Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Practicing Your Phone Presentation

By Rob Pike

One critical component of any successful network marketing downline expansion campaign is the rehearsal of your presentation. Now, this does not mean that you should impersonally contact all of your leads and talk to them as if they are objects. Rather, it means that you should have a duplicable, yet compelling set of reasons for why they should adopt your program.

Now, this is important: many people will immediately resist any type of offer - especially the offer to join a marketing network, which is often perceived to be a scam. This is why you have to have answers to points of resistance ready in advance. Unless you're quick on your feet, chances are you will be unable to respond to many issues that leads raise about your program or about your offer. Instead, figure out what these are in advance and record more of them as you go along.

Now, in addition to this, you will want a general format to follow. You can start by introducing yourself and the product; you can then move on to a problem-solution model, whereby you pull a problem out of them-something they have experienced recently-- and then propose a solution using your product, whether you're presenting the product itself or the networking opportunity.

Practicing these two parts-the presentation itself and the answers to potential problems and questions-are hands-down the most important parts of network marketing. If you flounder around on the phone or if you make your presentation in a completely unprofessional way, your target audience is almost guaranteed to reject you as being an amateur.

Remember: you're not only selling the product; you're also selling your image. If your target audience suspects that you have had no success with the program yourself-and it is evident in your lack of confidence-how can you then expect them to pick up the program, too? The answer is that you can't.

So practice your phone call routine, your answers to questions, and your presentation until you have them all memorized.

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