your readers, those you want to market to. Many marketers find that blogs are excellent marketing tools that bring them great results.

You can see that there are many creative marketing ideas you can use for your website. It's crucial that you get traffic to your website in order to ensure your success. Take some time to consider the options you have, and then begin to implement strategies to make your site the most successful it can be.

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Secret Web 2.0 Marketing: YouTube Friend Adder makes you Rich

By Sam B. Goldberg

Everyone knows about the popularity of the massive Web 2.0 video social network YouTube, today. All sorts of people are signing up to view the millions of videos that have been uploaded. What many people don't think about is the ability to turn this huge database of viewers into a perfect opportunity for business promotion. By using YouTube friend adder marketing software, business owners and entrepreneurs from all over the world can quickly and easily contact huge numbers of people.

Think how many people you can reach in a mass email once the software collects email addresses, allowing you to promote your business quickly, easily, and efficiently. Contact everyone in the database on YouTube, or target a particular market. If you have a niche market for your business, you can choose to send your message only to YouTube members who are in healthcare, real estate, or some other branch of business that relates to you.

One of the number one YouTube marketing software packages you'll find is Stealth Friend Bomber, which is versatile and easy to use. With this type of automated response software, you can literally hit millions of people with a single message and spend hardly any time at all on it.

Stealth Friend Bomber's YouTube friend adder will help you increase time, money, and freedom with its automated software capabilities. The YouTube marketing software takes care of your mass internet email marketing campaign and allows you to spend more time doing other things to promote or manage your business, helps you make more money while you work on other advertising campaigns, and promotes freedom to take care of other responsibilities either in your business or personal life.

You can mass message individuals, mass comment on something, send a mass friend request, send out birthday messages, or even post timed bulletins that go out on a preset timer. Stealth Friend Bomber can be set up as a marketing tool, as well as a YouTube friend adder, so you can send messages in several ways. For these reasons, Stealth Friend Bomber has become a number one YouTube marketing software package.

Sending out mass messages can sometimes be fruitful because it is entirely possible that a particularly interested party hasn't registered as part of the niche market you were trying to reach and was missed in your campaign. Therefore, the Stealth Friend Bomber YouTube friend adder can help you target an audience or simply send mass requests to everyone in a database, giving you more opportunity to get valid responses from interested customers.

There are few places where you can find so many people from various walks of life and in an array of industries who might be interested in what you have to offer. YouTube provides an almost limitless resource for business promotion, and YouTube marketing software is the way to reach the masses without spending a lot of time and effort searching and building your own database.

Few places are available where you can find so many potential contacts and customers in an array of industries that might be interested in what you are selling. YouTube provides a virtually limitless resource for business promotion, and using this resource in conjunction with YouTube friend adder marketing software solves your marketing needs by reaching the masses without spending a lot of time and effort.

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Questions To Ask For The Four Ps of Marketing

By Linda P. Morton

Determining your four ps of marketing can greatly boost your marketing. But many small business owners don't know how to start analyzing their four ps of marketing.

This article provides 20 questions. If you take the time to think about them and answer them in as much detail as possible, it will stimulate your business and help you avoid marketing mistakes.

What are the four Ps? They are product, packaging, price and promotion.

Four Ps Of Marketing: 1. Product Determines The Rest Of Your Marketing

The product is what makes you money. And how well you market your product determines how much money. A good product puts you on the path to building a good business.

Your product is the most important part of your business. It partially determines your markeing and how much profit you get. Ask yourself these questions regarding your product:

1. Who is the target market for your product?

2. Will this product be what the consumer wants or needs?

3. How does your product compare with competing products?

4. How does your product compare with buying trends, experiences?

5. How intense is the desire for your product?

6. Will enough people want this product to match the supply?

7. What's the likely time frame for the most orders?

8. What is the amount of product that you need to meet demands?

Once you've answered all the product questions, you're ready to consider the package questions.

Four Ps Of Marketing: 2. Packaging Can Give Your A Marketing Advantage

Once you know the product, how will you package it to the consumer? There is a saying that you don't judge a book by its cover, well people do and when the packaging of a product does not match what the consumer wants, they move on. It's the 10 second sale, and it has to be done right.

Your package selection may be economical or elaborate. It may contribute to or detract from your business profits.

Ask yourself these questions before making your final packaging decisions:

9. Does your package offer a distinguishing characteristic?

10. Is the package's size right for the product?

11. Will the package keep your product save during distribution and storage.

12. Is your packaging excessive, requiring increased handling?

Consider your answers about your product and package before you finalize the price for your product.

Four Ps Of Marketing: 3. Consider Your Questions on Product and Package To Select A Price

The price of the product is important. It has a big influence on whether they buy it. Too high and they pass it over, too little and they buy it, but you don't make enough money. Ask yourself these questions:

13. Does the price of the product match the demand of the product?

14. How does the cost of producing each unit decrease as volume increases?

15. How much does the price decrease with volume changes?

16. At what point does volume costs and volume discounts combine to set the most profitable price?

Once you know the answers to questions 1-16, you're ready to consider promotion.

Four Ps Of Marketing: 4. Your Promotion Builds From Product, Package and Price

To sell the product, you need to promote it. If you don't promote it properly, you want benefit from the full volume of demand.

Ask yourself these questions:

17. How should you distribute your promotion budget?

18. Does the promotion match how you market your other products?

19. How well does your promotion mix match your product, and its stage in the product life cycle?

20. Is the promotion in line with what your customer's want?

After you've answered these last four questions, you'll be ready to develop a marketing plan.

Four Ps Of Marketing: Summary

Your answers to all 20 questions ground your marketing and maximize your ability to create a strategic marketing plan. Just going through the process of answering them enables you to diagnose potential problems, to see opportunities, and to develop a marketing goal.

Knowing the answers to these questions means you will have a much better chance of selling it to your target market.

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A New Dimension For Generating Serious FREE Traffic!

By Bob McCord CBCP

Using content for articles, why bother?

We are repeatedly told by Internet marketers that content is the most important aspect of any site.

You can have all the content needed to dominate your market for search traffic, crushing your competition for all the top keywords literally clearing a path to the highest Google rankings without breaking sweat -- without a single re-write in sight!

From an Internet Marketers point of view, this would be like winning the lottery, unique content for the web that can be used anywhere with no fear that it will ever be used again - anywhere.

How do I create unique content? I have recently purchased the Content FX system. This single tool is the only one I will ever need to buy. After many long months of testing, the system is ending poor web content forever.

Named Content FX and for those of you with high standards, this masterpiece will solve the problems of junk spun PLR articles, saving you from ever having to stare at a blank screen again. Possibly the most important weapon in your online business arsenal.

The list of people signing up for Content FX is growing because serious marketers cannot wait to get their hands on all that original content; they need to improve their rankings.

To get a new article just requires refreshing the screen and within a fraction of a second a new article is ready to be copied and used. Simple and quick!

How much time would you like to yourself each day? There are a number of ways you can get content from the web but Content FX is the most cost efficient you will find - unless you can afford to pay for or write unlimited articles yourself!

More info? Send blank email to for "ContentFX Revealed".

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Working From Home is Becoming More and More Popular

By Markku Saastamoinen

A great many people are attracted to earning money and working from their home is becoming more and more popular. They have a vision of lazing around all day, doing the occasional menial task and raking in thousands although most who try it certainly wish it were that easy! Try and understand that this job does not have the same feeling of safety that an office job might provide. What is really needed is a strategy that is going to provide some real independence and freedom for all of those that are willing to give it a shot and work at it.

Most of us are hoping to find a way to make quick easy money, and those who look at ways to earn it working from home are often initially drawn to these kinds of 'get rich quick' offers. Some of these do really work, but rarely enough to justify the hype that normally surrounds the sales pitch each person receives.

Paid surveys and data entry usually fall into this category; both types of offers can be found that pay out, but they rarely pay as much as is claimed. One imagines doing a few surveys in the morning, then a leisurely lunch may be, then doing a few more surveys and ending up with several hundred dollars for the day; this is ridiculous.

All of these different types of activities are basically not sustainable for anyone that is seeking out a way to earn some extra money from working at home regularly. It's certainly not the case that these are all scams, but scams do exist in this field, so be wary.

However, in the beginning you will usually find that you are writing for people who are selling your efforts on as their own. This is why you cannot expect to earn a great deal, unless of course you get lucky; the average payment is for a 500 word article so if you work hard, you will only just manage on this.

The next step on article writing is to write for yourself and sell them on and writing public label rights, or PLR, articles can be more lucrative in the long term. The trick is to write say ten articles or so and then sell them at a reduced price but to not one but many people.

To be able to earn good money, while working out of the home, it has to be steady and regular and one has to work at it. Initially it will be difficult but once you turn your back on those schemes to get rich quickly and once you have drafted a neat scheme for yourself things will turn out to be easier.

You need to put in constant efforts to make your home based employment more dependable and to earn a regular income. In the beginning it will not be easy, however, once the kinks have been ironed out and the process streamlined, it will be easy. When it gets to the point of getting a pool of writers who outsource for one, that will be the point of hitting the jackpot and real money can be earned.

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Prove Your Worth: Article Marketing for Business

By Jeremy Blackburn

Article marketing is one of the many advertising strategies that you can use in order to promote your website on the internet. In order to find the best ways to use article marketing, you must first understand how it works and why it works.

Most internet surfers are hip to all the advertising games. They know which strategies will only distract them from what they are looking for, so they avoid these. With article marketing you are giving these surfers the information that they way with the option of visiting your site to learn more. And if you are using quality content in your articles, most people that see them will want to go to your website.

There are two different ways you can start with article marketing. You can brush off your writing skills and get to work writing articles yourself, or you can hire out this job. Many companies that provide article marketing are affordable and will be able to give your quality content that makes sense, is informative, and can bring in the traffic.

Some people cannot write articles for their own site, or just do not have the time in order to complete enough of them to make a difference. Instead, you can find out how to purchase these articles for a low price. Many freelance writers and SEO companies will be able to provide you with multiple articles for a decent price. If you can afford it, you can easily double your exposure online with article marketing, and it is a lot less obvious than other types of marketing.

Article marketing is the sole advertising strategy that has a history of consistently working well. Some people do not even bother using any other way of advertising for their site, and they are very successful. This is why so many people with websites use article marketing in order to drive traffic to their site. It works, and it works well. There is no question about it.

If you are running a business on the internet, you will want to present yourself as an expert in your field. To do this, you will need to have a good article marketing strategy that will prove to those who read the articles that you really know what you are talking about, and that your website is the perfect place for more information.

While other marketing strategies can work, nothing works as well as article marketing. With article marketing, you will be leaving your prints all across the internet. No one will be able to turn the corner without seeing quality material from you. This is the best way to reach new people all the time. And once they are at your site, you will be able to provide them with the information that they have been looking for.

If you want to bring the traffic in, you will need to begin with article marketing. It is the only proven strategy that will work time and time again. Not longer will you need to worry about spending all that time and money on other advertising. Now that you have discovered article marketing, there is no stopping you.

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